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how do we inspire change in a twisted system?
Posted by: luvyuu ()
Date: May 19, 2009 03:07AM

Hello... I would like to open up a conversation about what sort of health care is needed? I have been thinking about going back to school... massage therapy healing nutrition spiritual studies...but i am wondering where would be the most need for an open minded healing individual?

Would it be a better course to grin and bear the "normal" school such as nursing or med school and join the modern day western Doctors and try to make some changes from the inside.

i have a theory... My theory is that the curriculum for our young doctors lacks a huge part of what a true healer should know...and there for this system is giving us only half the Dr's and nurses we deserve.

I feel like the course work would do better to require a more holistic approach to their teaching to create holistic caring practitioners instead of the pill pushing hack saw experimentalist "here take this and come back next week... and next week... and next week..." type Doctor that we seem to have now.

I do not wish to insult anyone here... i find most doctors and nurses kind and caring individuals but that they no fault of their own... lack the knowledge of what true healing is!!! And i believe the fault lies with in the school system... if they are required to learn all about the drug world... why are they not required to learn about the herbal counterparts ...for example...

I looked at a med program once and they required a course in Nutrition... One semester... that was all that was required... and if you have ever had the unfortunate experience of spending time in the hospital you know just how bad the hospital food is... and even if it's not so bad... it has no connection to the patients condition.

What would it take to inspire change and growth with in such a twisted system? Can it be done? How?

i look forward to reading all the responses...

love laugh and dream

Re: how do we inspire change in a twisted system?
Posted by: riverhousebill ()
Date: May 19, 2009 04:06AM

Massage therapy healing is needed, recently I had stoped by a nurseing home for the elders, and it was warehouseing, they were lacking in contact on all fronts,
If you had the time and resorce, that would be a place your healing art would be very much needed.
Lapaz rhb

Enough criticisers and detroyers the world needs healers

Re: how do we inspire change in a twisted system?
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: May 22, 2009 02:09AM


I agree that proper medicine is ONLY that which is holistic. But we have a system of "managed care." When you do this with a boy who is fond of you, but to whom you are indifferent, it is called, "stringing him along." Most doctors and nurses are caring individuals, but the monolith that medicine has become here is like the person stringing along someone who has faith that they shall be treated right. It's immoral. The perversion that is American medicine does not have a standardized curriculum nationwide, does not have mandatory nutrition training, has divested itself of herbal botany courses[which used to be core curriculum], and no longer makes the taking of the Hippocratic Oath obligatory at matriculation.

Imo, the source of this problem is that Big Pharma has replaced anonymous philanthropists and religious orders as the secondary funder of medical schools(the first being tuition). As a main payer, Big Pharma gets to decide what is taught and what is not. In Argentina, this is called corruption. Here, we call it quid pro quo.

The first step is for all patients to rise up and demand better, less dangerous preventive care. As we are a nation of fast-food junkies who know nothing about salutary living, and as we have invested medical personnel with godlike authority that is not necessarily merited, this is a distant possibility. The second step is for the vast majority of medical students rise up and demand that they be taught to be healers, rather than sandbaggers, until which time nothing will change. And I despair of that happening--witness the Times article about the Harvard Med students shocked, shocked! to find that their instructors are on the pharmaceutical dole. They're bright kids, surely, but should people that naïve be allowed into medical school? The third step, and as I write this, I am imagining pigs flying upside down in V-formation while singing the Mauritanian national anthem, is for the gv'mt to step in and legislate the corruption away.

No, luvyuu, or only hope, our best hope, is Oprah. As usual.

Re: how do we inspire change in a twisted system?
Posted by: tanawana ()
Date: May 22, 2009 02:43PM

luvyuu Wrote:
> What would it take to inspire change and growth
> with in such a twisted system? Can it be done?
> How?

Having been through it, I just don't think it can be done honestly in this day and age. People have this set mindset on the whole that is so engrained. There are many open to listen which is great, but when push comes to shove Doctors and a pill is usually the first choice. If Doctors and pills aren't the desired, the poor people then are at a loss of where or what to go to. There are just way too many options in the non-medical approach. Think about it, just to name a few, there is vegan, raw, juicing, yoga, acupuncture, massage, holistic, naturopathic, reflexology, etc. etc., etc. It's mind boggling and the really dedicated seem to get through it, but from my experiences few are willing or knowing of how to go that far. Besides, when sick, the mind is simply not up to learning to that degree if it is needed to truly heal. They want the quick ease to the discomfort route.

So all my gibberish amount to educating the uninformed and especially those that become sick rather than offering one small avenue of a health choice such as massage or yoga or colonics or whatever. How to enter into this is a good question and I'm on the fence here.

I think a requirement of a health care giver would be the person themselves to need to experience the ill health or compromised system before they can truly give help. Even then, these people tend to only dish out what worked for them without regard that we are all different.

In my opinion, you have picked an extremely tough hill to climb but I'm hopeful there are others like you that one day change can come about. Not in my lifetime, but it will come I believe. :O)

Re: how do we inspire change in a twisted system?
Posted by: juicerkatz ()
Date: June 06, 2009 12:05PM

+1 on what tanawana posted; I feel very much the same - wishful thinking in regards to change, but sadly, I can't see it possibly occurring, ever...

...follow the money, it's all about the money, nothing else matters...

Over the last 2 years I heard "Hope & Change"; did I believe any of the hype for a fraction of a second? Yeah, sure I did... >sarcasm<

Re: how do we inspire change in a twisted system?
Posted by: kwan ()
Date: June 06, 2009 03:30PM

>Would it be a better course to grin and bear the "normal" school such as nursing or med school and join the modern day western Doctors and try to make some changes from the inside.

i have a theory... My theory is that the curriculum for our young doctors lacks a huge part of what a true healer should know...and there for this system is giving us only half the Dr's and nurses we deserve.<

You've got it, luvyuu. Doctors get almost no nutritional education, for instance. The most vexing part is that the pharmaceutical and med.-tech comapnies 'own' allopathic medical practice today, and it's really hard to inspire change from within a system that's so totally bought and sold to corporate interests. Even Harvard Medical School research is funded by pharmaceutical companies. The whole system is so corrupt that it will take a complete legislative restructuring (real reform) to fix it.

In the meantime, the most important thing we can do is live our own truth, make our views known to legislators and do everything we can to encourage free press in this country as well as to keeping health alternatives from being legislated out of existence.



Re: how do we inspire change in a twisted system?
Posted by: juicerkatz ()
Date: June 06, 2009 06:20PM

Hi kwan,

I should elaborate a wee bit on my post; I agree that we should not "grin and bear the "normal" school", but I am also a realist; I will try to influence change wherever possible, but I already know that little will get accomplished.

Since the money train/drug companies are pushing everything they want, we have a major uphill battle. I would say that it is possible to have small effects here & there, but full blown change, now that would take a miracle from God himself.

Just looking at things from my personal experiences with the "system". Would I like to see things different? YES!!!I Wish many things would change, but I know from personal experience and being steamrolled over myself without any consideration to me or my family, that it is almost an impossibility.

I do not have enough time avail. to devote to a "fight" anymore, but I will support others and applaud their efforts. It is a full-time job for me just keeping my family's' needs met.

This recent "Organic Ban" bill for example. I will fight that tooth & nail, but again, I am a realist - I must be prepared for the outcome...

Re: how do we inspire change in a twisted system?
Posted by: kwan ()
Date: June 06, 2009 10:28PM

> but I am also a realist; I will try to influence change wherever possible, but I already know that little will get accomplished.<


I feel that way a lot of the time-- probably most of the time these days!, so I totally resonate with your realism. And like you, we're pretty busy just working to meet our needs. The only real 'activism' we're involved in these days is phone calls to Congress and the White House comment line, which take very little of our time; we simply don't have that much time and energy to run around to meetings and rallies. We usually pick one or two issues, tops, every so many months, to do something concrete about; like a couple of months ago we visited Rep. Capuano's office in Boston with some people from Amnesty International to urge the closing of Guantanimo and the reinstatement of habeas corpus. We probably won't do anything like that again for another year or two.

I think you're right, that we're dealing with something that's really hard to resist: the nature of much of the globalization movement seems to be very well planned and thought out in such a way that it limits how much people can push back. I think we are moving into a new era that is far less democratic than anything we've known in the past. Time will tell.



Re: how do we inspire change in a twisted system?
Posted by: juicerkatz ()
Date: June 07, 2009 01:07AM

"I think you're right, that we're dealing with something that's really hard to resist: the nature of much of the globalization movement seems to be very well planned and thought out in such a way that it limits how much people can push back. I think we are moving into a new era that is far less democratic than anything we've known in the past. Time will tell."

I could not have said that any better. A return to state sovereignty would be a step in the right direction, I feel. I could never understand how 435 representatives can make decisions for 300 + million Americans. The recent tea party rallies were interesting.

Sorry, I don't mean to shift the topic off course with a political discussion...

winking smiley

Re: how do we inspire change in a twisted system?
Posted by: lawofattraction ()
Date: June 13, 2009 10:31PM

ive contemplated this concern.i find it much more facinating and exciting to build a buisness from the ground up by your own wit then going to the mainstream school of thought (college).

imagine having the best time ever building your dream job on your own terms and skipping the whole school system, skipping over the blah blah blah parts and especially we, as raw foodists,the straight up lies!(or misinformed text)

why cant i have this?who says you have to suffer through countless years of school, the tradtional way?this is not my desire!read my diary,weeding my garden, for further explination of my planetray contribution works.

my desire is far more alive to create a totally unique experience, then the grudge work of school.doesnt this tell me something?i know most people would be in awe(disbelief) of having the best day ever,thinking hard, miserable work is the only way to have money.

true, true,the art of educating yourself is exciting,on subjects worth being entertained by,but having the limited occupations offered by these institutions is just that, limiting.

if anything is possible,my rise to the top will be sensational!glorious!on my own terms, and unlike anything anyones ever seen!

Re: how do we inspire change in a twisted system?
Posted by: dhsredhead ()
Date: June 21, 2009 05:18PM

Be the messenger. Most people are fed up with the medical system as it exists right now. Tell people about things that have worked for you or helped others you know.

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