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Small seeds like alfalfa don't grow nicely for me.
Posted by: Diana (Cda) ()
Date: October 05, 2014 03:09PM

Hi everyone!

I've been growing sunseed and pea shoot sprouts in soil for about 4 years now. These grow beautifully. But water-based or small seeds, I just don't have much luck with. When I eat at raw vegan restaurant, I'm always so amazed at how pristine and beautiful the small alfalfa and other sprouts, the kind not grown in soil, are. And I've never in over 10 years grown anything half that well.

The ends of the roots are sometimes withered and brownish and seeds just don't look as well. Granted, I've had flukes and I buy high quality seed so it's the method I use rather than anything else, I'm sure.

How do you get your jar-soaked seeds like alfalfa or adzuki or fenugreek, etc., to grow beautifully plump and white????

Thank you!

Re: Small seeds like alfalfa don't grow nicely for me.
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: October 05, 2014 07:26PM

I've found that growing smaller seed sprouts (broccoli, alfalfa, clover) in soil is far easier than using jars, plus it's better for the seeds because they have more exposure to oxygen and aren't crammed together. Just wait until they start to sprout a little bit and toss them on a very thin layer of soil. Water lightly twice daily (morning and evening) and harvest around 1.5-2 inches tall. I juice all my sprouts though... broccoli/radish sprouts, sunflower greens, and wheatgrass are the staples.

Re: Small seeds like alfalfa don't grow nicely for me.
Posted by: thimbleroot ()
Date: January 03, 2015 03:28PM

I have had the same problem and I do prefer to sprout most seeds in jars so what I've found is not putting so many seeds in at a time. You may have to process 3 jars instead of just one. The other reply is right as cramming them results in lack of oxygen. You will still get lots of sprouts and they will be much happier if sparser. Small seeds in soil I just find tedious to cut etc. I like to be able to just grab them out of the jar or store in the refrigerator when ready and toss them right in a salad or smoothie.
good luck

Re: Small seeds like alfalfa don't grow nicely for me.
Posted by: vermontnl ()
Date: January 03, 2015 09:46PM

I also wash my (alfalfa, clover, etc.) sprouts around day 5 in a bowl of water to remove husks which float and sink, grabbing the cleaned sprouts and putting them back into the jar for another day or two of growth and to green up good. These keep better also.

Re: Small seeds like alfalfa don't grow nicely for me.
Posted by: Raellz ()
Date: June 02, 2015 10:38AM

I agree with the above comments, the small leafy sprouts need more room,
I only put a tablespoon of seed in a jar for this reason.
I also make sure that they don't tangle as they start to grow, rolling the jar or I take them out of the jar and tease them apart and then return them to the jar.

The de-hulling process is very important to, I do this in a large bowl and sometimes twice during the later growing.

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