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Hello from Australia, Adelaide Hills region
Posted by: Nayana ()
Date: June 26, 2011 07:35AM

I've just joined and would like to meet others with like mind and life experience with food and health, meditation, yoga. Love to hear from you. Welcome to Australia if you are coming this way. Wonderful organic produce. I'm told I have amazing greens growing wild in my garden. Love to all Nayana

Re: Hello from Australia, Adelaide Hills region
Posted by: cdonavon ()
Date: July 22, 2011 08:03PM

Hi Nayana,
I just joined this site and one of my hopes was to correspond with like-minded people in other countries as well as the US. I live in Santa Fe, New Mexico and have been doing serious (@ 80%) fresh and raw eating for a couple of months. I've been easing into it since the beginning of the year. I have been on partial raw food diets in the past, but have gotten really serious about it - finally. I've lost 33 lbs. since January 1 and have considerably lessened the pain and inflammation in my arthritic right knee.
How long have you been eating raw?
Australia is one of the places I dream about visiting one day.
I'm 63 years old (but feel 20 years younger). I am a singer/actress/director very active in the local theatre community. Also do a bit of writing and painting.
Santa Fe is a wonderful place to live. There is a lot of consciousness here about healthy eating. We have several health food groceries, a lovely farmer's market, and at least one restaurant that features excellent raw food choices beyond the simple salad.
Would love to correspond if you are interested. Let me know and I'll send you my email address.

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