Most Important Vegetable on the Planet.
Posted by:
Date: January 04, 2017 07:47AM CANNABIS INTERNATIONAL .org
Official Site of Kristen & William Courtney, MD. April 21, 2016 by Christopher | General Cannabis Watch Video Go to this site and check this video out you will be amazed. Courtney is one of the leading researchers on this subject. We are talking CBDs not the THC. Re: Most Important Vegetable on the Planet.
Posted by:
Date: January 05, 2017 02:26PM Can be grown indoor.
[www.growweedeasy.com] [www.thealternativedaily.com] Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2017 02:33PM by RawPracticalist. Re: Most Important Vegetable on the Planet.
Posted by:
Date: January 06, 2017 02:29AM Yes it can be grown indoors, But nothing beats the sun. also you can do light depravation and fool plant into early flower cycle. If you have a good long grow season you can get 5lbs a plant with a green thumb. Grow light tke a lot of energy so best if you can to do it in nature. and only organic. people use nasty chems on some grow and dont care about what a person consumes so if you are getting the erb, know your source. Re: Most Important Vegetable on the Planet.
Posted by:
Date: January 06, 2017 08:19AM Correct but most do not have the land or they live in cold climate.
And the sun shines thru the windows. Greenhouse or indoor gardening is the future. No major city will have enough land for thousands of people living in high-rise buildings. Less furniture for more greens. Agriculture needs to move to a vertical technology not horizontal Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/06/2017 08:27AM by RawPracticalist. Re: Most Important Vegetable on the Planet.
Posted by:
Date: January 06, 2017 11:36AM Agriculture needs to move to a vertical technology not horizontal.
Yes we have lots of vertical space that could be producing food and oxegen. Ive smoked killer bud grown roof top in NYC. People also need to spred out a little, We are like the plants, you crowd them they dont do as well, spred out some and they so much better. grow lights for pot average 1000 watts draw, thats an expensive envirmental foot print. Mirrors to redirect sunlight can work. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.