Any ideas for vanilla ice cream?
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Date: April 23, 2006 12:46PM Just vanilla flavor. Not banana. I was thinking to use a vanilla bean to flavor it. But what about the ice cream? Re: Any ideas for vanilla ice cream?
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Date: April 23, 2006 03:04PM I made some vanilla icecream recently. The cream part was based around cashew nuts with some young coconut flesh in it, I put this in the food processor until it was creamy. I added the coconut milk to get it runny enough, with agarve nector for sweetener and for the vanilla flavor I scraped the inside of a couple of inches of vanilla pod. Then I put the mixture in a Cuisinart ice-20 Ice Cream and Soberbet maker. It came out pretty yummy.
I think I'm going to try it with brazil nuts next time, after finding out the "raw" cashew nuts I've been using are not really raw. Cheers, Ian. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.