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smoking in your car.....
Posted by: Sapphire ()
Date: June 18, 2008 05:43AM

I notice that it has been in the news lately that some provinces in Canada are making it illegal to smoke in your vehicle if you are transporting your kids. Great idea in my opinion.

I am just curious - is this happening anywhere else, or has it already happened? What are the views in the different states in the US or in the UK, or elsewhere? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but the news here seems to be mostly about here, so I would love to think that this is being looked at in other places as well.

How wonderful it would be if it would become okay for the non-smokers to actually speak out for clean air regardless of their age or status in society! (without becoming pariahs or getting their heads bitten off by the minority!) Thank goodness for sites such as this where people are actually allowed to have the opinion that their health should matter!


Re: smoking in your car.....
Posted by: Joanne81 ()
Date: June 18, 2008 02:40PM

That is a great law and I would get behind it. I have never heard of a law like that being passed in the States. Smoking in cars is dangerous. Once I had a friend who smoked. I was sitting in the back of her car while she was driving. She threw her butt out the front window and it blew in again through the back window falling into the back of my pants. I started to smell something burning, which turned out to be my pants and started yelling. She stopped the car and I got out and hopped around like a crazy person. Finally when I got it out of my pants, I had a painful cigarette burn. No joke. That is a strange example of how smoking could be dangerous in a car, but there are many potential accidents. The kids shouldn't have to inhale the second hand smoke. Both of my parents smoked cigarettes with my siblings and I in the car and I know we inhaled a lot of smoke, even with them being careful about blowing it out the window.

Re: smoking in your car.....
Date: June 18, 2008 03:08PM

I see it everyday in Jacksonville Florida in traffic, it's the saddest thing, especially when they have the window closed because it's so hot and use their A/C. I want to say something, but it's like talking to air.

I loved it when they passed the law here in Florida, "where there is food, there is no smoking" So in all restaurants you can not smoke, *go outside*

Re: smoking in your car.....
Date: June 18, 2008 06:38PM

Every time I am around someone who is smoking my eyes water and I sneeze like crazy.

My website: The Coconut Chronicles

Re: smoking in your car.....
Posted by: mindy_r ()
Date: June 19, 2008 03:17PM

i LOVE the law that says you are not allowed to smoke in you car with youths and children. i love in nova scotia, which was the first province to put that law into effect, and i remember the day they did it. the radio station that i listen to was ranting about how the government was taking away their rights and blah blah blah! i was SO mad! what about the rights of the children??? don't they have rights, shouldn't they be able breathe air not polluted with cigarette smoke? you are not allowed to smoke in a car with people 18 and under in the car with you. in nova scotia (and most of canada, i think) you are not allowed to smoke in ANY public building. i really like that! i don't want to smell that crap!

Re: smoking in your car.....
Posted by: Sapphire ()
Date: June 19, 2008 04:38PM

We haven't put that law forward here in BC yet, but I am sure it will just be a matter of time. I know when we banned public smoking in buildings, there was such an uproar. All the pubs said they were going to lose their shirts and so on, yet we have the lowest percentage of smokers in all of Canada here (I think).

One thing that had kept my family away from pubs and restaurants for years is the smoke, and I am sure it is the same for many others. How wonderful now, to be able to walk into any building and not be assaulted with that poison!

I suspect that if anyone was to check back with all those pubs and restaurants that were once predicting doom and gloom, they are probably making tons more money today. Not only are there more non-smokers in the world, but not having to pay for that addiction, many of them have more available money to spend!

It makes me so angry any time I drive past the high school and see those beautiful young people poisoning their bodies with cigarettes. (there aren't a lot, but there are usually a few) Wish we could figure out how to stop that before it starts!

Guess I am on the rampage because my smoker-mom was here to visit recently. Even though she only smoked out in the garage, the stink wafted all through the house, and my daughter complained for the whole visit how bad it made her car smell. (even with all the windows closed!) Its so sad, but none of my kids like their grandma, and it is 100% because she stinks so bad, and is quite obnoxious about her "right" to smoke (apparently the rest of us don't have the right to clean air). How frustrating!


Re: smoking in your car.....
Posted by: leafeater ()
Date: June 19, 2008 05:35PM

What a fantastic law! As a teacher I always feel so sad for my 8 year old students who come to school stinking of cigarettes. I used to smoke, but since having my own kids I can't even imagine putting toxins into their little bodies, let alone mine!

Re: smoking in your car.....
Posted by: mindy_r ()
Date: June 19, 2008 07:07PM

hey! i am a teacher too! i always feel so sad to see little children in a car with adults smoking. i always think that the parents must not like their children if they could poison them like that!

i completely understand your rant! my landlord has her daughter over all the time and she smokes (the daughter) and the smell comes right into our apt! we live in an old victorian house converted to apts so i try to block the smell with a towel under the door but i just doesn't work since the door is not straight in the door frame any more (the house was built in 1871). it really gets me mad because the lady had/has cancer and is trying to get better and her daughter still smokes around her!! my landlord is in her late 70's i am sure! it makes me very sad to think about what the smoke is doing to her body.

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