Hi All
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Date: February 05, 2014 11:02PM I'm new here, and to the raw food diet. My boy friend got me interested in it, because he used to be on it a year or so ago for a while and not only lost a few pounds but felt incredibly healthy. I want to go raw with my boy friend and I think his brother might join in too. We could support each other which would be great, because I always have junk food cravings. My boy friend said that it would naturally go away once I'm on it for a while, and that I would even find some food that I loved to eat before gross to look at. Anyways I'm on here, because I'm a total noob to it, and while my boy friend's idea of just going on a daily shake sounds alright, I want a bit of variety and want to know the best foods and combination for my body. I'm not going raw to lose weight or anything, just become healthy and maybe lose just a little bit of thigh fat. lol Pretty much, I think that if I eat this way, and I'm already trying to eliminate other chemicals from my body as well (like shampoo, soap, etc.), that I will stay and feel young for my life. Well maybe not my life, but if I'm 50, and look 10 years younger, that would be great. lol I'm 19 now, so I need to start soon. Re: Hi All
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Date: February 15, 2014 11:15PM I like eating sprouted rice and sesame, with a bit of salt added, also plenty of fruit. I made a few recent posts in this forum that you might look for.
I have a degree in nutrition, and know that what some science says is that you need to keep up you calories and protein. Raw foods will make your digestion more efficient, usually, and you may feel satisfied with less. Moreover, getting enough to eat is common sense when trying to avoid excessive cravings. That can be a challenge on a raw diet, getting enough, without "smoothing" it out like your boyfriend. Chewing my rice and sesame sprouts can take What seems too long, at times. I will eat fruit in cases where I don't have time to sit down to a meal. I also take heart in that my diet is so easily digested that I can be more active and multitask the meal with other activities. I combine the fruit with the sprouts, unconcerned about any adverse consequences, mostly. Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/15/2014 11:16PM by esa. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.