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Codex Committee Work on GM Labeling
Posted by: kwan ()
Date: May 08, 2009 09:18PM

Amazing GM-food labeling shenanigans led by the USA at recent Codex meeting:

May 7, 2009

The 37th Session of the Codex Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL) just today finished its work considering various food-labeling issues, including the most contentious one – the Labeling of Foods and Food Ingredients Obtained through Certain Techniques of Genetic Modification / Genetic Engineering. Meeting in Calgary, Canada this week, and with the Committee Report still to be prepared on Friday, the Committee sailed through most of its Agenda items with hardly a harsh word or divide – until it came to the GM labeling issue.

The new Chairman, Mr. Paul Mayers, has replaced the former CCFL Chairwoman of many years, Dr. Anne MacKenzie, and has used his diplomacy and melodic voice to soothe the feelings of various delegations. Yet, the lines between the two camps were too entrenched for even his skills to resolve. As Agenda Item No. 6, the GM labeling issue arose for discussion near the end of this morning’s Wednesday session and, after a lunch break, continued on for nearly four hours of see-saw argument, often tinged with emotion and repeated requests for the floor.

Once again, the food-exporting countries of Canada, the United States, Argentina, New Zealand, and Australia comprised the “consumer is too stupid to understand” camp that wishes to see the GM-food labeling disappear into a black hole. Driven completely by commercial concerns, the U.S. and its sidekicks argued that many years have seen a lack of consensus within the Committee, so the work on GM-food labeling should be discarded and the Committee should focus instead on the WHO Global Strategy, another CCFL concern. Of course, the lack of consensus was caused entirely by these countries’ delegations, especially the United States and Canada, blithely disregarding the clear-cut wishes of its own citizens for GM ingredients to be declared on food labels.

In the other camp, arguing in favor of GM-food labeling so that the consumer can make an informed choice, were and are the European Union, Brazil, the African countries, Saint Lucia, and all of the International NonGovernmental Organizations (INGOs) representing consumers (such as the National Health Federation, Consumers International, Infant Baby Formula Action Network, the International Association of Consumer Food Organizations, and the 49th Parallel International Consortium). The only INGOs not supporting such labeling were two industry trade groups with clear interests in GM foods.

The focus of the Committee swirled around existing language that would have leaned towards GM labeling, with an alternate that was meek in comparison. After it became clear that the Committee would not agree on the wording, Brazil directed CCFL to its written compromise proposal, which drew most countries support – except for the recalcitrant “the consumer is too stupid” camp.

Incredibly, the United States argued in its written submission that labeling food as GM derived would be in violation of Codex Guidelines that state “foods shall not be described or presented in a manner that is false, misleading or deceptive, or is likely to create an erroneous impression regarding its character in any respect.” It offered its own version of the wording, which said, “This document is not intended to suggest or imply that GM/GE foods are in any way different from other foods simply due to their method of production.”

Although this wording was strongly opposed by the pro-labeling camp and more preference was expressed for the Brazilian proposal, somehow the Chairman ditched the Brazilian proposal and allowed this specific U.S. wording to make its way into the document being reviewed. The Canadian delegation used this opportunity once again to encourage CCFL to discontinue its work on this matter, saying “Leave this to the free market.”

The National Health Federation (NHF) hotly challenged this action. Taking the floor nine times during the course of the debate, the NHF’s delegate, Scott Tips, told the Committee during one such intervention that, “Consumers want this labeling of GM foods. Let’s be honest, the food exporting countries – mostly in the Western Hemisphere – want to push their own commercial interests by selling their GM crops. They know that they cannot sell these GM crops unless they keep consumers ignorant. Let the consumers make the choice in a free market, but give them the information so that they can decide. Canada has said ‘leave this to the free market’ and yet Health Canada has attacked those companies in Canada that try to sell products labeled ‘GM Free”! Our Canadian members are upset over this. In fact, there will be a consumer-led campaign to force the American and Canadian delegations to conform their positions to their citizens’ wishes. There will be consensus in the near future as a result.”

The representative from the 49th Parallel INGO supported the NHF’s comments and added that, “If, as the United States has claimed, there is no difference between GM foods and non-GM foods, then why do companies rush to the Patent Office to patent their special GM foods?”

With the Committee still considering the U.S.-slanted wording, though, the Chairman hatched the idea to discard all extra wording and add in two small words. The EC and the NHF spoke out against this idea, with the NHF particularly opposing it as a violation of the rules of the Codex Procedural Manual that require Recommendations and Guidelines to have a stated Purpose and Scope. This caused a stall in the proceedings as the Codex Secretariat and Chairman searched through the Manual and consulted with one another for a response. The Secretariat then took the floor to say that this would not be a hindrance. Nevertheless, the Chairman’s idea quickly lost steam and fizzled out.

Yet, the Committee still worked on the U.S.-slanted wording, adding in various words and phrases with much discussion. Just before the afternoon break, the NHF delegate challenged the Committee to discard that wording and return to the original wording or at least the Brazilian proposal favored by more delegations. During the break, the NHF delegate discussed with various delegations NHF’s disappointment with the trend towards accepting this GM-friendly language.

When the Committee reconvened, Ireland proposed wording saying “Any information or pictorial device may be displayed in GM/GE labeling provided that it is not in conflict with Codex requirements on labeling nor would mislead or deceive the consumer in any way whatsoever in respect of the labeling of foods derived from GM/GE.” This position was supported by the European Community.

Both Canada and Argentina opposed this wording, with Argentina pointing out that foods labeled under Codex Guidelines already were forbidden from misleading or deceiving the consumer. The NHF leaped upon this comment to get the Committee to agree to delete the last part of the Irish proposal beginning with “nor would mislead or deceive . . . .” NHF argued that some delegations, such as the United States, already felt that GM labeling was inherently misleading, as evidenced by the U.S.’s own written comments. (See sixth paragraph of this release, above.) This deletion was challenged later by some delegations such as the United States, but the Chairman upheld the deletion.

After even further discussion, though, the Chairman launched a missile into the meeting when he ab initio proposed that since there was no consensus on the wording, the Committee take a pause of three sessions (i.e., three years) to consider alternatives and then resume discussing the matter in three-years’ time. The delegations of Austria and Saint Lucia immediately challenged this idea, but it seemed as if it might take hold, with the Canadian delegate gushingly stating, “You are so wise to do this.”

Fortunately, firm and well-stated opposition by member-country delegations such as Kenya, Denmark, and the European Community caused the Chairman to drop his suggestion. (The Chairman could not even get to the NHF’s and other INGOs’ opposition given the strong country-member response.) So, despite last-minute efforts by the United States and New Zealand to revive the “pause” idea, it died a quick death, although its suggestion by the Chairman held the Committee in suspense for what seemed like a long time.

In the end, the Chairman stated that the work on this matter was important and must be continued. He returned this Draft Recommendation on GM-food labeling back to Step 3 for further comments and discussions at next year’s CCFL meeting, which is to be held in Quebec City, Canada on a date to be determined.

For further information on Codex, please visit the NHF website (Codex):

NHF Codex Book - []

NHF Codex Overview (May be used as an article or printed as a handout to educate on Codex) - []

As the oldest and best-respected health-freedom group on Capitol Hill, the NHF continues to be the credible source of objective assessment of, and proactive actions on, Congressional legislation and FDA matters that have material impact upon our freedom-of-health choices and access to dietary supplements and nutritional foods.

Click here for the permanent link to this press release, use this link to inform others. []

Re: Codex Committee Work on GM Labeling
Posted by: Sundancer ()
Date: May 09, 2009 04:10AM

thanks for sharing this, Kwan.

Re: Codex Committee Work on GM Labeling
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: May 09, 2009 01:36PM

Honestly, this reads like something out of Gogol. Thanks for posting, Kwan. Vigilance is the watchword.

Re: Codex Committee Work on GM Labeling
Posted by: kwan ()
Date: May 09, 2009 02:36PM

Sundancer & Tamukha,
Thanks, friends!
I hate being the 'bad news bear;' it disturbs me to read this stuff too, but I'm operating on the principle that it's always better to be informed in matters such as this, I also believe that if we avoid becoming aware of negative governmental machinations, we're still aware of them subconsciously, so it's better to look them square in the face and say 'BOO!' back. ;-p

I really believe that knowledge followed by appropriate action (if warranted) is power. That said, I can't rub my nose in it every day, and I have to continually have to take matters such as this into the inner silence and 'nothingize' them. I try to learn about what's going on, take whatever action I can take (usually a few phone calls or e-mails to legislators), and then mentally put it in my 'do not touch' compartment.



Re: Codex Committee Work on GM Labeling
Posted by: riverhousebill ()
Date: May 09, 2009 08:42PM

I really believe that knowledge followed by appropriate action (if warranted) is power. That said, I can't rub my nose in it every day, and I have to continually have to take matters such as this into the inner silence and 'nothingize' them. I try to learn about what's going on, take whatever action I can take (usually a few phone calls or e-mails to legislators), and then mentally put it in my 'do not touch' compartment.

Kwan, I can see you are in it for the long run, You seem to know its a slow train to Washington and would never give up the hike, thanks for lastest on Frankenstien foods

Re: Codex Committee Work on GM Labeling
Posted by: Jgunn ()
Date: May 09, 2009 09:21PM

thank you sharrhan for always being the bear of bad news , it really helps me to know whats going on smiling smiley

...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist

Re: Codex Committee Work on GM Labeling
Posted by: riverhousebill ()
Date: May 10, 2009 04:48AM

Seeds of Destruction

The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation

by F. William Engdahl

Global Research, 2007 ISBN 978-0-937147-2-2

This skillfully researched book focuses on how a small socio-political American elite seeks to establish control over the very basis of human survival: the provision of our daily bread. "Control the food and you control the people."

This is no ordinary book about the perils of GMO. Engdahl takes the reader inside the corridors of power, into the backrooms of the science labs, behind closed doors in the corporate boardrooms.

The author cogently reveals a diabolical World of profit-driven political intrigue, government corruption and coercion, where genetic manipulation and the patenting of life forms are used to gain worldwide control over food production. If the book often reads as a crime story, that should come as no surprise. For that is what it is.

Engdahl's carefully argued critique goes far beyond the familiar controversies surrounding the practice of genetic modification as a scientific technique. The book is an eye-opener, a must-read for all those committed to the causes of social justice and World peace.

What is so frightening about Engdahl's vision of the world is that it is so real. Although our civilization has been built on humanistic ideals, in this new age of "free markets", everything-- science, commerce, agriculture and even seeds-- have become weapons in the hands of a few global corporation barons and their political fellow travelers. To achieve world domination, they no longer rely on bayonet-wielding soldiers. All they need is to control food production. (Dr. Arpad Pusztai, biochemist, formerly of the Rowett Research Institute Institute, Scotland)

If you want to learn about the socio-political agenda --why biotech corporations insist on spreading GMO seeds around the World-- you should read this carefully researched book. You will learn how these corporations want to achieve control over all mankind, and why we must resist... (Marijan Jost, Professor of Genetics, Krizevci, Croatia)

The book reads like a murder mystery of an incredible dimension, in which four giant Anglo-American agribusiness conglomerates have no hesitation to use GMO to gain control over our very means of subsistence... (Anton Moser, Professor of Biotechnology, Graz, Austria).

its later than you think!

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