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Raw Food Recipes
Posted by: ()
Date: November 11, 2015 07:07AM


I like to create raw food recipes and will share with you some of them.
All dishes are made of natural and really raw ingredients.

All recipes are self made, so you can ask me any questions smiling smiley

Here is the first recipe:

Sweet Cheese and Plums Smoothie
Raw Peaches Green Buckwheat Cheese and Plums Smoothie with Grape


Green buckwheat 150 g
Sesame 50 g
Peach 300 g
Fresh dates 60 g (6 pc.)
Cinnamon 1 g (1/2 teaspoon) to taste
Plum 500 g
Dark grape 200 g


1. For cheese take green buckwheat, sesame, peaches, fresh dates and cinnamon.
For smoothie take plums and dark grapes.

2. Soak green buckwheat overnight. Grind sesame in a coffee grinder.
3. For cheese in low-speed blender, blend soaked green buckwheat, sesame flour,
peaches and fresh date until smooth. Add cinnamon and blend again.
4. For smoothie in height-speed blender, blend plums until smooth.
Break grapes with sprigs.

5. Put first layer of green buckwheat cheese, than put second layer
of plums smoothie and put grapes in it.
Repeat first and second layers again. Put last layer of green buckwheat
cheese and decorate it with grapes.

Bon Appetit!

PS. I will be happy to answer any questions regarding this recipe, or anything else.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 11/11/2015 07:21AM by

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Re: Raw Food Recipes
Posted by: ()
Date: April 20, 2016 08:48AM

Hello! This is a new recipe for yousmiling smiley

Pumpkin Cream Soup
Raw Pumpkin and Coconut Soup with Mushrooms


Pumpkin 400 g
Coconut 300 g
Mushroom 150 g
Lemon 150 g (1 pc.)
Scallion 40 g
Celery stem 50 g
Water 300 g


1. Take pumpkin, coconut, mushrooms, lemon, scallion and stem celery with leaves.

2. Make Coconut Milk, chop scallion and celery, cut into cubes pumpkin and slice mushrooms.


3. Mix chopped greens and sliced mushrooms.

4. In a high-speed blender, blend Coconut Milk, pumpkin cubes and lemon until smooth.

5. Mix vegetables with pumpkin smoothie.

PS. I will be happy to answer any questions regarding this recipe, or anything else.

See all my raw food recipes click here on

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Re: Raw Food Recipes
Posted by: ()
Date: April 25, 2016 08:41AM

Hello! Easter soon! This is a new recipe for you!

Almond Easter Bread (Paska)
Raw Almond and Coconut Easter Bread with Banana Cream


Happy Easter to everyone!

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Re: Raw Food Recipes
Posted by: ()
Date: April 25, 2016 09:06AM

Chickpea Paste with Vegetables
Raw Chickpea Paste with Carrot, Sweet Pepper, Parsley and Sweet Onion


To see the method, follow the link:

PS. I will be happy to answer any questions regarding this recipe, or anything else.

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Re: Raw Food Recipes
Posted by: ()
Date: May 10, 2016 10:42AM

Cauliflower and Pumpkin Soup
Raw Cauliflower and Pumpkin Cream Soup with Scallion

Raw Food Recipe


Pumpkin 500 g
Cauliflower 500 g
Black radish 50 g
Scallion 20 g (1 bunch)
Red sweet onion 50 g (1/2 pc.)
Garlic 5 g (1 clove)
Lemon 100 g
Dried Cauliflower 50 g or other dried vegetables
Parsley 10 g optional


1. Take cauliflower, pumpkin, lemon, sweet onion, black radish, garlic, scallion and dried vegetables.

2. Cut pumpkin and cauliflower on a large cube.

3. Chop finely scallion greens and sweet onion. Cut arbitrarily black radish.

4. Blend in a blender cauliflower, pumpkin, lemon and half cup of water until smooth. Add black radish, garlic and blend again.

5. Put into soup chopped greens and sweet onion and dried cauliflower or vegetables. Serve with any cracker to taste.

To see the photos of method

PS. I will be happy to answer any questions regarding this recipe, or anything else.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/10/2016 10:43AM by

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Re: Raw Food Recipes
Posted by: ()
Date: May 10, 2016 10:50AM

Cauliflower and Celery Root Patties
Raw Cauliflower Patties with Celery Root and black Radish

Raw Food Recipe


Cauliflower 400 g
Celery root 300 g
Black radish 200 g
Garlic 10 g (2 cloves)
Lemon 150 g (1 pc.) juice from
Peanut 70 g
White flax seeds 70 g


To see the photos of method

1. Take cauliflower, celery root, black radish, garlic, lemon, white flax seeds, peanut.

2. Grate in a coarse grater cauliflower, celery root and black radish and grate garlic on a fine grater. Mix grated vegetables and add lemon juice.

3. Grind in a coffee grinder white flax seeds and peanuts until flour.

4. Mix grated vegetables with lemon juice and add white flax seeds and peanuts flour.

5. Form round patties of mixture.

PS. I will be happy to answer any questions regarding this recipe, or anything else.

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Re: Raw Food Recipes
Posted by: ()
Date: May 18, 2016 08:33AM

Green Buckwheat with Vegetables
Raw Green Buckwheat with Cauliflower and Celery Root

To see Raw Food Recipe


Green Buckwheat Sprouts 300 g
Cauliflower 100 g
Celery root 100 g
Black radish 100 g
Garlic 5 g (1 clove)
Lemon 150 g (1 pc)
Sesame 30 g
Peanut 30 g
Scallion 10 g
Parsley 10 g


1. Take Activated Green Buckwheat, cauliflower, celery root, black radish, garlic, lemon, sesame, peanut and scallion, parsley.
2. Grate in a coarse grater cauliflower, celery root and black radish and grate garlic on a fine grater. Mix grated vegetables and add lemon juice.
3. Grind in a coffee grinder sesame and peanuts until flour. Chop finely scallion and parsley.
4. Mix activated green buckwheat, grated vegetables with lemon juice, chopped greens and add sesame and peanuts flour.

To see all photos of this dish

See all my raw food recipes click here on

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Re: Raw Food Recipes
Posted by: ()
Date: May 18, 2016 08:40AM

Classic Potato Chips
Raw Patato Chips with Japanese Sauce

To see Raw Food Recipe


Red potato 1 kg
Lemon 300 g (2 pcs.)
Allspice 2 g (1 tablespoon)
Paprika 2 g (1 tablespoon)
Cloves 2 g (1 tablespoon)
Dried garlic 2 g (1 tablespoon)
Dried sweet paprica 2 g (1 tablespoon)
Coriander 2 g (1 tablespoon)
Dried onion 2 g (1 tablespoon)
Cumin 2 g (1 tablespoon)
Dried basil 2 g (1 tablespoon)
Black pepper 2 g (1 tablespoon)
Japanese Sauce 150 g


1. Sliced potatoes on slicer grater.
2. Squeeze the juice from the lemons using juicer and add to sliced potatoes.
3. Make spice mix with ground dried garlic, sweet paprika, coriander, dried onion, cumin, dried basil, black pepper, allspice, paprika, dried savory, carnation, cloves.
4. Add spice mix to potato.
5. Dry slices of potato on sun or in a dehydrator at 42 C until dry.
6. Add to ready chips Japanese sauce.

To see all photos of this dish

See all my raw food recipes click here on

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