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3,000 Pushups and Squats Challenge...Join Me?
Posted by: Luis Medrano ()
Date: March 09, 2014 07:19PM

I am proposing a challenge to you. I am asking if you would join me in this fitness challenge.

What is the challenge?

Quite simply, the challenge is to do 100 pushups and 100 squats every single day for 30 days.

I have already started the fitness challenge. I am on day 10. This means that I have completed 900 pushups and 900 squats and now I have 2,100 of each to go. Wow! Only 20 more days to go.

When you think of it that way, it is staggering. To think of doing 3,000 reps of any exercise seems almost over whelming. The simple solution to this is to break it down into chunks. That is why 100 a day seems a lot easier. Even 100 sounds like a lot. Just break that one down into smaller pieces. For example you can do 10 sets of 10, 4 sets of 25, 2 sets of 50, or whatever works for you, as long as you do 100. Before you know it you will have completed 100 pushups and squats and soon 3,000!

The way I have set it up is sets of 15. I will do 15 pushups then 15 squats followed by a 30 second rest. I will keep doing that until I reach 90 reps, then just finish off the last 10. I am also adding yoga to this routine. My personal challenge is to do yoga and 100 pushups/squats every single day for 30 straight days.

So far I have been doing pretty well. Here’s how I have been keeping myself accountable. I keep a journal, and in that journal I have a page with a chart with 30 boxes. For every day I complete the challenge I put a check mark. As you can see it is simple but it helps me stay on top of it.

I challenge you do join me if you dare. I guarantee you will be more fit, your arms and legs more sculpted, and you might even drop a few pounds.

How I am supporting myself during this challenge:

Here are some ways that I am supporting myself during this fitness challenge, just to give you some ideas on how you can do the same.

1. Eat as healthy as I can. This means completely plant-based, whole foods, and as raw as possible. The reason I say “as raw as possible” is might throw in a healthy cooked dinner such as brown rice with broccoli or a veggie soup, but I mainly focus on raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds because I believe those are the most powerful and optimal foods you can eat.

2. Doing work that I enjoy. This includes making videos and working on my website. Also, I am a classroom teacher. Finding joy in working with students and enjoying myself in the classroom is key.

3. Making sure I drink plenty of water and get sunshine and fresh air every day. To this I also add having a positive attitude and being optimistic.
The truth is some days I don’t feel like working out. I might come home from work and just feel like relaxing, but I have to push myself. I think about the benefits I get and how I feel during and after working out to push me to complete my workout for the day.

So join me will you? Here is your chance to push yourself to new heights.

I hope you have enjoyed this. Now let’s go do pushups and squats!

Until next time, peace
Luis Medrano

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