Going back to raw.
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Date: January 16, 2014 01:06AM So I was almost 100 % raw a few years ago and it was honestly the best I had ever felt. Since then many things have happened, met a girl, fell off my path for a bit then ended back on your standard american diet. Fast foward a few years and once again many things have happened. Realized I was unhappy in life, in relationship, at work so I set out and reevaluated my life. I got out of said relationship, quit smoking, and finaly got certified as an EMT-B, oh, and I found what turned out to be the love of my life!
So along with all these new changes I thought about when the last time I could honestly say I felt good about myself, the last time I wasn't constantly tired and angry and just feeling shitty in general. The answer? When I was eating raw. So with my girlfriend by my side as support, we'll both be transitioning to eating raw. Looking forward to spending time on this forum and learning from an amazing community. Re: Going back to raw.
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Date: February 15, 2014 11:44PM Sounds like you faced quite a crisis! Keep up the good work. I have posted a lot just today, and would encourage you to check out other people seeking advice as new to raw, under this forum. Keep in mind you body's needs for sufficient amounts of nutrition and a need for balance between sweet and savory foods. My personal philosophy is that chewing my food is optimal, rather than making smoothies. I sprout rice and sesame, allowing a day or two for germination, and add salt. I eat fruits considering a balance needed between them and the veggies (sprouts), including carrots or another good source of Vitamin A. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.