wheatgrass question
Posted by:
Date: March 09, 2013 06:14AM I was wondering when you finish growing your wheatgrass, can you leave the grass anywhere you want in the house or do you have to refrigerate it? Does anyone know how long it will last til it expires? thanks, this is my first time growing it Re: wheatgrass question
Posted by:
Date: March 09, 2013 08:13AM littlemisstwilight Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- .....can you leave the grass anywhere you want in the house or do you have to refrigerate it? While in the growing stage, Wheatgrass reaches its full potency when it reaches 6" to 9" in height. Once cut, it should be juiced immediately. However, I have stored cut grass in the refrigerator for a couple of days. I have just moved into a space that will allow me to rekindle my interest in growing Wheatgrass. The 'key' is using nutrient dense compost. Growing in 2" plastic trays, without soil, produces an inferior grass....an Exercise-in-Futility. The Art of growing Wheatgrass should be approached with an assembly-line mentality......WY Re: wheatgrass question
Posted by:
Date: March 10, 2013 01:40AM do the seeds take really long to sprout? about 24 hours? Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.