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Natural, good, inexpensive cream for the skin...?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: September 17, 2009 05:49PM

Man... unfortunately my skin is breaking out again.

And I've actually been super good for a little while now, no peanuts, muesli, coffee, green tea or even unfiltered water.

It could be partly that I was ingesting so much dust yesterday though as I spent a lot of time going around my house cleaning... but I really have no idea. I also have little folds and creases....

I'm getting the impression that like our teeth, maybe we unfortunately really do need skincare remedies. However anything, even as simple as an antibacterial wash cream makes my skin inflamed!!!! I went to a dermatologist a few months ago and that ***** prescribed me antibiotics and alcohol-based cream. I was off the cream within about two days and the antibiotics within a few days as well.... I knew they were bad to take at all it's just I was so desperate.....

But now I'm wondering. If we take the teeth analogy... you need to brush your teeth. What do you need to do for you skin? Washing my skin seems to do nothing for it...

I was thinking of some kind of natural cream that has all of the good, natural things our skin wants and needs but is maybe permanently damaged so that it can't be done properly from the inside anymore?

I mean your coenzyme q10 and collagen and that type of thing.... the things they add INTO really expensive stuff because they cannot make anything better than mother nature herself. But without the synthetics and make-up type stuff going along with it.

I don't expect results instantly... I just want to give back to my skin the natural things it should have been gettin all along.

Re: Natural, good, inexpensive cream for the skin...?
Posted by: Prism ()
Date: September 17, 2009 07:05PM

I threw all my lotions and creams (I was given or gifted with most) out and don't use anything that may find bacteria in them. I use hydrogen peroxide for getting rid of lots of things on my body. Or a spray of water and essential lemon or orange oil.

If you can't eat it, don't put it on your skin is a good rule to follow.


Re: Natural, good, inexpensive cream for the skin...?
Posted by: Omega ()
Date: September 17, 2009 07:13PM

The first thing I would try is psyllium husk powder, 2x day for a month and see if that clears up the skin.

If that doesn't work, only then would I consider other (natural) solutions.

Re: Natural, good, inexpensive cream for the skin...?
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: September 18, 2009 03:46AM

Chlorophyll is the ultimate skin nutrient. You can mix wheatgrass juice with a little clay powder and make a face pack; use on lymph areas of neck also. For chlorophyll you might also think of growing nettles in the garden, and wheatgrass in trays...

MSM —horse MSM from is cheapest
Sulfur used in the formation of collagen -- the "lattice" framework the cells fit in. So like Vitamin C it's required in large quantities so it is a "macro mineral", not a trace mineral.

Alpha Lipoic Acid and DHLA Protects Skin from cancer, aging, UV radiation damage and conserves fat soluble antioxidants in the skin. It enhances glucose utilization by improving the efficiency of insulin.
L-Lysine Powder $9.95 For strong collagen to keep pathogens from moving throughout the body and dissolving collagen with their enzymes.
Cat's Claw Bark Powder (Uncaria tomentosa) $8.35/lb
Magnesium Citrate
Kelp Powder $3.25/lb
Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) $4.75/lb
Lecthin Grandules $6.65/lb
Flax seed whole $2.30/lb
Chia seed
Vitamin C buffered $10.50/lb
Rhodiola rosa $12.00/lb
Olive leaf (antimicrobial) $6.30/lb
Chaparral (antifreeradical)
Ginkgo biloba (capillaries)

COLLOGEN AMINO ACIDS— Vitamin C, Lysine and Proline are needed to build strong collagen to protect against the spread of fungal, bacterial and viral infections. Lysine is essential for tissue growth and repair and it inhibits the hyaluronidase enzyme that candida and cancer uses to break down collagen in order to spread. Quinoa is a complete protein, which means it has all nine essential amino acids. The content of tryptophan and lysine in quinoa protein is three times higher than that in whole wheat.

Copper peptides help convert the amino acids to collagen. Supplementation with glucosamine, glycine, proline, vitamin C, copper, manganese, magnesium and zinc can help to restore elasticity and strength to connective tissue.

Mineral deficiency is behind both carbohydrate craving, blood sugar problems and candida so take many different forms of full spectrum mineral supplements; preferably in natural form like kelp, bluegreen algae, and remineralized green plants. This will ensure plentiful building materials for strong collagen. Silicon deficiency is one of the main reasons we are losing our water holding capacity and collagen strength. I use horsetail (harvested from Boulder creek) and corn silk mainly for silicon. You could make up a herb/supplement formula especially for collagen and tendons and make superfood smoothies with it. See superfood smoothie in the diet section of BOK

Collagen synthesized in the absence of ascorbic acid is insufficiently hydroxylated and, hence, has a lower melting temperature. The abnormal collagen cannot properly form fibers and, thus, causes the skin lesions and blood vessel fragility that are so prominent in scurvy. []

Topical and Internal Anti-inflammatories—Arnica, Aloe vera, Allantoin, Cat’s claw, Chamomile, Chaparral, Devil’s claw, Everlasting, Zinc, Kelp, Ivy, Licorice, Elderberry, Linden, Goji berry, Olive leaf, Eyebright, Golden Rod, Meadowsweet, Oak Bark, Peppermint, Plantain, Grapefruit seed oil and Oregano Oil are known for their ability to normalize our body’s histamine response, to moderate the immune system’s inflammatory response and to support our body’s healthy overall immune function.

Foods rich in iodine: food from the ocean, radishes, asparagus, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, rhubarb, potatoes, peas, strawberries, mushrooms, lettuce, bananas, cabbage, egg yolk, and onions. —1oz 15% Lugol’s Solution from Alpha Omega Labs
Iodine: Why you need it Why you can't live without it by MD Dr. David Brownstein
The Miracle of Natural Hormones by David Brownstein

PM CLEANSER ~ 1 part of each from 1 tsp in a glass of water morning and evening.
Yucca root
Magnesium citrate
Bentonite Clay
Psyllium Husk Powder
Papain (Papaya enzymes)

Psyllium is especially effective for removing endotoxins from the intestines and reducing allergic and autoimmune reactions. If you suspect intestinal parasites also add MMS or Lugol’s solution or wormwood or essential oils to the psyllium.

Besides trace minerals, enzymes and phytochemicals, the three most crucial things we are lacking today are Magnesium, Omega 3 fatty acids and Silicon Iodine, Chromium, Selenium and other trace minderals...
•Magnesium citrate powder, and magnesium in dark greens, wheatgrass etc...;Epsom Salt foot baths/baths. Magnesium Ascorbate provides the essential magnesium mineral supplement combined with buffered Vitamin C.
•Topical Magnesium oil for sore muscles. I Bought from ANCIENT MINERALS MAGNESIUM OIL 140227609181 – Try a Best Bid Price at:$26.00 first and see if they take it.
•Omega 3 in whole food sources: seeds of hemp/flax/chia, moringa leaf, wild fish, krill oil, spirulina and other algae, ...(along lecithin) to build up your nerve sheaths and cell membranes. The key to good hydration is healthy cell membranes. Krill oil is better than fish oil, because the high levels of natural antioxidants in Krill prevent the oil from becoming rancid.
•Silicon in horsetail, Oatstraw and nettle tea; cornsilk; stalks, peels and cores of fruit and vege. Water loving Silicon is the key architectural element in the body’s collagen structure.
•Melt snow and drink it as your main water is far more structured, electrical, pure and energizing that bottled or tap water. The core of a cell's DNA is a column of structured hexagonal water. The biggest cause of DNA malfunction is dehydration!
•Rhodiola—I take many herbs, but the one I find most useful for excess cortisol and stress is Rhodiola rosa (from
•Goji Berries—highest in Beta Carotene, good free radical and UV protection. $6.95 and $9.95 a pound.
•Neem Oil—Topical for sore muscles; put on feet and wear socks-for great antifungal/antibacterial and GI Tract cleanser.
•Olive Leaf—I think Olive Leaf is the principle protective herb for looking after nerve sheaths during changing to a raw diet and the consequent increase in detoxification and rise in nerve energy (kundalini). It is also antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Those with candida or have aspirations to longevity should take Olive Leaf. Nothing heals the body faster or deeper than Olive Leaf.

• Morning Wake-up Test—I notice the state of my body when I wake up, and it is easy to register the effect of food/substances one has ingested the day before. Anything that is cooked causes the body pain, and the feeling that the cells of the digestive system are burned. Heaviness of the digestive system and aching of the joints results from cooked foods and commercial drinks. Ideally we shouldn't even be boiling our drinking water for teas etc...

Re: Natural, good, inexpensive cream for the skin...?
Posted by: Jgunn ()
Date: September 18, 2009 02:35PM

superinfinity i would take a look at tonya zavastas site regarding skin care , she has amazing skin for a woman her age

...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist

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