Is there a scientific explanation for why I can't digest raw, unblended greens?
Posted by:
Date: February 09, 2013 03:21PM No matter what my diet has been, I've had trouble with this. The only way I can fully process greens are cooked or in smoothies. The best my system has ever dealt with whole greens was when I was super high raw vegan. Still, I had issues. Is it an enzyme issue or what? Re: Is there a scientific explanation for why I can't digest raw, unblended greens?
Posted by:
Date: February 09, 2013 10:46PM When you say 'greens', do you mean spinach, lettuce, arugula, mache or just collards/kale/mustard greens? And what happens to you that you know you're not digesting them? What are your symptoms? I wouldn't know about the scientific angle, but have you tried eating greens with nuts/seeds, or oil or with lemon juice (vitamin C) because I've heard that those things are helpful to their nutritional availability. Re: Is there a scientific explanation for why I can't digest raw, unblended greens?
Posted by:
Date: February 09, 2013 10:52PM HH Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- ...... Is it an enzyme issue or what? I would guess you're not chewing properly. Post at the Main Forum for a wider array of answers......WY Re: Is there a scientific explanation for why I can't digest raw, unblended greens?
Posted by:
Date: February 13, 2013 01:15PM This has happened to me only after digestive crisis(in which case it's enzymatic) but more commonly when I haven't been chewing my food thoroughly--roughage doesn't go down without a fight! Fletcherize your greens and see if that helps, HH. Re: Is there a scientific explanation for why I can't digest raw, unblended greens?
Posted by:
Date: February 14, 2013 11:58PM Tamukha Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- ..... Fletcherize your greens and see if that helps "Nature will castigate those who don't masticate"......Horace Fletcher Re: Is there a scientific explanation for why I can't digest raw, unblended greens?
Posted by:
Date: February 15, 2013 11:48PM WY,
Laughing so hard at that--thanks! Re: Is there a scientific explanation for why I can't digest raw, unblended greens?
Posted by:
Date: February 18, 2013 02:10PM Yeah that's probably it. Not chewing enough. Salads are really bad news for me and I never have any stomach problems until I eat them. Thank you. What does Fletcherize mean? Re: Is there a scientific explanation for why I can't digest raw, unblended greens?
Posted by:
Date: February 18, 2013 10:23PM Oops. Nevermind. Horace Fletcher of chew each bite 32 times fame. ![]() Re: Is there a scientific explanation for why I can't digest raw, unblended greens?
Posted by:
Date: February 19, 2013 02:22AM try using raw apple cider vinegar mix a shot or two with purified water and drink before eating your greens and/or sprinkle a little on the greens..... and if you juice try drinking carrot celery spinach, carrot celery, and or some sprout juices with carrot and celery as they are high in enzymes, pulp free(important for bloating problems). This has helped me with the same problem. Let the juices settle a little first then eat as you feel you digestion becomes "activated, not right along with the food, thats what worked for me anyway"
Good luck I hope this helps Re: Is there a scientific explanation for why I can't digest raw, unblended greens?
Posted by:
Date: February 22, 2013 12:59PM I Fletcherized a good sized yet simple salad yesterday afternoon. It had spring mix, cucumber, olive oil, onion, ACV, and a handful of raw cashew pieces. It took an hour to eat, but everything is running smoothly as of this morning. I also had a couple shots of coconut milk yogurt and Teecino (chicory root) with it. Thank you! Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/22/2013 01:00PM by HH. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.