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I felt physically sick after watching this. The scariest thing I have ever heard and if it is true...there is no where to turn.
Date: March 23, 2009 03:19AM

This video: []

Re: Codex Alimentarius

According to the video, the United Nations is taking a world-wide stand to kill off the weak, poor and elderly with nutricide.

All natural supplements will be illegal- no prescription possible- if sold, prosecuted just like selling cocaine and all food will be chemically treated so it has no nutrients. TO COMMENCE DECEMBER 31 of this year.

Re: I felt physically sick after watching this. The scariest thing I have ever heard and if it is true...there is no where to turn.
Posted by: davidzanemason ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:47AM

Hmmm...I watched a bit of this...and have just casually kept tabs on this. I DO agree that the ability/option to choose your own foods (and the processes used to produce them) should be maintained.

-The main controversy of this Codex Alimentarius seems to be centered around the labeling and availability of commercially produced foods/supplements - yes? Well, I don't mean to sound overly facile, but no one is stopping anyone from growing their own produce (fruits/vegetables/herbs/etc) for personal nutrition are they? Nobody can stop you from obtaining the basics for health: fresh air, sunlight, pure water and healthy foods. No organization is stopping me from growing my own stuff in my backyard are they? Just so long as you're not depending on some one to hand your food to you....then you should be in good shape! winking smiley The United Nations (or any other organization) is not in command of determining my level of chosen health.

-David Z. Mason

Re: I felt physically sick after watching this. The scariest thing I have ever heard and if it is true...there is no where to turn.
Posted by: Maxi ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:50AM

Hello Sunlight,

we have to remember...GOD is in charge...our higher self, the love that binds us, is always in control, even though it may appear as otherwise sometimes. I haven't watched the video, though I know fear alone will kill you faster than any chemical, disease, or germ. In any case if food went chemical, we could all become breatharians and eat light, that of what we are...almost like eating wind...ever tried that? Air can really fill you up quick.

Just trying to keep your day sunny, I don't let the news affect me, whenever I hear of an awful thing that may or may not be happening, I psychologically surround myself in a bubble/shield and know that nothing can hurt me. Even if we all die, we are still connected to the SOURCE that is pure unconditional love. So the weak, poor, and elderly will never die, only exist in another form... and the beautiful life cycle that is us, will continue until we all come together to decide what to do next.

Re: I felt physically sick after watching this. The scariest thing I have ever heard and if it is true...there is no where to turn.
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:23PM


I'm a big fan of Health Freedom USA, and their efforts to keep pharmacopia separate from the domain of nutracopia, and this video is informative. However, the fact is that the underlying object of Codex Alimentarius is to redefine nutraceuticals as drugs in order to increase profits for the pharmaceutical industry. It is not population control by "nutracide" nor a New World Order scheme to make us all Paxil zombies nor an agribusiness plan to destroy citrus production in central latitudes, nor anything of that kind, at least not yet. The smartest Pharma corps already have nutraceutical divisions because they realize there's substantial untapped market share in that sphere. It might be unsettling, but it's also just global capitalism at work.

Originally, the Codex was implemented in Austro-Hungary by the Magyar rulers; the Doctor mistakenly refers to it as a "Germanic" need for rules[the racism of that remark is troubling to me, even as a non-German, but whatever]. It was necessitated by the fact that the Empire was huge, and required an efficient means of regulating and distributing food throughout all the lands within it. My great grandfather was a botanical pharmacist in western Galicia, Ukraine, and a proud Imperial Citizen, and he probably welcomed the Codex, because it meant that natural health regimens--food and plant medicines--would be standardized. Indeed, to this day many eastern Europeans farm their sideyards and routinely use herbal remedies--even if they live in cities and went to college, gasp! My great grandfather encouraged his neighbors to grow gardens like he did, to continue to use natural remedies for ailments. He himself kept a goat so the children could always have fresh milk. In a city suburb! He was well-employed for decades after Codex implementation; there was no crackdown on these traditions as a result of it. It's true that the original purpose of the Codex may have been corrupted since, and that is why we should be vigilant. But does everything have to be a sinister Nazi plot? C'mon!

And as for codifying foods as drugs or anything like that, let us consider that the FDA and the USDA lack the manpower currently to regulate what they are required to regulate. In our lifetime, no government agency will have the breadth of authority to come onto your property and confiscate your kid's Vitamin C tablets and ransack your garden looking for "contraband." This is one respect in which bureaucratic inefficiency will work in our favor : )

Re: I felt physically sick after watching this. The scariest thing I have ever heard and if it is true...there is no where to turn.
Posted by: kwan ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:27PM

That video is made by the Natural Solutions Foundation. It's a fraud. Let me explain. (You can verify what I'm saying by checking what the IAHF, NHF and a number of other alternative health groups have to say about Natural Solutions-- this is where I've gotten my information.) Rima Laibow and her husband, General Stubblebine, have worked as operatives (think secret agents) in government intelligence for years; they had no background in natural health or food politics before they suddenly decided to form the Naatural Solutions Foundation, which is a FRONT for the pro-Codex forces: the pharmaceutical industry, big agribusiness, etc. Why? Because there are billions of dollars at stake, and they will do everything in their power to hold onto that power and that money. Natural Solutions has already done some VERY peculiar things, like once when there was an important petition that all the health freedom groups were urging their readers to sign, related to FDA malfeasance, Natural Solutions ignored that whole issue entirely and instead diverted everyone's attention to another issue, claiming 'victory' and some sort of (imaginary) success on that front; it was a clear bait and switch tactic, and they got called on it.

There is a woman on our forum, Suncloud, who did some very objective research into the claims made by Natural Solutions: she looked at the actual Codex Alimentarius documents and found that many of Rima Laibow & co.'s claims could not be substantiated at all, and did not stand up to scrutiny. She wrote on more than one occasion to the woman on Laibow's staff who wrote the erroneous articles, asking (very tactfully and diplomatically) for some verification or proof of certain statements, and the woman never responded to her. Yet I know from personal experience (early in my investigation of Codex), if you write favorable e-mails to them, the people at Natural Solutions will write back within 24 hours and be very engaging.

A better video to watch is We Grow Silent. It's a little depressing too, but as far as I can detect, it is factually based and doesn't weave in any conspiracy fairy tales to deliberately discredit the anti-Codex community. That, I believe, is the ultimate aim of Laibow and Stubblebine: to make us look like a bunch of conspiracy nutjobs, divide and conquer with false information, and also scare us so thoroughly that a lot of people will hide their heads in the sand.

There are good articles on Codex at the NHF (National Health Foundation) and IAHF websites. Warning: IAHF is a bit of a federalist/conservative/anti-government/conspiracy-oriented kind of website (there are articles there on how we're all going to get implanted with chips, for instance) and you have to filter out a lot of silliness. It's probably better to just go with the NHF material.

Also, you can google articles by Scott Tipps and Chris Gupta, the only Codex experts I trust implicitly. Scott is the only non-lobbyist, non-big pharma representative who's allowed to participate in the Codex Alimentarius meetings and he is our only ally submitting input and trying to steer Codex in the right direction. He is trustworthy and knows what he's talking about, because he travels all over the world to many Codex planning meetings.

Ignore Laibow and Stubblebine and their little horror show movie. They're the worst kind of detractors, and they're only trying to create a diversion, confuse, frighten and divide us so that we become ineffectual. If you'd like, I can send you a couple of articles that explain about their nefarious backgrounds.

There are, to be sure, things to be concerned about, but Nutricide is the wrong messenger. Henry Kissinger said, in the 1970s, that if you control money you can control a nation, but if you can control food you can control the whole world. We must be vigilant, but first and foremost we've got to know who's disseminating the right information and who's not.



Re: I felt physically sick after watching this. The scariest thing I have ever heard and if it is true...there is no where to turn.
Posted by: kwan ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:42PM

Here's a good place to start to understand what Laibow and Stubblebine (Natural Solutions Foundation, at are really up to:


Dr. Rath is another presence on the web who is generally deemed to be trustworthy and straightforward.



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/23/2009 02:43PM by kwan.

Re: I felt physically sick after watching this. The scariest thing I have ever heard and if it is true...there is no where to turn.
Posted by: kwan ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:43PM

Yikes!, I feel bad! Your message about Natural Solutions popped up after I posted my post (in blue) about Natural Solutions post above, so it might appear as if I'm countering your post, but I actually wasn't because I hadn't seen it yet. I was just 'holding forth' on my own. ;-p Had I seen your post before I created mine, I would have been more diplomatic in my characterization of Laibow and Stubblebine. I also used to really like the Natural Solutions Foundation, and even had a few conversations with Rima Laibow via e-mail. It was only a few months later that I found out all this information about how both she and her husband were apparently mind control operatives/black ops agents. Anyway, please know that no disrespect of your views was intended. I have always thoroughly enjoyed your posts and opinions.



Re: I felt physically sick after watching this. The scariest thing I have ever heard and if it is true...there is no where to turn.
Date: March 23, 2009 03:45PM


Yes! As I understand it- personal gardens will be prohibited!

Re: I felt physically sick after watching this. The scariest thing I have ever heard and if it is true...there is no where to turn.
Date: March 23, 2009 03:51PM

Thanks everyone for your posts. I am felling less sick now. Kwan: I will check out your sites. Thank you.

Re: I felt physically sick after watching this. The scariest thing I have ever heard and if it is true...there is no where to turn.
Posted by: kwan ()
Date: March 23, 2009 04:03PM

Hey David--

Just one little answer in response to your assertion that no one is interfering with your access to good food: raw almonds, anyone ????


No one's saying that we're being deprived of good food right now (although clearly, the food supply is much worse than it was 30 years ago, thanks to the machinations of the industrial farming lobby), but things are going in the wrong direction, and we need to be vigilant.

With regard to gardening, not everyone lives in a climate or a situation where they can even grow their own food. And a lot of us, in order to have a varied and nutritious supply of produce, have to rely on food shipped from other states and other countries. You live in Florida, where you have good local fruit all year long. I live in Cambridge, MA, in an apartment. I don't have access to too much local fruit, and the growing season is a lot shorter than yours. I don't have a backyard, although I do grow a little bit of food in a community garden-- it's only a fraction of what my husband and I need to eat, however.

Thus, I feel it is important to work to ensure that organic standards and good food production practices continue to be mandated by the government.



Re: I felt physically sick after watching this. The scariest thing I have ever heard and if it is true...there is no where to turn.
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: March 23, 2009 07:42PM


No offense taken! You are one of the people on these boards whose word on anything I view as gold. I trust your sources. I've not dealt much with Rima Laibow's editorials directly, and tend to peruse anything about the Codex with a critical eye because it's very hard to separate domino-effect hysterics from there's-nothing-to-worry-about propaganda--somewhere between those two is a very narrow, and near invisible, objectively true middle ground; hence my post above. I must admit that as soon as I saw that she's an MD, a fact I'd forgotten, I found myself incredulous: most MDs are nowhere near this passionate about the subject. There are exceptions, of course, but, but . . .

I must say she's adamant in her diction, and as someone with a passing acquaintance with Stalinist doublespeak, I give her a C- for overshooting her "persona" and appearing too zealous in her indignation at that which she [allegedly]secretly condones.

What I really wish to convey with my posts on this subject is that cynicism is valuable, and we must stay abreast of what is going on, but we mustn't overanalyze and react hastily either, because that is when we are weakest--confused by fear, we lose our ability of discernment and become the instrument of our own doom.

Re: I felt physically sick after watching this. The scariest thing I have ever heard and if it is true...there is no where to turn.
Posted by: kwan ()
Date: March 23, 2009 09:20PM

>What I really wish to convey with my posts on this subject is that cynicism is valuable, and we must stay abreast of what is going on, but we mustn't overanalyze and react hastily either, because that is when we are weakest--confused by fear, we lose our ability of discernment and become the instrument of our own doom.<

Amen, sister! No one could have said it better. The times call for an incredible combination of wisdom, alertness, and calm, and IT AIN'T EASY!!! I regularly have to just turn off my computer, unplug, and just meditate for a couple days, or I'd go bonkers. I think a healthy cynicsm is absolutely mandatory, as protection from just going off the deep end and and accepting every conspiracy theory. I also applaud those who can keep their eyes open (rather than hiding their heads in the sand) to 'what is' with a certain amount of dispassion (heh, almost impossible-- believe me, I know!) without losing their composure or spiritual focus.

For me, communicating with my friends every few days about some of these issues really, really helps to ease my mind and put things in perspective. The worst thing we can do is bottle it up inside and let our fears fester.

That reminds me of another thing that I'm noticing: I think when people refuse to be aware of the issues (avoid hearing the news, just focus on 'feel good' articles and news items, etc.) they may find that their subconscious minds know better!. Even though they're unaware superficially of what is happening in the world, Gaia is screaming at us every day 'Help me! Help me! Do something, people!' in myriad ways that we can't help but see, and we can see all around us a more and more corporate feudal type of society developing all over the world. It's inescapable, and I suspect that for most of us, avoiding looking at it just causes a certain amount of free-floating anxiety and psychic pain.

Balance... that's the key, and I sure haven't found it yet! It's a work in progress.



Re: I felt physically sick after watching this. The scariest thing I have ever heard and if it is true...there is no where to turn.
Date: March 25, 2009 02:51AM

Thanks Kwan for recommending the film "We Become Silent"

I found it on youtube


Re: I felt physically sick after watching this. The scariest thing I have ever heard and if it is true...there is no where to turn.
Posted by: kwan ()
Date: March 25, 2009 10:02PM

A little more general info. to chew on on the subject of the future of our food:




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