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raw foods stumbling block - allergies
Posted by: badawie ()
Date: February 28, 2010 12:09AM


It's been a long time since I've posted here. Last time I was here I was having a number of health probs docs couldn't diagnose (what's new!). I have histamine intolerance. If I eat too many foods that release or contain histamine, my body falls to pieces. Anxiety, depression, diarrhea, constipation, fever, rash, bronchitis symptoms, visual disturbances and all kinds of fun stuff. I finally connected the dots when I went on a water fast and immediately felt better (in half a day). I eventually did a 3 day fast and felt much better, but the histamine keeps building back up and I don't think my body is ready for a longer fast.

I know this has been caused by my former diet and by antibiotics (I was on them for over 6 months because docs couldn't work out my symptoms) but given that histamine builds up in un-fresh foods, I was surprised to learn I have this. Fermented foods also make it worse (much much much worse). But my biggest problem is that (lucky me) I also have oral allergy syndrome which causes sneezing and bronchitis like illness that is caused by fresh fruit and vegetables (though I can eat them when cooked). This obviously presents me with a problem. I can continue cooking my veggies for the rest of my life and continue suffering in general, or I can try and heal.

Histamine intolerance is caused by a lack of enzymes called DAO. They can be affected by antibiotics or genetics. I seem to have had this for most of my life. I was on tranquilisers for years because docs couldn't figure out the root of my malaise (food!). Docs say that the only treatment now is strict adherence to a diet that limits fruit, and promotes meat.

Ironically, the foods I am most allergic to are the ones that will help me heal. I know literally hundreds of people in the same boat on an allergy forum and most of them are really stressed that this condition forces them to live on turkey, chicken and meat. I refuse point blank. I need probiotics but rejuvelac makes me insanely anxious and itchy. I need natural digestive enzymes but mango and pineapple (and pretty much all fruit) make my throat swell up and I itch all over.

Does anyone here suffer from allergies? I'm kind of hoping for inspiration I guess, or some kind of encouragement that if I keep increasing the raw foods, eventually I'll get better. At the moment the only way I can manage food is by eating tiny little amounts so I don't have a major reaction (which let me stress is never life threatening). But with those amounts, the only way for max nutrition is raw foods. I'm having some success with a rotation diet which means you eat a food group once every 4-10 days which is super hard to do where I live now, but I'll be moving to thailand in a few weeks (I know the timing is horrible) and there's much more variety out there.

I wanted to ask for opinions on whether I should just keep attempting to transition and hope that I will heal eventually (and just put up with the symptoms in the meantime)? Does anyone here suffer from allergies? I'd appreciate any input or personal stories. I just have so little faith in doctors, especially anyone who tells me to eat less fruit and veg and tells me to eat more meat!

Re: raw foods stumbling block - allergies
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: February 28, 2010 06:09PM


Sorry you are going through this. Many people on here have indicated that once they switched to raw, most or all of their food and environmental allergies cleared up. I don't recall anyone's mentioning having a deficiency in diamine oxidase. Have you ever taken an enzyme supplement to make up the deficit? It is because of your severe and erratic reactions to foods that I ask this. Here's a description of the sort of thing I mean:


It seems to list your symptoms. I'd ask the doctor about this kind of therapy, and anything else natural that might temporarily suppress your intolerance for the things that you react violently to, and which you have faith are good for you, like vitamin rich fruits. Good luck.

Re: raw foods stumbling block - allergies
Posted by: badawie ()
Date: February 28, 2010 08:42PM

Hi there,

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately the pills are made from pork enzymes! I'm taking fruit enzymes but they're not agreeing with me either. I have an appointment with another specialist in a couple of weeks and will start acupuncture in Thailand.

The irony is that what's causing my histamine overload is oral allergy syndrome which is caused by fresh fruit and vegetables. That's why I hit a brick wall every time I try to go higher than 50% raw.

I was looking through a couple of people's posts/diaries but a couple just linked to blogs of people who wanted to coach people. Which is great but I have all the info, just need my body's cooperation!

Will keep at it slowly... thanks again!

Re: raw foods stumbling block - allergies
Posted by: Prana ()
Date: March 02, 2010 05:34AM


I have heard of other raw foodists who started out allergic to many raw foods. Find the raw foods you can tolerate. For the rest of your diet, eat a low fat whole foods cooked vegan diet, until your health recovers. As your body becomes less and less toxic, you will have less and less allergic reactions to things.

In general, the reason the body gets allergic to normally innocuous things like pollen is because the internal body is so toxic that everything internally is overloaded. So if you allow your body to get plenty of rest and sleep, exercise, fresh air, reduced stress, and a clean whole foods cooked vegan diet, with whatever raw you can manage, you will become less allergic to things.

Another strategy you might try is to go to a fasting clinic and do a supervised water fast. This will get you the fastest possible healing, but to do this you would need to clear a chunk of time (a month or perhaps more) to allow yourself to be fasted and then to be reintroduced to foods.

Re: raw foods stumbling block - allergies
Posted by: badawie ()
Date: March 02, 2010 08:40PM

Hi Bryan,

That's heartening to hear. I've been cooked vegan for a while now but I still feel like my body is in overload. Raw foods have less of a negative effect on my digestion than the cooked v, but they do make my throat swell up which can be a little scary (though I've never suffered anything that would make me go to the hospital).

Is there anywhere in Thailand you can recommend for the water fast? Everywhere I've looked into does juice fasts. I'll be moving there in under two weeks so I would actually be able to do one. I think water would be much better to give my body a bit of relief from the constant inflammation of the allergies.

Thanks again, I really appreciate your reply.

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