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Running pulp back through the juicer...
Posted by: Chrilyner ()
Date: May 12, 2013 01:01PM

This may be a completely idiotic question, but I just have to ask.

Am I the only person out there that runs my pulp back through the juicer once after I send the raw foods through the first time?

I just recently began juicing and even though my pulp came out dry and fluffy I had the notion to send it back through the juicer. Depending on what I had juiced I got anywhere from another 1/4c to another 1/2c of juice by doing this. I have been searching all over the internet and have yet to see anyone ever mention doing this. I also found that doing this helped some things that hadn't juiced well the first time around (especially parsley and spinach) to turn into better pulp the second time.

Just wondering if anyone else does or has done this.

Re: Running pulp back through the juicer...
Posted by: janetc ()
Date: May 12, 2013 04:18PM

I think quite a few people do this.

For me, however, it really didn't add anything (except a few drops) to my already delicious juice. For me, it was more trouble than it was worth, and the returns didn't make the juice any better tasting.

I use an Omega 8004 and it does a pretty good job of squeezing the juice out the first time though.


Re: Running pulp back through the juicer...
Posted by: Chrilyner ()
Date: May 12, 2013 07:38PM

that's probably why it works well for me, I'm borrowing a juicer from a friend. I don't know what kind it is (haven't looked) but I know it's a cheaper model.

janetc Wrote:
> I think quite a few people do this.
> For me, however, it really didn't add anything
> (except a few drops) to my already delicious
> juice. For me, it was more trouble than it was
> worth, and the returns didn't make the juice any
> better tasting.
> I use an Omega 8004 and it does a pretty good job
> of squeezing the juice out the first time though.

Re: Running pulp back through the juicer...
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: May 12, 2013 10:00PM

If it's a cheaper model, how does it have that ability? I have an Omega and it has a reverse switch but my cheaper models didn't have it.

Re: Running pulp back through the juicer...
Posted by: Chrilyner ()
Date: May 13, 2013 01:19PM

I take the pulp out and place it in a bowl then run it back through smiling smiley

Re: Running pulp back through the juicer...
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: May 13, 2013 06:48PM

Got it! I have a back switch. Never thought to use it because the pulp is so dry!smiling smiley

Re: Running pulp back through the juicer...
Posted by: Snapdragon ()
Date: May 15, 2013 02:44PM

I run the pulp through my Omega 8004 again, but I've never used the back switch. I thought that was just to unjam it? I just scoop the pulp out of the bin and load it in again from the top.


Re: Running pulp back through the juicer...
Posted by: thekla ()
Date: October 12, 2013 05:37AM

I guess this thread is a few months old, but I just showed up. I have a champion juicer and I usually run the pulp through more than once. With something wet like tomatoes, I just get more. With something hard like apples or carrots, I "rinse" the pulp. Once the pulp is in the container, I add a fraction of the volume of water, to moisten the pulp, then run it through again. My thinking is that I get more of the good stuff out because what is left behind on the cellulose and lignins has been "diluted" with water. The juice coming through after I've added the water is quite colorful, and the resulting juice is plenty flavorful.


Re: Running pulp back through the juicer...
Posted by: gypsyluv ()
Date: October 17, 2013 05:49PM

I used to have a Champion when it was state of the art but gave it away to my daughter and now have an Omega 350 VRT. It's a great juicer and it doesn't make sense for me to put the pulp through again, although I used to do it. I'm thinking about getting the Omega 8006 or whatever the latest one is because I can put everything through using the homogenizer and then put all that mash into the Peoples Press, and that way there's NO PULP!!! I got this idea from John Kohler on you tube. He's hysterical and very informative!
As it is now Ihave to put my juice through a strainer. It's OK but not the best way to get pulp-free juice.....

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