low rpm juicers
Posted by:
Date: March 29, 2013 03:26PM Has anyone used a low rpm (<150) juicer as a grinder only to be used together with a press? I'm not sure if I should buy a champion (1725 rpms) or go with a greenstar, samson, etc.. My concern is that even though the lower rpm juicer will oxidize less it might take too long or not grind the produce well and back up with juice or get jammed. I owned a 100 rpm juicer before but never used it with the blank screen so don't know if I would experience those setbacks. I will mostly be juicing apples and veggies. Re: low rpm juicers
Posted by:
Date: March 31, 2013 11:52AM Why not go with something like the Omega 8004. I find it fair priced ($260), quiet, fairly fast, grinds the vegges well including greens, never jams, 80 rpm, makes good high quality juice and makes the pressing of the pulp very mess free because the pulp is not very wet just slightly damp. Cleanup is a breeze 40 seconds and the warrenty (15 years) is the best in the business. Also you can just grind vegges and it makes nut meal, pasta, etc. Re: low rpm juicers
Posted by:
Date: March 31, 2013 05:24PM timeconnors Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- ....Why not go with something like the Omega 8004. Omega has since come out with an upgrade...the 8005 (White) and 8007 (Chrome). They have a harder auger (8 times), different on-off switch, and improved design juice and pulp catch containers. The chrome 8007 costs $50 more than the white 8005. I have an 8005. If I had to have only one juicer, the 8005 would be it......WY Re: low rpm juicers
Posted by:
Date: March 31, 2013 08:10PM WY the 8005 and 8006 are chrome and the 8003 and 8004 are white. Mine is the 8004 with the harder auger and the 15 year warranty. The 8005 is the older auger style in chrome see [www.discountjuicers.com] Re: low rpm juicers
Posted by:
Date: March 31, 2013 09:06PM timeconnors Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- ....WY the 8005 and 8006 are chrome and the 8003 and 8004 are white. Mine is the 8004 with the harder auger Mine is too!! I stand corrected. You know your juicers......WY Re: low rpm juicers
Posted by:
Date: April 07, 2013 02:01PM I'm very happy with my Omega 2004. I think the chrome one (8006) is nice but I'm not into aesthetics too much. Same machine - all I care about is the mechanics of the thing.
It's funny: until I began to care about my health, the only reason I was in the kitchen was to make coffee. Juicing, vitamxing, citrus juicing? Spend most of my time there now! Re: low rpm juicers
Posted by:
Date: April 15, 2013 01:27AM I'm hooked on the Omega Vert. at 70-80 rpm. I find it easier to use & clean than the Omega 04/05/06 series. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.