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Are buckwheat sprouts hard for you to digest?
Posted by: Rawrrr! ()
Date: March 15, 2007 04:50PM

I chewed them real good, and it all still comes out like gravel. I just wonder if I really am getting anything out of them?

Re: Are buckwheat sprouts hard for you to digest?
Posted by: sachelle ()
Date: March 17, 2007 06:23PM

HI there.....i have a sprouting book that says buckwheat and wheatberries are harder among the rest to digest...i had a similar experience with the wheatberries as that is all i know is what i read..they are harder to digest so some people tend to stay away since it takes a while and causes upset..others with a rock of a tummy can eat them and not experience the difficulties...good luck
love sachelle

Re: Are buckwheat sprouts hard for you to digest?
Posted by: Rawrrr! ()
Date: March 20, 2007 12:58AM

Thanks for the info, Sachelle!

Lentils seem to be easier to digest, though I'm having a hard time finding a scientific study supporting this, rather than subjective.

I'm trying to increase the variety of my raw foods.

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