Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 12:09AM John Rose Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > [] > John Tilden MD (1851-1940) quotes > > "This disease (diptheria) has been epidemic, > endemic, and sporadic. For the last twenty-five > years it has gradually been declining in severity. > Children who are overfed, who have developed in > the intestinal tract a state of decomposition or > putrescence, running on for some time, and who > have broken down their resistance, will develop a > state of toxemia which will cause them to be > susceptible to the prevailing influences, > atmospheric and otherwise. Children who are fed > too frequently or fed improperly, and who are > troubled with constipation and the passing of > undigested food with the bowel movements, are made > susceptible not only to diphtheria, but also to > scarlet fever, measles, whooping-cough, etc. > Indeed, it can be proved that normal, healthy > children--children who have bowels that are > regular, and who are not troubled with intestinal > indigestion--cannot be made to take any of these > diseases."--John Tilden MD (1921) > > The entire profession is enlisted on the side of > antitoxin as the proper remedy. I have no faith in > it, do not believe in the theory, hence have not > recommended it--nor shall I. The claims that there > has been a tremendous reduction in the amount of > diphtheria, and especially in the mortality of the > disease, because of the use of serum, I am not > prepared to accept. DIPHTHERIA by John Tilden MD > (Impaired Health: Its Cause and Cure , Volume II. > Chapter 1) > > As a rule, it (chickenpox) is a very insignificant > disease. By that I mean that it is not of > sufficient importance to worry about.--John Tilden > MD (1851-1940) > > "Measles is the manner in which a child's body > throws off toxemia. When children are cared for > improperly, they become toxemic, and their skin > eliminates toxin to a greater degree than does the > skin of grown people."--John Tilden MD > > "You cannot have a very severe round of typhoid > fever unless you have a "first-class" physician to > give it strength to down you...... I have not lost > a case in 15 years (including typhoid and > pneumonia), and I have treated hundreds. Fatality > is attributable to the medication." -Dr. John > Tilden > > “This line of treatment ought to save every > patient, and if this care is begun early in the > beginning of the development of symptoms, few > would ever get far enough along to have to go to > bed. It is curable in its beginning, one hundred > per cent. Tuberculosis is doctored to death. If > this treatment is adopted early, there will be no > tubercular bacilli, hence those who believe that > there is no tuberculosis except in cases where the > bacilli are to be found, will not believe that the > disease can be jugulated as I have described. If > it is any gratification to the profession and the > people to believe in the present diagnosis and > treatment, it is up to them to enjoy it. Those who > will follow me will not need to develop that kind > of tuberculosis.” -Dr. John Tilden > > "There is no question but that perfect sanitation > has almost obliterated this disease, and sooner or > later will dispose of it entirely. Of course, when > that time comes, in all probability the credit > will be given to vaccination." -Dr. John Tilden > > "Smallpox is considered one of the most virulent > of contagious diseases, and it is generally > believed that persons exposed are almost > invariably attacked, unless protected by > vaccination. This is one of the most stupendous > exaggerations to be found in medical literature. > My experience has been that very few people take > it when exposed to it." -Dr. John Tilden > [] I wonder if the people of war-torn Liberia are "overfed". Seems like many Ebola victims are rather slim, and the disease doesn't last long enough to be the only cause. I wonder how much healthy food is available in the urban areas of West Africa, especially after so many West African farmers have abandoned their fields or died. If fresh, healthy food is not readily available, how helpful would Dr. Tilden be in addressing the Ebola crisis today, even from his point of view? Ebola's Toll: Farmers Aren't Farming, Traders Aren't Trading [] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 12:20AM In the Aids hoax movie, usually these deaths are malnutrition related, in poverty countries. FResh food not related. Good point suncloud Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 12:27AM The good news: those who survive Ebola are naturally immune and can help treat others without fear of infection. The more survivors, the greater the available workforce for fighting this disease and bringing treatment to others - mostly in the form of beds, fluids, and emotional support. Doctors Without Borders is now celebrating it's 1000th survivor.
Here are a couple of good stories about real people who survived a real disease: Liberia: "My Son is MSF's 1,000th Ebola Survivor" [] Surviving Ebola, Then Helping Others Fight It [] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 12:37AM suncloud Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > SueZ Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Speaking of glaring holes here's one the health > > care industry may want to get real about... > > > > "Gloves and Ebola virus: a consideration of > the > > penetration possibility based on nanostructure > > considerations" > > > > > > > [] > > > 3.pdf > > > > > > Pore size on health care worker's gloves should > be > > moved into the international Ebola spotlight. > > Good article! Now put that with this info I posted a few days ago... N95 mask 3 microns > > N100 mask .03 microns > > Ebola .08 microns ...while reviewing the masks and gloves pictured in the following links which show the response teams to the new ongoing Ebola scare in Manhattan who has just tested POSITIVE...[] [] [] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 12:47AM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > suncloud Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > SueZ Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > Speaking of glaring holes here's one the > health > > > care industry may want to get real about... > > > > > > "Gloves and Ebola virus: a consideration of > > the > > > penetration possibility based on > nanostructure > > > considerations" > > > > > > > > > > > > [] > > > > > > 3.pdf > > > > > > > > > Pore size on health care worker's gloves > should > > be > > > moved into the international Ebola spotlight. > > > > Good article! > > Now put that with this info I posted a few days > ago... > > N95 mask 3 microns > > > > N100 mask .03 microns > > > > Ebola .08 microns > > > ...while reviewing the masks and gloves pictured > in the following links which show the response > teams to the new ongoing Ebola scare in Manhattan > who has just tested > POSITIVE...[] > ion/craig-spencer-is-tested-for-ebola-virus-at-bel > levue-hospital-in-new-york-city.html?smid=tw-bna&_ > r=0 > > > [] > ?f=5&t=12776&start=1 > > []? > f=5&t=12776&sid=8cd8861da0a10d7c8c2586e9cc331adf&s > tart=10 Ebola is now officially in New York city. The man who has it traveled from Manhattan to Brooklyn on the subway on Wednesday night, when he went to a bowling alley and then took a taxi home. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 12:56AM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > > Now put that with this info I posted a few days > ago... > > N95 mask 3 microns > > > > N100 mask .03 microns > > > > Ebola .08 microns Yes, a problem! > ...while reviewing the masks and gloves pictured > in the following links which show the response > teams to the new ongoing Ebola scare in Manhattan > who has just tested > POSITIVE...[] > ion/craig-spencer-is-tested-for-ebola-virus-at-bel > levue-hospital-in-new-york-city.html?smid=tw-bna&_ > r=0 Geez. POSITIVE! The doctor in NYC tested positive. Geez. > [] > ?f=5&t=12776&start=1 > > []? > f=5&t=12776&sid=8cd8861da0a10d7c8c2586e9cc331adf&s > tart=10 Interesting links. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/24/2014 12:58AM by suncloud. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 01:02AM Brooklyn New York is as densely populated as Monrovia Liberia is. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 01:08AM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Ebola is now officially in New York city. The man > who has it traveled from Manhattan to Brooklyn on > the subway on Wednesday night, when he went to a > bowling alley and then took a taxi home. Geez, well, CDC and New York Health Dept. will be busy trying to find all his contacts. Meanwhile maybe just hope and pray the infection wasn't far enough along last night to be contagious. Geez. Hope and pray. If the doctor was contagious and someone else gets it in New York, I hope he/she won't be sent home from the ER for not having been in West Africa. Now all we need is a few people refusing to go to the hospital because they think Ebola is a hoax. Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/24/2014 01:15AM by suncloud. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 01:51AM Even though the flu is killing many more people in the USA than Ebola, don't get the flu vaccine: Flu Vaccine is the most Dangerous Vaccine in the U. S. based on Settled Cases for Injuries Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 04:42AM Thanks for that link, Prana. Also interesting is that CDC doesn't really know how many people die from the flu each year. It's difficult to find out, because of complications other than flu that are recorded as the cause of death.
"CDC estimates that from the 1976-1977 season to the 2006-2007 flu season, flu-associated deaths ranged from a low of about 3,000 to a high of about 49,000 people." [] Those numbers are not "per year". What that means is that during the entire 40-year period, 3,000 to 49,000 people died from flu. So the highest estimate averages 1,225 per year. The lowest estimate averages 75 per year. I've had the flu shot twice (required by my school, not the hospital), and I got dizzy both times. A friend's daughter was temporarily in a wheelchair, and now has tremors. Other vaccines really have saved many lives though. Of course, it's not all black and white, bad guys and good guys. Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 10/24/2014 04:47AM by suncloud. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 06:58AM OOPS! Bad math. (Sorry!)
The 1976-1977 season to the 2006-2007 season is a 30-year period (not 40-year period). So the highest estimate of deaths from the flu averages 1,633 per year. The lowest estimate averages 100 per year. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 08:46AM So yes, I agree with you Prana, it seems that the flu shot - at least for most people - is really not worth the risk. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: October 24, 2014 12:44PM <<<Other vaccines really have saved many lives though.>>>
TOTAL BS!!! Apparently, you have NOT read very much information other than the "official version" and I have provided LOTS of information in this thread to help you Connect the Dots. For example, I have already provided the link below which has 51 Graphs PROVING that you and the "official version" are WRONG!!! [] Disease decline before introduction of immunisation Graph showing disease decline (Australia) before introduction of vaccines [] "The decline in infectious diseases in developed countries had nothing to do with vaccinations, but with the decline in poverty and hunger."--Dr Buchwald, M.D. "Up to 90% of the total decline in the death rate of children between 1860-1965 because of whooping cough, scarlet fever, diptheria, and measles occured before the introduction of immunisations and antibiotics."---Dr Archie Kalokerinos, M.D. ... 51 Graphs ... [] Once again, there are 51 Graphs in the link above that PROVE that you and the "official version" are WRONG!!!!!! Do yourself a favor and open up our mind so you will STOP spreading PROPAGANDA and REFUSE to be VACCINATED!!! I realize that you are FORCED to take Vaccines and I can see how you might NOT want to know the TRUTH because that might upset you and it SHOULD!!! Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: October 24, 2014 03:04PM Hey suncloud,
Did you check out the link at the bottom of the page with those 51 Graphs? [] THE VACCINATION RACKET 1 [They knew in the 17th century how to cure smallpox (Sydenham had a 98% cure rate, see Case mortality for 19th century), so if you can cure you know the true cause (the Vaccinators/Allopaths campaigned against sanitation reform! 1), so for 200 years now they have been deliberately 1) inducing and spreading disease (such as Leprosy into Hawaii), 2) killing 3) sterilising 4) & robbing for vast profit, with vaccines, as part of the longstanding Reptilian (500 years+) human Depopulation programme. Further cast iron proof it's a racket is the fact they could cure viral disease before 1949 with Vitamin C, not to mention all the other well proven Allopathic Rackets such as the longstanding Cancer Racket genocide.] ... [] WARNING!!! All of this Knowledge has the potential to Shut Down your Frontal Lobe! [] Proceed with an open mind or else it might get closed shut forever! Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 03:15PM John Rose Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- " "as part of the longstanding Reptilian (500 years+) human Depopulation programme" " Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 03:36PM Hi suncloud,
The language that is used in the CDC website is confusing. Here is the statement in question: "CDC estimates that from the 1976-1977 season to the 2006-2007 flu season, flu-associated deaths ranged from a low of about 3,000 to a high of about 49,000 people." This could mean, as you interpreted, that the total deaths were 3K to 49K for the entire period from 1976 to 2007. Or it could mean that the deaths per years were between 3K and 49K during that period. The way you can tell the real meaning is to click through to the description of the estimates (Estimates of Deaths Associated with Seasonal Influenza --- United States, 1976--2007). There are 2 tables given on that page, both related to flu related deaths -- Table 1 includes underlying pneumonia + flu, Table 2 includes respiratory + circulatory causes. Table 2 has a larger number of deaths. If you look at Table 2, in 1986 there were an estimated 3,349 deaths from flu. In 2003, the deaths were 48,614. The average deaths per year is 23,607. Still given this larger number of annual deaths, I still think the flu vaccine is not worth the risk. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 03:44PM On the other hand, if you look at the history of annual death rates of ebola from 1976 to 2012, the rates are small, some years it's 0, and the max is 280. See the table at the bottom of the World Health Organization's Ebola virus disease Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: October 24, 2014 04:02PM Here is my recap from my file on CDC’s Influenza Lies:
We keep hearing how the flu virus kills some 36,000 people per year in the United States. You can access the raw data and various National Vital Statisics Reports for the United States. The most interesting National Vital Statistics Report available so far is the preliminary report from 2002, which shows the number of deaths for 2002 (estimated) and 2001 (final). Let me cut to the chase. If you open this document and go to page 16, you will see that the number of influenza deaths for 2002 is estimated at 753, and the final total for 2001 is 257. This means that the number of deaths from the flu -- which should have been about 72,000 for the two years combined -- was only 1010. The lie that the CDC offers -- 36,000 deaths per year -- is the most blantant example of the CDC operating on behalf of vaccine manufacturers and not the interests of the people. In 2000, there were 1765 deaths listed from influenza (in the USA). In 1999, there were 1665 deaths from influenza (in the USA). This is nowhere near 36,000 deaths per year that the CDC uses to try to frighten us. Another interesting thing about this information is that there is no report of a death from "just influenza". For the three years I have information from the CDC, 1999-2001, in all cases, influenza is never listed as the only cause of death. There are three basic subcategories: influenza plus pneumonia, influenza plus other respiratory manifestations/symptoms, and influenza plus other manifestations/symptoms (I assume these are not respiratory). There is *no* listing for "just influenza"! What's more, there are two basic categories. One (J10) is "influenza, virus identified", and the other (J11) is "influenza, virus not idenitifed". In most of the cases of death by influenza, the virus was never identified! So who knows how accurate the numbers we have are! Just take the year 2000's data. There were 60 deaths by influenza where the virus was actually identified. The other 1,705 deaths were assumed to be influenza, but the virus was never found, and remember -- all of them had other symptoms, too. 912 of those 1,705 (over half) were listed as "influenza with pneumonia, virus not identified". Chances are, the pneumonia killed these folks, not influenza. Without knowing for sure that the influenza virus is involved, all we have is an upper limit on the number of influenza-related deaths. Here is a link... [] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 04:21PM John Rose,
First of all, there is no such thing as the flu virus. The bits or RNA / DNA that are claimed to have these super killing powers are just detritus from cellular death. As you know, flu is not something one catches, but it is something one earns by the lifestyle one chooses. So when the CDC says death by influenza, the reality is death with flu-like symptoms, whether it be fever, lung congestion, throat congestion, general malaise, etc. Now if a person has flu like symptoms, but has a more "serious" disease like cancer or heart disease, and that person dies, the death is attributed to the serious disease, not the flu, even though the person could have really died from pneumonia (a flu like symptom). Give that 2.5 million people die per year ( Deaths and Mortality) in the US, and that 1 million are heart disease and cancer combined, I don't find it hard to believe that 48,000 people die from flu. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/24/2014 04:33PM by Prana. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 04:28PM " As you know, flu is not something one catches, but it is something one earns by the lifestyle one chooses."
Curious as to which religion is this from? Is it a secret handshake one? Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: October 24, 2014 04:33PM <<<First of all, there is no such thing as the flu virus. The bits or RNA / DNA that are claimed to have these super killing powers are just detritus from cellular death. As you know, flu is not something one catches, but it is something one earns by the lifestyle one chooses.>>>
EXACTLY!!! Every time I see the word VIRUS, I substitute that word with BS. Obviously, too much dead genetic debris can cause problems, but we must ask ourselves - why is there so much dead genetic debris? Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 04:37PM Suez, everything you write about in this thread is your own flavor of religion. You may think it's science, not religion, but you are mistaken. When it comes to chronic disease based on germ/virus theory, this is total religion, born out of belief. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 04:37PM John Rose Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > <<>> > > EXACTLY!!! > > Every time I see the word VIRUS, I substitute that > word with BS. Obviously, too much dead genetic > debris can cause problems, but we must ask > ourselves - why is there so much dead genetic > debris? You are very poorly informed and shouldn't be assuring people that everything is ok when you don't know what you're talking about. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: October 24, 2014 04:52PM <<<You are very poorly informed...>>>
You have NO IDEA how much I know and it is YOU who are poorly informed!!! Most people don’t know that most of our Problems are 100% Within our Control and a good place to start would be Contagious Diseases - Smallpox, Measles, AIDS, Ebola, oh my. We’re going to start with the premise that our so-called Experts are Not the Experts, case in point, Oncologists. Anybody who’s discovered Raw Food knows Not to do Chemotherapy and Radiation if they come down with Cancer. Most Raw Foodists know that the Wrong Food is the Cause to most of our Problems and that Drugs are Not the Answer - Lifestyle Changes are, especially Diet. Once we realize that those Specialists in the #1 and #2 Cause of Death, Heart Disease and Cancer, are Not our Experts, it’s Not hard to extrapolate that to all of the other areas of Specialty, especially in the Infectious Disease area. In order to keep the rest of us bamboozled, this area of Specialty needs to be Controlled and Mis-Directed more than any other area. If we ever figure out that we Eat our Colds and Flues, then we might figure out that we’re Eating our Heart Disease and Cancer too. The Contagion Myth and the Vaccine Myth are 2 of the 3 Legs Conventional Medicine stands on in order to establish some Credibility and they have to Protect these 2 LIES more than anything else, otherwise, it’s obvious that these people do NOT deserve to be our Experts. They Never Eradicated all of those Diseases - they took credit for something they didn’t do and they keep us from figuring out the simple Truth that We are the Enemy by insisting that the simplest of all Warning Signs is Outside of our Control - it’s Contagious - it has nothing to do with what you’re doing or with what you have done. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 04:58PM Prana Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Suez, everything you write about in this thread is > your own flavor of religion. You may think it's > science, not religion, but you are mistaken. When > it comes to chronic disease based on germ/virus > theory, this is total religion, born out of > belief. LOL. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: October 24, 2014 05:03PM SueZ wrote:
<<<LOL>>> “When a man of high capacity hears Tao, He does his best to put it into practice. When a man of middling capacity hears Tao, He is of two minds about it. When a man of low capacity hears Tao, He laughs out loud at it.” -Lao Tze (604-531 BC) - Tao Teh Ching Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 05:03PM John Rose Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > <<>> > > You have NO IDEA how much I know and it is YOU who > are poorly informed!!! But I know much you don't know about Ebola. Go ahead and think yourself invincible for all I care. Ebola doesn't care either. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: October 24, 2014 05:06PM For those FOOLS who still believe in INVISIBLE SCAPEGOATS:
"This remarkable prevision of the germ theory left no mark on eighteenth-century therapy, and had to be revived a second time in the nineteenth century." -Will & Ariel Durant, "The Story Of Civilization - The Age Of Voltaire" Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2014 06:26PM John Rose Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > SueZ wrote: > > <<>> > > “When a man of high capacity hears Tao, > He does his best to put it into practice. > When a man of middling capacity hears Tao, > He is of two minds about it. > When a man of low capacity hears Tao, > He laughs out loud at it.” -Lao Tze (604-531 > BC) - Tao Teh Ching Lol to your erroneous self congratulatory strutting out of Lao Tze in you cut and paste extravaganza which fools no one. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: October 24, 2014 06:30PM []
Why We Get the Flu... Posted by: John Rose () Date: October 24, 2014 01:23PM Why We Get the Flu by Vivian Virginia Vetrano, D.C. hM.D., M.D., PH.D. Sickness already exists before the virus or bacteria can propagate in large numbers. The body’s toxic tissues are the basic cause of the disease; not the bacteria. When your body finds itself overflowing with excess waste, like a stopped up toilet, it flows over too, with mucus exuding from one or many body parts. You may find yourself leaking from the nose, or throat, or lungs, or eyes and ears, and sometimes all of these at once; or the inflammation may march along like a band going from one block to the next, until the toxic level has come down to the toleration point of the individual. You are apparently well, and you are indeed free of symptoms because the body ceases its eliminations upon reaching your particular toleration point. However, you are not really healthy until your body tolerates only the normal amount of wastes, as in a genuinely healthy individual. It takes time and right living to get to that point. Fasting hastens this process. An acute disease, such as influenza, is a necessary pathophysiological process instituted by the body itself, designed to eliminate the excess body wastes by way of the mucous membranes. The bodily intelligence decides which area is the most appropriate and best avenue to rid itself of certain waste products, and when these are so overwhelming that the ordinary avenues of elimination such as the kidneys can't handle them all, they are then pushed out through other channels such as the skin and mucous membranes. When cared for Hygienically, influenza never becomes a deadly disease. The point is that the body is self-protecting and self-healing. If we all gave up the idea of "cures" and lived correctly, there would be no need for medications to suppress our symptoms or vaccines to give us a false idea that we are "protected." [] Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.