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Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: August 29, 2009 04:47PM

Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis—these are the three main forms of relational transaction…ie: energy exchanges. In low conscious civilizations we are born in a low energy state and open to the negative energies of abuse, usury and disease, which represent the infestation of the boundaries of our self system in various ways. In our depleted state we then even give more than is energetically feasible in an attempt to feel more substantial and worthy…to solidify our sense of self. This entropic state of affairs occurs when people forget about the inner source and don’t know how to create their own fire, passion and meaning. The dominator matrix of corporate oligarchy can only establish itself as a predator-parasite if the people have forgotten themselves, fail to initiate the inner fire and so are seeking fulfillment from outer sources of materialism and status. Once we ourselves as energy systems are no longer bleeding lifeforce indiscriminately and gain organic integrity through raw food grown via remineralized permaculture…once we regain our sacred relationship with the land and the cosmos…then we raise our state out of the decay and recycling mode of parasitism and predation and up to the higher energy condition of symbiosis. It is then that mature, stable and benign human community can form.

The parasite is intimately connected with the subconscious subterfuge element of the psyche…and represents a loss of biological hope in a culture of decline. Attack on the integrity of our self-system is the standard in a society that has fallen off the cosmic rails. As is evidenced by the prevalence of parasites, cancer, and degenerative disease in general. To be sure that to open oneself up to parasitism or predator energy, involves a form of self voluntary giving up of your lifeforce to that of another. In this have to fundamentally feel suicidal or to have given up somehow on ones own self worth. Looking honestly into the nature of our energy exchanges is the most potent inquiry for self growth, self creation and self determination. For it becomes readily obvious that if we are sabotaging ourselves then we open ourselves up to forces of parasitism and predation both at the disease level and at the human relational level. However once we turn inward toward self-origination and igniting the fire in the heart then our self system becomes strong enough to deflect disharmonious and dismantling forces. We cannot get to wholeness through the vehicle of our fractionated state, thus we have to disidentifying with everything this death-culture has made of us. We have to take a biological leap of faith. We may not be completed, but we can enjoy our “full” self right now…and thus instigate the vibration of wholeness which makes us impervious to systems of decline that revert everything to dust.

”I am already whole, health and enlightened.”


Re: Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: August 29, 2009 05:49PM

This interesting. Dan Winter is a bit of a cypher--he is not who he claims to be, and has incurred legal problems as a result of infringing on others' intellectual property, but he is clearly very intelligent regarding esoterica.
Thanks for posting.

Re: Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: September 01, 2009 03:43AM

Dan Winter's information is one of the most comprehensive of any of the modern such he is dangerous to the forces of repression. That he used the toroid alphabet idea without reference to the originators of this idea...I don't see to be a problem at all. Is the elemental table copywritable...ideas are public domain as soon as they are expressed...if you don't want someone to spread your ideas, then you have to keep them to your self. I think DW has been unfairly persecuted due to the extreme liberation inherent in his teaching. Ananda Bosman, Nassim Haramein and Marko Rodin along withe Viktor Schauberger and Walter Russell (see youtube) are needed to understand the Winter material...

So dominance and submission are two sides of one coin, as is predator and prey. Knowing this allows us to mature emotionally to the point where we are impenetrable - impervious to the barboonary of status power tripping in all its forms. Then we neither exert power over others, nor fold under the weight of power exerted on us. However we cannot merely remain in this neutral state of being unfazed by negative forces coming at us...we can take up the proactive pole and play with the energies to raise collective consciousness out of the toilet level.

This is not a paranoid conspiracy book on male domination. It is an exegesis on the dangers of basing human civilization on the unconscious systems of power-over, power accumulation and power imbalance. These non-egalitarian, pyramidal power structures are maintained by undermining spiritual maturity, cognitive evolution, hormonal fruition and the creative or sovereign spark of the majority of citizens involved in such cultures. Only those who have become aware of the brain and soul damaging effects of power imbalance and automatic primate status dynamics can free themselves from the compliance to or rebellion from such subjugation and thereby heal and actualize their potential toward the whole human or divine self...originating from Source.

The more individuals that make this leap toward self-origination, the greater the speed at which spirit is liberated from the repressive inertial forces of our lower, dark and animal natures. Thereby saving ourselves from the inevitable false flags and resource wars generated by the military industrial machine that would rather fight than redesign civilization upon higher-subtle principles, ephemeralization, win/win and evolutionary rather than devolutionary practices and technology.

It is simply not sanitary or smart to base ones culture on a foundation that breeds disease, weakness and insanity. The assylum planet earth could be paradise on earth...with a little status awareness and understanding of how social power defines our subjective reflexivity and our human experience.

Righteous indignation is only a stage in the realization of justice and the creation of a just world. We must use the empowerment inherent in self-creation to manifest a world in our cosmic image and not the id or armored emotional body we have generated within this aggressive culture. In this way without complaint, contest or conflict we act to build a world more suited to the ignition and expression of our full passion and genius. And thus redeem the humanizing principle from the stagnant waters of eons of repressive programming.

The Psychic Life of Power: Theories in Subjection, by Judith Butler

Re: Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: September 01, 2009 12:11PM

I agree that his ideas, if they are in fact his, are provocative. I'm just wary of [alleged]plagiarists who [allegedly]prevaricate about where they were educated. It invalidates the message if the messenger is dishonest about the origins of his ideas or about his own origins.

Agree with most of the import of Judith Butler's piece, but what on earth is "barboonary?" From "barboon," presumably . . . I'll look it up.

Re: Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: September 01, 2009 02:12PM

Actually that was my writing...I haven't read Judith's book yet, but will probably look into it as a scholarly expose of power should be interesting.
I am a great lover of Robert Sapolsky and am using his work on stress/power dynamics in primate (barboon) tribes as the central hub of my sovereignty book. Go see him on youtube and you will see what I mean by barboonary...its a word I made up to describe the wicked side of human nature.

Dan Winter has collected and synthesized his speel, however the content is collected from the "collective" with what appears to be deep observation and pertinent wisdom on his part...he understands the physics of spirit better than anyone I have found so far. But the work is a collective project propagated by all of us. He might have picked up a thing or two from my work on Kundalini...all power to him.
Anyone with that degree of comprehensive teaching doesn't matter where they learned the stuff.

Re: Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: September 01, 2009 09:40PM

Hey, have you read "A Primate's Memoir"? Everyone I recommend that too is incredulous at first, and then tells me later that they loved it : ) Still think about that book, years on . . .

Re: Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: September 02, 2009 03:07PM

Nope I haven't read that one yet, but will get it from the library, his DVD Silent Killer is a good intro.

Taken from amazon reviews:
"In *The Psychic Life of Power* Judith Butler provides a critical inquiry into the process of subject formation that reveals the self-conscious subject as necessary paradox. The emergence of self-consciousness is rooted in paradox—for becoming a subject is intricately bound up with being subjected.” the complex process through which power engenders a psychic form and constitutes a self. Her main argument is that the emergence of the subject depends on subjection to power and yet the subject that is inaugurated exceeds this power, because subjection can never fully totalize the subject."

Re: Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: September 03, 2009 09:41PM

Power-dynamics are central to any human interaction. Our identity as either top-dog or bottom-dog is not connected to a primordial essence, but is instead a learned performance. Thus where we gravitate on the power pyramid is not a reflection of an authentic "core" inner-self, but is the dramatic effect of the chemistry of our social experience and our accumulated actions. Knowing that the nature of status power is attitudinal, philosophical, biochemical, situational, strategic, adaptive and contrived…liberates us to use the very predictable nature of human primate power games to our own advantage. To become consciously status aware, not so that we ourselves can gain access to the top position on the pyramid, but so that we can instead “work-with” power dynamics while remaining aloof, untouched and beyond the grasp of the life-negating, brain-damaging effects of imbalanced power-dynamics. In this way we spread social justice and egalitarianism everywhere we go in the course of our daily lives and teach by example that there is another, more conscious way of interrelating.

Re: Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: September 08, 2009 01:48AM

Transcending the Pyramid

Sovereignty is the vital next stage of evolution necessary to provide the solutions to the fall of the exploitive material civilization. Sovereignty is the solution to the degeneration of the human species and planet earth through the rectification of unconscious animal power imbalances.

Because of the insidious and extreme nature of the corruption in politico-military-corporate forces in the world today, we have to e-motionally separate from the larger historical processes in order to remain healthy and sound and growing ourselves. We must develop philosophical detachment, ie: Love-wisdom-detachment. How do we deal effectively with the madness of toxic power poisoning rather than being dragged down into the muck and being undone by it? Submission to toxic power serves no one, but we can use all instances of power abuse, no matter what the scale, as fuel for awakening. Bigotry, rivalry, subversion, exclusion, bullying, racism, exploitation, prejudice, projection, unjust warfare, right on down to narcissism, codependence and bickering… All these can serve as daily exercise in the expansion of our sovereignty and personal empowerment.

As we have established, sovereignty is building the individuals divine relationship with the Universe prior to identification with humankind. Because sovereignty is grounded in cosmic intelligence and cosmic power, it is always the solution to any power imbalance we find ourselves in. And so we do not have to fret for very long in any difficult situation we find ourselves in, for the answer is close at hand once we let go of (disidentify with ) the machinations and torments inflicted by those who seek power over us. The notion to be "in the world, but not of the world" is found in Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Sufism. But such a high falutin idea is just heresy unless one has the skills to actually disengage from harmful vibrations, ideas, events, people and experiences we are exposed to.

The breakdown of this sovereignty practice goes like this:
1. Sovereignty is the ability to make your own Light from your own personal spiritual relationship with the universe.
2. Passion or “Light” is used “with” and not “against.” That is compassion allows us to navigate any power imbalance by producing the expansion necessary to grow; ie: to tolerate incarnation and ascension.
3. Since fear generates more fear and defensive action, we must turn to love or evolutionary action as the only viable resort.
4. Love produces the emptiness of unbridled bliss by which power imbalance loses its capacity to create a division between “us and them,” and so aggression coming towards us dissolves.
5. Thus as we center ourselves permanently in stillness and the deep volcanic warmth of our sovereign nature, we produce a kind of gravity that draws pleasurable experience spontaneously toward us.
6. Then joy takes over as the engine for mobilizing and maintaining a state of equipoise between opposites in which we are neither undone or swayed by abuse of power, nor do we inflict power over others.
7. At this non-reactive/non-dual point we become resurgently creative, rather than reactive, victim, vulnerable, weak, self-pitying and broken by toxic power.
8. Everything thus becomes the fuel for our increased joy, expansion, empowerment and awakening…the Parsifal Heart being our permanent condition.

Once grounded in our sovereign core and radiant in our equipoise we should not be surprised, aghast, disappointed, horrified, crippled and crumbled by the vast sea of ignorance we live in. But eternally set our sails towards the bright, luminous Eastern Sun regardless of the waters on which we travel.

Re: Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: September 09, 2009 02:42PM


The powerful evolutionary force of a sovereign mind waking-up is in direct conflict with the conditioned hive-mind. The early phases of self-development require the conscious recognition of this tension between our true inner-self and our programmed-self. From infancy we have been taught to believe the reality handed to us by others is more valid than our own. Thus as a culture we have learnt to ignore what our senses report to us, because we believe in the higher power of authoritative-knowledge. This lack of grounding reality in the sovereign source and the senses is what allows the continuation of a fake culture and the slow erosion of mystical connection to the cosmos. Fake culture is what drives our society’s need for materialism, because in the material possessions we see something real and solid to which we can attach our ego and hide temporarily from our emptiness.

Who knows how long this identity crisis will go on, perhaps for thousands of years.—the fight between original sin and original blessing. The conditioned self can't help but use superstition, righteousness, rule of law, and guilty till proven innocent tactics in its push for power...because it doesn't have a leg...or rather a soul to stand on. As such, soulful abundance is poisoned in the miserly use of energy, love and consciousness. This kind of social environment breeds sickness and crime. The main point is to not live or work in such a regressive social sphere, because everything you do in the way of generosity, creativity, initiative and innovation will be wasted, for shows of genuine spirit threaten the easily programmed bots who are not yet initiated into their deep self.

I/We "against" them or I/We "with" them, is the basic division between degrading systems (entropy) and creative systems (syntropy). In authoritarian systems, starting at the reptilian and mammalian level, we learn competition and exclusion in the fight for the basic needs on Maslow's triangle. Our power-over drive is a reflection of this basic chemistry of animal existence in the fight for survival. Consider that egoic entropy may be a defense mechanism against inner emptiness from having our basic human needs go unmet in any kind of high quality (natural) way.

Charles Eisenstein's books are a beautiful exposé of how we pathologically substitute one type of need for another when our fundamental needs are not met. For example we use food in replace of love. This replacement of basic needs with facsimiles of the real thing is the root cause of the collapse of our societal and individual health. We now have to learn or relearn what it takes to create a cosmically, naturally and essentially aligned community that fosters the true potential of our deep humanity. Consider how far off track we are that even the food we use to substitute for love is "fake" food! Thus when our true needs are frustrated and unmet at the most basic level we remain terminally locked into the animal power-over fight for survival. This is pure chemistry of life. There is no way around it. Not only do we have to learn what it is to be human and fulfill those needs "correctly" but we have to relearn what it is to be an animal, and to be a living creature. Thereby substantiating positive psychology through the fulfillment of basic needs.

In unpacking our systems failure we need to take the widest anthropogenic view possible to get to the root cause of the problem.

Cooperation vs. competition is basically a question of numbers, survival stress and holding capacity of the is something we have been playing with for millions of years. Stressed systems and systems of stress leads to contraction, armor and competition. This is the essence of dysfunctional societies, families and individuals. Excess cortisol degrades the collagen and nerve structures of the body and interferes with healthy hormonal and immune function. As the body collapses under the corrosive effects of excess cortisol this generates even more negative coping mechanisms and dysfunctional behavior, which in turn creates more stress and more damage to the bodymind and relationships. As such the "oppressive force of dysfunctional authoritarianism" self perpetuates itself over generations and millennia.

Consider also that on a cooked diet our intestinal bacteria fail to produce adequate B vitamins to protect and produce a healthy nervous system. The decline in silicon in our diet degrades the entire physical structure of the body’s collagen system. Failure to get adequate minerals and phytochemicals means both structure, function and protection of the bodymind is failing. Meat eating has interfered with our cell membrane gluconutrient communication systems. We have forgotten how to be a high integrity ape, let alone how to be a high integrity human.

Re: Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: September 09, 2009 10:19PM


Are these excerpts form your dissertation? It's intriguing stuff.

Re: Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: September 11, 2009 01:19AM

Ahem, yes fresh off the press, I am in the process of writing a book on awakening keeps getting better. Eventually I will probably become sovereign thru writing this stuff.

Wambam Shabam

Due to the power of entropy born of imbalance, poison or negative will is easier than being an upstanding/uplifting human by setting ones trajectory toward the light, for we have to transcend the 10,000 year old death culture in order to do so. Re-enchantment and re-sensitizing in nature's energies and our real (quality) needs is the way to overcome addiction and substitute gratifications of all kinds. The energetic state of tuning to the Schumann Resonance provides the framework on which healthy mental and physical processes occur. When we get out of planetary atunement so to speak our emotions, thoughts, personality and relationships get increasingly out of whack. Our most basic need is to be in cosmic frequency resonance from which our entire life and culture spin out of.

Asceticism (from the Greek: áskēsis) means "exercise" or "training" in the sense of athletic training) describes a life-style characterized by abstinence. Asceticism can lead to chronic deprivation to the point of social ostracization. People do not commend one for sacrifices in the name of art or duty. One is instead stigmatized as a deviant, a freak or obsessed. The sacrifice of life and pleasure for the greater good is then turned against one as people cannot understand an intense trial of endurance done for a higher purpose beyond ones self. Standard, non-initiated culture cannot understand being “driven” by the Muse.

In fact on completion of a work of genius the second most common response is jealousy, which is covered over with the exclamation that one is in fact horribly selfish to have expended so much of ones life in bringing forth the "creative project." Thus it is of utmost importance to not expect respect, thanks or understanding when we launch our projects into this Flatland world. Our art must be freed from the cruelty, baseness and shallowness of this narcissistic order to keep the Muse alive.

In my experience the physical pain or lack of pleasure from say the long exercise of celibacy or nature deprivation leads directly to social repulsion. Both in that it is very hard to engage physically with other humans of the conventional noncreative culture and mindset, and they in turn are revolted by the isolationist or ascetic because they do not embody the energetic of “pleasure and satiety.” Thus it is important be proactive in finding a suitable spiritual family or partner in life. For the problem of exclusion sets up a life path of ever increasing social ossification, creating an abyss which may indeed never be crossed.

Renunciation can lead to the hardening of the heart, senses and the organs of relationship. Generosity, generation and genius dry up along with sex hormones and neurotransmitters. One then needs increasing doses of isolation, asceticism, fasting, or deprivation in order to feel stimulated. The life path of asceticism leads to ever diminishing returns due to the lack of connectivity and sensory-neuronal enrichment. Similarly the path of the hedonist leads to ever diminishing returns also due to neuron and hormone receptor resistance due to too much stimulation and the inability of the bodymind to be able to detoxify adequately to restabilize homeostasis.

Rather than be a narcissistic black hole in which all energies are sucked into and never leave...we learn how to shine and give through the example of being given to by others. Ultimately we learn, through the warmth of the radiance of the heart that it is more pleasurable to give than to receive. And thus begins our dharma or spiritual vocation - the spiritual ignition of our life’s true work.

To say we don't "need" anything is to set up the hungry ghost energies of insatiability. Rather we should focus on “quality in equals quality out,” and consider that our fundamental needs for nature's energies, loving human companionship, meaningful work and refinement in consciousness are essential to the humanizing process. If we fail in providing "quality" (qualia of value) in any aspect of our humanness from soil to soul, then we lose our potential for perfect sanity (hygiene) in the transmutation of Light (incarnation). Qualia is the unique “taste” of our individual subjective human experience. Qualia are said to represent that which is ultra-intuitive, ineffable, intrinsic, private and directly or immediately comprehensible to consciousness.

Sovereignty is active incarnation. When we are not actively incarnating or metamorphosizing, we are afloat in the stagnant waters of Flatland material culture. Dissociated from our body and soul and distracted by a zillion false desires and consolation prizes to cover the misery of our sleepy self-betrayal. Thus rather than a selfless turning away from our true needs, they should become our primary focus. An ever increasing refinement of what it takes to fuel the hu-manizing process is required to knit the fabric of ascension together and form an inviolabe integrated web of spiritual substantiation. In religion and ethics, “inviolability” or sanctity of life is the principle protection of those aspects of sentient life which are said to be holy, sanctified, or otherwise of such value that they are not to be violated.

“If we betray our humanness in the pursuit of civilization, then the dialogue has become mad.” Terrence McKenna

Re: Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis
Posted by: Horsea ()
Date: September 12, 2009 06:18AM

I want to talk about real parasites, i.e., worms - the entities that can live not only in our guts but also in every part of our body, including liver, lungs, blood, etc.

After thinking about this matter for some time, I've concluded that parasites are a material manifestation of soul sickness. The Essene Gospel of Peace relates how Jesus Christ healed people of parasites, including a man who housed an extremely large & difficult-to-eradicate tapeworm through his natural healing methods. Maybe it's all about natural healing after all, instead of airy-fairy psychology/spirituality.

The serpent that symbolises the ruin of Adam and Eve in the creation myth really is an enlarged parasite in appearance.

Re: Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: September 12, 2009 11:08PM

Parasites and predators serve the function of taking the weak back down into the soil for recycling of nutrients. Remembering how to generate the Light and to empower our spirit, we have no need to indulge in trying to have power-over others, nor do we submit to power encroachment by others.Thus unsovereign populations whom have forgotten how to empower themselves and are looking for external forms of power, will be set upon by parasites and predators. Here in lies the secret of just and noble politico-polis structure in which to create evolving, healthy humans and ecosystem.

Re: Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis
Posted by: Horsea ()
Date: September 14, 2009 01:59AM

I respect your wisdom, Janabanana, but I would be most grateful if you could put your latest post into simpler terms. I particularly don't grasp what is meant by unsovereign populations; or politico-polis structure. Tks! - Horsea.

Re: Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: September 14, 2009 03:44AM

I keep coming into this thread because I think it's interesting but I also don't understand half of what you're saying. I think I'm a pretty intelligent gal but... you're talking so far up in the air above my head that I've lost the thread like a let-go-of kite. You know?

Re: Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: September 14, 2009 05:24AM

In mass humanity has never been sovereign because the sociopolitical control mechanisms of power-hierarchy have been unconsciously carried on within the hominid line since its inception. That is we still haven't emerged from disempowering "animal" social dynamics yet. Sovereignty, or the sourcing of the individual from the cosmos "prior" to identification with the collective human mind, is what allows us to grow from power-over social structure that causes brain-damage and the partial human...into each individual becoming their spiritually illuminated Christ-self in order to build a mystic civilization.

Basically the brain damage caused by primate power dynamics is the underlying cause of the degeneration of the human species and the collapse of the biosphere of spaceship earth.To reinstate ourselves into the "noble" condition we have to grow a new brain in which to create a new society that creates sovereign brains. Through ignition, hygiene, vitalizing, and tuning in we elevate ourselves out of the matrix of degenerousy that is thousands of years in the making.

You can follow my blog as I try to explain all this.

Dan Winter's videos on youtube seem to be the closest aligned to where I am going with this...except I don't go as far as galactic community and the ancient astronaut idea.

In order to write this book I realize that I have set up a false dichotomy in fighting with shadows on the wall...polarizing the difference between the special evolving creatives and the vast hoards of teaming Flatland drones. Whereas the real evolution-point happens within each individual in their will to either rise up to their true deeper nature, or succumb to the habitual gravity of the commercial herd. The proving ground for this is the heart...for the ignition, illumination, analysis, synthesis, integration and substantiation of progress occurs through the human heart and the submission to Nirvana Now. Thus bringing a kind of broad embracing sense of dance and play to life, which allows the warm magnetic cooking of happenstance in which the humanizing process is allowed its most penetrating reach.

Re: Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: September 14, 2009 01:38PM


I am really enjoying this thread, and my own thoughts align with many of the ideas you pose here. Looking forward to visiting the blog!

Re: Parasitism, Predation and Symbiosis
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: September 16, 2009 05:29PM

Bliss is a name for the amount of amperage that can pass non-destructively thru tissue. It is the feeling component of the perfect flo of spirit or consciousness within the bio-crystal, with the least resistance or interference patterns. Thus the body’s atoms sing in tune with the resonance of Gaia, or Uni-versal song. Love (8Hz) or the Schumann resonance braids the greatest number and complexity of waves within waves to bring about the deepest Grokking…oneness with the Uni-verse. Love is the fractal of awakening that allows the perfect eating of spin.

Eating this process of tolerating Bliss...of relaxing into it and going-with the fire of metamorphosis. This involves being true to oneself so that our e-motions are kept in an upspiral mode. Having to “consciously” eat spin (the fire of awareness) means we have to consciously change our whole way of interrelating to other humans in order to keep the e-motions upspiral. Eating spin is the science of perfecting the flow of energy through the multiscale caduceus such that there is as little interference pattern as possible and the maximum spin density, awareness density...or spiritual depth perception. Eating spin is the perfect braiding of the spin paths of the multi-scale electromagnetic fields forming the Merkabah. By using the mind as a uraeus, that is a divining rod or cohesive steerage device to determine the flight, brightness and direction of the Merhabah.

In ancient Egypt the Uraeus, the serpent head on the forehead, was the symbol of sovereignty, royalty, deity and divine authority. Representing the unification of the divided, complex, neurotic socialized self, into the single, simple, integrated or divine self. At this point we could say that the third eye or spiritual awareness is functionally opened. Thus turning the serpent into the rod…that is, the rod at the core of the caduceus is the sacred space - the still convergence point of the interference pattern of the waves (Marko Rodin’s #9) which constitutes translightspeed (superluminal) consciousness…and hereby achieving precognition and therefore the divine right to rule the kingdom.

The Kingdom of Heaven is no-place or the still point that resides within. Nirvana Now being the state of gaining mastery over the forces of entropy through the steering of the mind towards "emptiness"...the still convergence point of the interference pattern of the waves (#9). The third eye is composed of this rod created by the perfect spin path of the caduceus up the spine (spin of electrons up the spin-e). It is interesting that during an inner conjunction (of 10,000 orgasms up the spine) the spine is straight, rigid and paralyzed…just like a rod. And when the plasma sword of the silver cord goes down into the top of the skull…it too feels like a solid rod of centripetal force. Thus the body is a perfect implosion device, as described in the symbol of the caduceus. Hence the term “eating spin.”

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