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Strokes - Brain Attacks
Posted by: RawPracticalist ()
Date: January 01, 2017 09:48PM

Besides cancer and heart diseases, stroke is the third leading cause of death.

What are the raw food solutions?

Re: Strokes - Brain Attacks
Posted by: Panchito ()
Date: January 01, 2017 11:55PM

With age, metabolism slows down. There is less of everything. If I were 100% raw, I would look into fermentation to raise carnitine of beans (energy, vascular health via mitochondria). Look at traditional tempeh for example. But if that is too much trouble, and I was concerned, I would just try synthetic Acetyl-carnitine to see if it makes a difference.



Traditional tempeh is often produced in Indonesia using Hibiscus tiliaceus leaves. The undersides of the leaves are covered in downy hairs (known technically as trichomes) to which the mold Rhizopus oligosporus can be found adhering in the wild. Soybeans are pressed into the leaf, and stored. Fermentation occurs resulting in tempeh.[6] In particular, the tempeh undergoes salt-free aerobic fermentation.[7]

Under conditions of lower temperature, or higher ventilation, gray or black patches of spores may form on the surface—this is not harmful, and should not affect the flavor or quality of the tempeh.[8] This sporulation is normal on fully mature tempeh. A mild ammonia smell may accompany good tempeh as it ferments, but it should not be overpowering. In Indonesia, ripe tempeh (two or more days old) is considered a delicacy. This old tempeh is commonly called tempe semangit (hampir busuk) (the almost rotten tempeh) in Java or tempe kemarin (yesterday tempeh), has slightly pungent aroma, and usually used to add taste in Javanese sayur lodeh dish.

Re: Strokes - Brain Attacks
Posted by: Cheli Q ()
Date: January 03, 2017 12:38PM

Hi - new here but I can say this much, my mother had a TIA the day after eating a bunch of sugar. She's had a high sugar diet all her life and had a brain bleed in 2008. Sugar (the refined white crap) is deadly. So I'm at a loss with regard to the high-fruit diet and strokes, as according to Brian Clement (and Gabriel Cousens) the big issue with fruit is that fructose feeds cancer and diabetes. Dementia (the result of Mom's stroke) has been termed Diabetes Type 3.
The raw food world is labrinthine. The fruit people swear up and down that animal fats cause diabetes, but then we have people like Dr.s Amen, Cousens, Mercola, etc (all coming from different points of view re veganism) all saying that more saturated fat is needed, and fewer high-glycemic foods (incl. fruit).
Low quality fats and added white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and other impurities in the SAD are the issue. Always have been, since the historical fact is that heart disease and so on were much lower back in great-granny's day. They ate lard. My grandmother, who switched to shortening, died of a heart attack before she even turned 70. Her mother, who had no contact with Shortening, died at 92. Julia Child, who ate animal Fat till it was coming out her ears (her favorite foods were butter and mayonnaise) died at 91. She had kidney failure, so it is possible all that fat harmed her, but she did live a lot longer than the fake fat generation.
There is not a lot of long-term evidence that a high fruit diet leads to longevity or sustained good health, though Douglas Graham seems to be doing well, among others. I'm just concerned that all that sugar will lead to strokes.
This is all just so ridiculously complicated.
Anyone else?

Re: Strokes - Brain Attacks
Posted by: Panchito ()
Date: January 03, 2017 06:53PM

Chely Q, these are my thughts. In spite of eating lard, Julia Child lived to 91. That does not mean that lard is healthy, just as the longest living person was a smoker. Also, your few examples is not a match for the Okinawan diet (many thousands of examples)

Re: Strokes - Brain Attacks
Posted by: RawPracticalist ()
Date: January 03, 2017 11:20PM

>With age, metabolism slows down. There is less of everything.
Good point but many are getting stroke in earlier age, 50, 60 that is not old.

Cheli Q
Low quality fats and added white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and other impurities in the SAD are the issue.

Most likely.

Re: Strokes - Brain Attacks
Posted by: riverhousebill ()
Date: January 04, 2017 07:14AM

>With age, metabolism slows down. There is less of everything.
Good point but many are getting stroke in earlier age, 50, 60 that is not old.

Cheli Q
Low quality fats and added white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and other impurities in the SAD are the issue.

Most likely.

Cocaine use was and still is wide spread. People were coke a nuts all over usa,
and cocaine is a corrosive melts the razer blades they lined out with.
I had a lot of friends who used cocaine recreational like a beer. And I known to many that for their young age that have had strokes and anerisms
Cocaine eats holes and weakens arterys Some things are just beyound a diet fix
after snorting this drug I called draino, fools dust.
biggest importers of this drug I know for certian fact was the CIA. land of FREEDUMB and DEMokcrocy
Im sure junk foods are a big part of the high amount of stroke and anerisms,
But I think with the level of use we reached of cocaine is a very big facter.

Re: Strokes - Brain Attacks
Posted by: riverhousebill ()
Date: January 04, 2017 07:28AM

Official Site of Kristen & William Courtney, MD.
April 2, 2016 by Christopher | Neurological
Cannabis for stroke victims?

Ive seen Dr Courtneys slide show introduction of how Canabis docks with human gene.
it was part of our genetic makeup way back in time. Cortney has called it the missing link.
Just like the Redwood tree and Samlom fish way back were one

Just don’t smoke it.

“Eat a bud a day, it keeps the stroke away,”

The nervous, lymphatic and many other life-supporting systems within the body already house cannabinoid receptors such as the “eCB” system which regulates neuronal excitability.

A normally functioning “eCB” system regulates neuronal hyper and hypo excitability

Not uncommon is a “eCB” deficiency and is associated with epilepsy, the onset of fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, migraine and many other ill states.

A “eCB” deficiency responds naturally to the introduction of both phyto- and endo-cannabinoids, and returns balance to the neuronal system.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/04/2017 07:29AM by riverhousebill.

Re: Strokes - Brain Attacks
Posted by: RawPracticalist ()
Date: March 23, 2018 03:24PM

My uncle had stroke few weeks ago.

And there is no solution?

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