Soaking feet
Posted by:
Date: July 08, 2017 05:35PM Do you soak your feet on anything?
Epson salt (mg) Sea salt (Na) Oils (specific health benefits) Electrical grounding Clay/minerals Other... Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/08/2017 05:38PM by Panchito. Re: Soaking feet
Posted by:
Date: July 10, 2017 06:19AM I like to soak in mineral hot springs but i have soaked people's feet in a. Variety of different medicinal teas for different problems ranging from injuries, arthritis to skin diseases of the feet and lower legs.
I also have soaked people's feet in ionic foot baths. I also have applied garlic to the bottom of feet in serious cases. Re: Soaking feet
Posted by:
Date: July 10, 2017 05:02PM Soaking feet has a lot going for itself. There is more than just minerals intake. I think the nervous system is very affected by it since it works by ions, and then the nervous system can potentially affect everything else. Science is not there because those things/effects are hard to measure. Re: Soaking feet
Posted by:
Date: July 10, 2017 05:20PM All of these soaking have very little effect on the body.
To be healthy we need to be ACTIVE. There are 3 basic things that get us healthy 1) food 2) exercise 3) thoughts Soaking feet alone cannot help us if we violate the 3 basic principles One of the greatest inventor of our time Nikola Telsa walked 8 miles a day back in the early 1900 in New York city. [www.teslanapawinetours.com] Re: Soaking feet
Posted by:
Date: July 10, 2017 05:41PM Inventors are no good. Nothing to learn here. I'll be damned if we need more inventions to junk the place up. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/10/2017 05:50PM by Panchito. Re: Soaking feet
Posted by:
Date: July 10, 2017 06:00PM Telsa was an exception, he invited the alternating current that powers every electric devices or light in every home in our lives today. Thomas Edison only commercialized the invention.
People want to violate the basic laws of nature and hope to find some magical herbs to soak their feet in and suddenly get well. Re: Soaking feet
Posted by:
Date: July 10, 2017 08:46PM Of course Tesla was an exception. He had answers for clean energy.
Raw P, uh, reconsider what you say... In one case, a woman was on Prednisone for her lupus disease and that drug was preventing her tibia from healing from a broken in half fracture. I made her a soaking tea for her tibia and gave her internal herbs. Her bone started to heal within 24 hours after 6 months of not healing and her bad limp was mostly gone in a week and she healed quickly after that. What do you want to do with people who have wrecked their bodies? Kick them to the curb? Or give them herbs to heal them? Herbs are not really magical. they are often specific, which requires know-how. One time I gave an ionic foot bath to a woman who used to be a smoker and the whole room had a horrible nasty smell after 40 minutes. Just foul. It took away the pain from her toe that she had for years. The water turned horribly brown and thick and nasty. I have helped so many people with ankle and foot problems with local medicinal teas. NO BIGGIE!!!! IT's also not a cure all. They must do other things, like eating well and taking internal herbs. ANd I would do some acupuncture too. I have so many stories, but I have to run. Peace brother. Re: Soaking feet
Posted by:
Date: July 10, 2017 10:32PM You are correct Tai.
Herbs do heal. My father was a renowned herbalist in the villages of the area where I grew up and I did work with him in getting the herbs and preparing the medicine. I lost all that knowledge when I moved here. I guess we have many options to curse ourselves and for those who have issues the task is to find the right approach. As for Tesla he was a true mystery. He lived up to past 80. How did he get to walk 8 miles a day is beyond me, I cannot even do 2 miles a day. He came to this earth to give Light. Another strange thing about him is that he only slept few hours a night and was a bachelor all of his life. He wrote:
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/10/2017 10:47PM by RawPracticalist. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.