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nettle recipes?
Date: August 29, 2006 12:33PM

Hi all,

I was collecting nettles today, and am now wondering how to prepare them RAW. I used to make cooked nettle soup, which was delicious, but now I don't want to cook them anymore. The cooking made them eadible, though, because they were not 'burning' anymore.
I was wondering if preparing them like spinach (like in Jen Rose's spinach dip), cutting them very fine, would take away the burning.
Does anyone has any experience or recipes? greatly appreciated!


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Re: nettle recipes?
Posted by: Funky Rob ()
Date: October 16, 2006 09:06PM

Hi Sabine

Blending or juicing nettles takes away the sting.

I have made soup in a blender with nettles, soaked almonds, water and probably some other stuf which I can't remember...

Nettle and celery juice works well.


Rob Hull - Funky Raw
My blog: []

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Re: nettle recipes?
Posted by: carolg ()
Date: October 22, 2006 12:36AM

Please share the nettle soup. I would love to get more into them when I can grow my own next Spring. Our growing season is gone now.

Thanks. carolg

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Nettle salad
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: March 21, 2007 09:20AM

Nettle is easy to be eaten raw if first it has been washed thoroughly, cut in small piees and smashed by hand with some sea salt for just a bit. After that to this mixture I like to add green onions, lemon juice, some olive oil and top with walnuts.

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Re: nettle recipes?
Posted by: FarmerBry ()
Date: March 21, 2007 07:12PM

Nettle sun tea is a great way to use fresh nettles as well.

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Re: nettle recipes?
Posted by: taylor ()
Date: March 22, 2007 11:43AM

may i ask what the benefits of nettles are? is it cause they are greens?there is alot of them here where i live.i wouldn't mind collecting them?how do u make the nettle sun tea?? thanks so very much.taylor


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Re: nettle recipes?
Posted by: FarmerBry ()
Date: March 23, 2007 03:14AM

In order to make the nettle sun tea you just use the leaves as you would any other plant for tea, put them in a glass jar with water and whatever else you like for flavor, let it sit the sun (or moon for lunar tea) all day (or night) and strain out the plant matter after the water has changed color (and looks like tea). Enjoy warm right out of the sun, or chilled.

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Re: nettle recipes?
Posted by: Avocadess ()
Date: April 15, 2007 09:57PM

Nettles are great for the bones, teeth and hair because of the silica -- which is transformed by the body into calcium. That is my understanding anyhow.

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