Metabolic Damage 2.0
Posted by:
Date: August 04, 2017 06:32PM Metabolic damage is an epidemic all over. The brain, when blood glucose levels go down, starts a process called metabolic damage as compensatory abatement. The cells in the hypothalamus detect the level. The hypothalamus talk to the pituitary gland (through a special blood duct). The pituitary gland makes the adrenal glands release the hormone adrenalin. Adrenalin causes stress. Cortisol levels go up. You are under stress. Everyday repetition puts you in danger and worsens your life. When you look in the internet you become a victim of the next marketing diet.
Conditions of low blood glucose (metabolic stress) 1 Low liver glycogen <---- 2 Excessive time between meals. 3 Foods lacking fructose/glucose Effects of low blood glucose (metabolic stress) 1 Internal suffering (stress) 3 Anxiety, external avoidance of more stress 4 Multiple serious chronic problems (Heart, pressure, cholesterol, metabolism, depression, weight, etc) 5 Death Conclusion By following quick marketing diets, those promoted by people getting rich and famous selling books, you are a true victim. Your best defense is learning ASAP how the liver works. Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/04/2017 07:07PM by Panchito. Re: Metabolic Damage 2.0
Posted by:
Date: August 04, 2017 07:14PM Can I have low blood glucose from eating too many carbs?
YES. it is called reactive hypoglycemia Is too much glucose bad? YES. There is a best balance called glucose homeotasis. Hyperglycemia is bad. Is too much fructose bad? YES. Extra fructose causes blood triglycerides and fatty liver. I am confused. How can too much good is bad? Keep learning Re: Metabolic Damage 2.0
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: August 05, 2017 12:28PM High Triglycerides are ONLY a Risk Factor!
[www.rawfoodsupport.com] Why are Triglyceride Levels Temporarily Higher on a Low Fat Diet? Posted by: John Rose Date: November 25, 2015 11:55AM If we consume and expend 2,500 Calories a day and 45% of those Calories that we consume and expend are Fat, 45% are Carbohydrates and 10% are Protein, then it will take just over 12 hours to digest those Fats at a rate of 93 Calories an hour. However, if we consume and expend 2,500 Calories a day and 45% of those Calories that we expend are Fat, but 90% of our Calories that we consume are Carbohydrates eaten in 2 meals, then it will only take about 4 hours to digest those 2250 Carbohydrates, 1125 of which are excess Carbohydrates. So it takes ~12 hours to assimilate 1125 Calories of Fat (2,500 X .45) and it only takes ~4 hours to assimilate those 2250 Carbohydrates, 1125 of which are excess Carbohydrates that are converted to Fat and they are DONE so much quicker and easier than had we consumed Fat. So why are Triglyceride Levels Temporarily Higher on a Low Fat Diet? It’s because Carbohydrates, ESPECIALLY FRUIT, are easier and quicker to assimilate. Excess Carbohydrates are STORED as FAT FASTER than FAT is STORED as FAT and it is healthier to have Higher Triglyceride Levels on a Temporary basis than it is Lower Triglyceride Levels due to digesting Fat, which simply takes longer, unless these Levels are associated with Metabolic Syndrome, which is impossible on a relatively Low Fat Raw Vegan Diet. Re: Metabolic Damage 2.0
Posted by:
Date: August 05, 2017 04:40PM It is a one way valve. Once carbs become fat, they cannot fuel the brain, kidney and blood cells because fats do not become carbs (one way). Fats can be burned by muscle etc. Yet, the whole hormonal thing is regulated by sensing carbs in the blood, while stored fat is not sensed. Stored fat is released when low glucose in blood. This causes stress (adrenaline, cortisol). Yet, by adding fruits in every meal, you can lose weight without stress. Re: Metabolic Damage 2.0
Posted by:
Date: August 05, 2017 11:28PM I have enjoyed reading your fruit posts Panchito.
Have you watched this video by Andrew Perlot, when he ate more fruit than his calorie need was and he gained weight? (I know you are not advocating this. You are saying to limit your fruit intake.) [www.youtube.com] Re: Metabolic Damage 2.0
Posted by:
Date: August 06, 2017 01:04AM Thank Tai for sharing the video.
I was curious to see what would have happened to him with an all fruits for 75 days but he said he was eating "all fruits and vegetables" even though the video subtitle says "all fruits". If it was all fruits he would probably have gotten cancer and other diseases according to Brian Clement. Re: Metabolic Damage 2.0
Posted by:
Date: August 06, 2017 09:24PM Yeah I saw that vid a while back.
TIP: I would advice to find a food you like to eat with fruits. If the fruits are too sweet, they can cause hyperactivity when eaten in an empty stomach (sugar rush). But when fruit is eaten with other foods, it doe4s not cause hyperactivity. Hyperactivity is stress caused by adrenaline and it does not happen to everybody. Re: Metabolic Damage 2.0
Posted by:
Date: August 07, 2017 04:21AM [www.greenmedinfo.com]
According to Denham and Skulachev, if we want to live longer, we need to look after our mitochondria. A growing number of studies seem to suggest that one way of doing this may be through a ketogenic diet. Its effects on mitochondrial function are almost too good to be true. 1) It increases mitochondrial numbers: A ketogenic diet has been shown to increase numbers of mitochondria within rat hippocampal neurons. [iv] 2) It raises anti-oxidant levels: A ketogenic diet increases the levels of anti-oxidants within mitochondria. [v] 3) It reduces reactive oxygen species: A ketogenic diet reduces levels of reactive oxygen species both through increasing anti-oxidant levels and through an uncoupling mechanism via a protein found on the inner mitochondrial membrane. [vi] www.phytopanacea.com Re: Metabolic Damage 2.0
Posted by:
Date: August 07, 2017 10:33AM The keto diet is a new experiment.
We do not have enough data points on humans to judge the long term effect. The keto diet in the news is based on cooked animal fat. There is little info on a raw keto diet even less on raw vegan keto diet. Drinking raw olive oil or any oil? No. Raw keto with nuts and seeds? But nuts and seeds have phytic acid making them difficult to digest even when soaked. Between the no fruits and too much fruits there must be some healthy middle approach. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.