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Living Water
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: August 03, 2009 09:07AM

I've been reading about the importance of living water, not just purified, but water which still has its life force, like it is in nature. As it gets treated by municipalities, and even just forced to move through straight pipes, it looses its life force. Victor Schauberger, an Austrian naturalist, discovered that as water swirls and moves forming vortices in nature it is not only purifying the water, but adding a vital life force energy.

There is an interview of two scientists who are working with technologies which bring the life energy back to water to revitalize it. The interview is available at this site:


I'm wanting to know if anyone has used any of these types of devices before and if so, what kinds of results you got?? It makes sense to me in the same way that going raw makes sense. Its like drinking "raw" water or as close to it as you can get these days.

Would love to hear your comments.

Re: Living Water
Posted by: Wheatgrass Yogi ()
Date: August 04, 2009 12:10PM

devagirl Wrote:
> Would love to hear your comments.
For those on a superior Diet, there isn't very much Water
intake. So water shouldn't be that important. I wouldn't waste my
time with Living Water. It seems like a Scheme to me.
The Best water for the Human body is steam-distilled. Everything else
comes in second.....WY

Re: Living Water
Posted by: Ebhak ()
Date: August 09, 2009 11:33AM

there is a lot of water hype. there's a lot of hype in general nowadays. A lot of metaphysical, science, and pseudoscience combines together with marketing in this aspect. Depending on what paradigm, or group of paradigms I approach this from I could answer you differently.

I go with distilled at the moment, and when I remember, I infuse it with my own vibration/intention/etc..

Much of the groundwater in the planet is polluted to some degree.

Do you really have to alkalis restructure your water? in view it with fractals from sunlight? ( you can put in the sun distilled)... sing songs to it? make sweet love to it? depends on who you ask really.... there are studies on water as a carrier of impressions, reacting to vibration, etc... they're insanely expensive pi mag alkalizing biophotonic water systems, each with several pages of "science"....

I know a lot of people who only drink water from streams, saying that streams very pure... I know many who claim there was a lot of life force energy in stream water... I've drank stream water, it feels good, usually at the same time on out in nature exercising breathing fresh air communing with the plants and with nature and feeling good about myself for being out there... I draw for many times in my life, and perhaps my imagination.

If I lived by a stream, I might use that, seems like a lot of energy to distill it all. Still that is your assurance for the purest water, and how does nature purify water? evaporation and condensation is one part of it, hence rain, hence distillation. So after it falls, it then goes through all these other filters, of sorts. all of this water has been through these cycles many many many times. The water you're drinking was possibly urinated from some creature, part of another's body, cell membrane, a glazier, who knows. Again this gets into another area where I have explored both sides, one is taking the fundamental science, the other is extrapolating on a lot of more edgy science, and some more metaphysical in nature... I can't say I've seen convincing proof that hasn't had an alternative explanation from a critic, that requires discernment however, because there are critics of everything....

WY makes a great point however. Most of my water comes from fruits, celery, and greens. This is structured living water with very high energy. However I know some athletes who still drink multiple gallons of distilled water a day even eating more fruit than I. They are physically active, some very.

In the jungles/rain Forest we would be absorbing rainwater/condensation/tree water through our skins, much of the time.

I know people who take glass containers and fill up Springwater, drive a few hours just to get it. A lot of work.

Re: Living Water
Posted by: Wheatgrass Yogi ()
Date: August 09, 2009 02:14PM

Ebhak Wrote:
> I know people who take glass containers and fill
> up Springwater, drive a few hours just to get it.
> A lot of work.
Very interesting post Ebhak. If I drank more water,
I'd buy a Water Distiller. As it is, I'm currently drinking
Natural Spring Water. I don't like the high TDS (total dissolved
solids), over 200 ppm, it has, but I feel the plastic container
it comes in is safer than the others.

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