Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 04, 2014 02:57AM Oh my gosh SueZ! I'm glad you're keeping up with this, and hope to be back to it in a couple of days.
The rate of increase in Sierra Leone is especially disturbing, not to mention another MD infected! Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 06, 2014 11:08PM Obola's Ebola czar is going back to the private sector. This guy looks WAY worse for wear since before he chopped us off from the real Ebola situation at the news way back when doesn't he? ...
[fortune.com] Three M.D.'s have died in Sierra Leone in the last few days. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 06, 2014 11:25PM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Obola's Ebola czar is going back to the private > sector. This guy looks WAY worse for wear since > before he chopped us off from the real Ebola > situation at the news way back when doesn't he? > ... His job is done apparently. Just a few short weeks ago... [www.youtube.com] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 07, 2014 02:44AM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > SueZ Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Obola's Ebola czar is going back to the private > > sector. This guy looks WAY worse for wear since > > before he chopped us off from the real Ebola > > situation at the news way back when doesn't he? > > ... > > His job is done apparently. Just a few short weeks > ago... > > [www.youtube.com] Opps. Just one more little thing - a tiny request from him on his way out/in the revolving gov./corp. door ... "Klain called on lawmakers to pass an emergency spending request put forth by President Obama that would authorize $6.18 billion for domestic readiness as well as efforts on the ground in West Africa." [www.latimes.com] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 08, 2014 07:18AM It seems that all 10 doctors from Sierra Leone who were infected with the Ebola virus have died.
Maybe the only doctor to have survived was the Cuban doctor who was treated in Geneva, Switzerland. [www.aljazeera.com] Here's kind of an interesting article about how badly the Ebola response has been coordinated in Sierra Leone: "Ambulances, for example, are being used to ferry blood samples, sometimes just one test tube at a time, while many patients die at home after waiting days for an ambulance to come. "Half of the patients in some front-line Ebola clinics do not even have Ebola, but their test results take so long that they end up lingering for days, taking beds from people whose lives hang in the balance and greatly increasing their own chances of catching the virus in such close quarters... "The latest Ebola numbers are ominous. This past week, Sierra Leone reported almost 100 new cases in a single day, nearly double the number just 10 days before — and those are only the confirmed cases, which health experts say may be a third of the total. At this rate, the swelling roster of the gravely ill will far outstrip even the most optimistic projections for new hospital beds. "The recriminations are beginning to fly, especially against Britain, which, in a colonial-style carve-up of Ebola-afflicted countries, is the international power taking the lead here." According to the article, the US did provide some important assistance in Liberia. However, responsibilities from Western countries were split among US, Britain, and France. Britain took Sierra Leone, and France took Guinea. "An Obama administration official in Washington said that no decision had been made to shift American troops from Liberia to Sierra Leone or send in large numbers of reinforcements, but that “nothing is off the table.” "Like others, the official kept citing the “Brits’ primacy” in Sierra Leone — a reference to how, several months ago, Western powers divided Ebola responsibilities in West Africa along historical lines, with the United States helping Liberia, a nation founded by freed American slaves in 1822; France helping a former colony, Guinea; and Britain helping its own former colony, Sierra Leone. "According to several other American officials, the Pentagon was not enthusiastic about getting involved in Liberia in the first place and is resistant to going deeper into the region... "The Pentagon press secretary, Rear Adm. John F. Kirby, said the Defense Department was continuing to 'monitor the spread of Ebola,' and was 'mindful that it doesn’t just exist in Liberia.' In the next month, it will send two mobile blood labs to Sierra Leone to help reduce the bottlenecks caused by delays in testing." Corruption within the government of Sierra Leone increases the problem. Do people remember when workers went on strike in Sierra Leone because they weren't given the "hazard Pay" they were promised? The money came from the World Bank and the Sierra Leone government, but it never reached the workers. "There are also growing questions about corruption, with the government announcing recently that it had found 6,000 “ghost medical workers” on its payroll, even as real Ebola burial teams and front-line health officers say they have not been paid in weeks." [www.nytimes.com] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 08, 2014 07:23AM "Peter Piot: 'Ebola response took too long'"
"Peter Piot, one of the scientists who discovered the virus, is critical of the World Health Organization (WHO) for taking five months to declare an emergency in the recent outbreak. "'It took a thousand dead Africans and two Americans who were repatriated to the US because they were infected. There's no excuse for that ... it took too long, we wasted too much precious time,' he says." [www.aljazeera.com] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 11, 2014 07:33AM Time's "Person of the Year": the health care workers fighting Ebola.
I'm glad they have this recognition, because so many have risked their lives, and so many have died. There are two videos in this article. The first one is pretty good. The second one (at the bottom of the page) is very good (imo). [time.com] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 12, 2014 10:52PM So whatever happened to Ebola? It's difficult to find news on what's going on in Africa. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 13, 2014 01:08AM HH Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > So whatever happened to Ebola? It's difficult to > find news on what's going on in Africa. The CDC's Air Ebola never stops bringing people back here and they have had to add a third plane. [news.yahoo.com] Sierra Leone had 397 new confirmed Ebola cases in the week ending 12/7. Ebola death toll rose to 6,388 last week. The good news is Mali now has no Ebola cases. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 13, 2014 08:15AM Thanks SueZ for your report!
It seems that Liberia cases are declining, but Sierra Leone cases continue to spike. There's a new outbreak just recently discovered in a remote area of the country (Kono). [www.bbc.com] And this story is of the outbreak at Kigbal in Sierra Leone: [www.bbc.com] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 13, 2014 03:25PM Well, Suncloud, as long as long as there is still interest I guess I'll keep posting Ebola news.
"Sierra Leone Cancels Christmas As Ebola Crisis Deepens" [www.yahoo.com] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 14, 2014 04:43AM Thanks SueZ. I think I will too.
And thanks HH for asking about it! The ebola vaccine trial in Switzerland was halted due to complaints of joint pain from participants. This is the vaccine strain produced in Canada. [www.nbcnews.com] Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/14/2014 04:45AM by suncloud. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 16, 2014 02:00AM "Ebola serum supply reaches Liberia"
(This is not a vaccine) "If a person has successfully fought off the infection, it means their body has learned how to combat the virus and they will have antibodies in their blood that can attack Ebola. "Doctors can then take a sample of their blood and turn it into serum - by removing the red blood cells but keeping the important antibodies - which can be used to treat other patients. "Ebola patients treated in the UK and the US have already received this type of treatment." [www.bbc.com] I'm keeping an open mind about this. We'll see what happens, and whether the survival rate improves for people who are treated. ____________________________________________________________ Confirmed death toll is now 6,841, mostly attributed to new cases in Sierra Leone. [www.cdc.gov] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 18, 2014 11:17PM 11th M.D. in Sierra Leone dies from Ebola.
Fire burns airport warehouse with Ebola supplies in Guinea. [abcnews.go.com] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 23, 2014 08:50AM John Rose wrote:
I don't believe in the Virus Myth!!! [rawschool.com] and then I read the following in that link above that John posted: By Nora Lenz "...For what it’s worth, viruses do not cause disease. They don’t even exist. Viral diseases such as smallpox, AIDS, HPS, the flu, and even the common cold are not caused by viruses, and are, therefore, not contagious." Tai: I have never read anything like this before. I missed reading all the natural hygiene literature, but I did read little clips before that sort of suggested this and I came to understand to a degree why Doug Graham acted so strangely around infections. It comes down to this philosophy. Nora wrote: So, does the presence of bacteria cause dead tissue cells? No! The tissue cells must exist first. By taking in toxins, you kill cells, and when you destroy cells, bacteria are attracted to these diseased areas. Tai: Let's take the "flesh eating bacteria" as an example. According to wikipedia, ""Flesh-eating bacteria" is a misnomer, as in truth, the bacteria do not "eat" the tissue. They destroy the tissue that makes up the skin and muscle by releasing toxins (virulence factors), which include streptococcal pyogenic exotoxins. So, it's saying that these bacteria release toxins which cause cell death. Anyway, I am not going to comment, as I already revealed I am an herbalist. This post answers many questions about the Hygiene movement. Thanks. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 23, 2014 10:02AM I'll add to what Tai said with this:
Regarding bacteria, some bacteria are not harmful themselves (as Tai noted). They release toxins that can make a person sick (Ex: staph). And some bacteria are considered "pathogens", because it is the bacteria itself that makes a person sick (Ex: salmonella). Of course, the stronger a person is, the more resistant. Some bacteria are especially dangerous though, like botulism (a toxin releaser). Ebola is a virus and functions differently from either type of bacteria. Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/23/2014 10:17AM by suncloud. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 23, 2014 10:22AM "Ebola vaccine 'promising in African populations'"
But it's not ready yet: "According to the study some 57% of people in Uganda who received the Ebola vaccine alone developed antibodies against Ebola in their blood. "Dr Sridhar of the University of Oxford, commenting on the research, said the data provided reassurance about separate Ebola virus vaccines trials currently underway in Mali, the US and the UK. "But further tests would be needed to see if the antibodies are strong enough and long-lasting enough to provide adequate protection against the disease." [www.bbc.com] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 23, 2014 10:27AM And the death toll rises.
New CDC count is 7373. Up from 6841 on December 15. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 29, 2014 07:20PM Ebola case confirmed in Glasgow, Scotland. The patient will be transferred to London for treatment.
[www.bbc.com] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: December 29, 2014 09:59PM suncloud Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Ebola case confirmed in Glasgow, Scotland. The > patient will be transferred to London for > treatment. > > [www.bbc.com] Now that the big economically important holiday season is ending the real Ebola news will start slowly being revealed I suppose. [www.youtube.com] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: January 06, 2015 08:04AM suncloud Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Scottish nurse is in critical condition: > > [www.bbc.com] This article says the nurse is "British", and she is now stable. [www.bbc.com] She'd been working with "Save the Children", and an investigation is ongoing into how she might have been exposed. [www.bbc.com] CDC's confirmed death toll for this current ebola outbreak (counting Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone) is now 8,153. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: March 29, 2015 02:30AM Ebola is making a comeback (in more ways than one).
"Indefinite Safe Sex Urged for Liberian Ebola Survivors" [www.nytimes.com] "Guinea declares Ebola 'health emergency' in five regions" [www.bbc.com] "Tensions run high in border town as Sierra Leone goes into Ebola lockdown" "[www.macleans.ca] Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/29/2015 02:37AM by SueZ. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: March 31, 2015 02:16AM Sierra Leone Ebola lockdown exposes hundreds of suspected cases
"A source who declined to be identified said there were 961 death alerts nationwide during the lockdown's first two days and 495 reports of illness of which 235 were suspected Ebola." [www.reuters.com] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: April 02, 2015 03:57AM Mislu Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > I'm not sure I really understand. If germ theory > is wrong, then there should be no reason to wash > fruits or vegetables. No plant should ever get a > disease, at least not from a virus, fungus or > bacteria. There is a possibility of the plant > missing one or more minerals/ > > What about hand washing? People having surgery > shouldn't need sterile surroundings, unless of > course they have less than ideal eating habits. > That would be more than 99 percent of the earths > population. Even if its a faulty model, apparently > most people will need to have some level of > concern for hygiene per their less than ideal life > style. A virus or bacteria is chanceless against a healthy organism. And when I say healthy, I don't mean by the average standards because that is a state of chronic misery and disease. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.