oxygen and cancer
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Date: January 21, 2018 07:52AM I am with dr weil on this quackery claim from brian clement
Can Oxygen Cure Cancer? I have heard that disease cannot live in the presence of oxygen. What do you think of the claims that oxygen therapy can be used to treat cancer and other diseases? – MARCH 18, 2014 The notion that oxygen might selectively destroy cancer cells goes back to the 1930s, when Nobel prize winner Otto Warburg, M.D., discovered that, compared to normal cells, cancer cells have a low respiration rate. He proposed that if cancer cells are adapted to survive and grow in low-oxygen environments, they would die off if exposed to higher levels of that element. While that may sound plausible, we now know that Dr. Warburg was wrong. Oxygen doesn’t slow cancer growth – in fact, tumors often grow rapidly in tissues well supplied with oxygenated blood. Nor does depriving tumors of oxygen stimulate their growth. Moreover, a study published in the Spring/Summer 1998 issue of Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine noted that since human tissues require 200 to 250 milliliters (ml) of oxygen per minute, the maximum additional amount that could be dissolved in all of the plasma of a normal weight adult would hardly be enough to make a difference in how much cancer cells would receive. Despite these facts, you can readily find claims online and elsewhere that oxygen therapy using ozone or hydrogen peroxide can effectively treat cancer (as well as AIDS, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease). I’ve seen no credible evidence indicating that any of this is true. On its website, the American Cancer Society (ACS) notes that available scientific evidence does not support claims that increasing oxygen levels in the body will harm or kill cancer cells and explains that it is difficult to raise the oxygen level around the cancer cells in the middle of a tumor because the blood supply tends to be poor. Nevertheless, these unproven therapies are in use at clinics in Mexico, the United States, and in Europe. Some involve introducing ozone gas under pressure into the rectum or vagina or injecting it into a muscle or under the skin. Another approach involves withdrawing blood from a patient, forcing ozone into it, and then returning it to the patient’s body. Hydrogen peroxide treatment involves diluting this substance and then administering it orally, rectally, vaginally, or intravenously. This is particularly dangerous since large amounts can cause an arterial gas embolism, a condition that can lead to permanent lung damage and, sometimes, death. Indeed, in July 2006, the FDA warned consumers not to buy or use high-strength hydrogen peroxide products, including one sold as “35 Percent Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide,” for medicinal purposes because “they can cause serious harm or death when ingested.” The FDA noted that no evidence has been presented showing that hydrogen peroxide taken internally has any medical value and recommended that anyone using high-strength hydrogen peroxide stop immediately and consult their health care provider. Bottom line: oxygen therapy is not a viable alternative to the proven treatments conventional medicine has to offer for cancer and other serious diseases. Andrew Weil, M.D. Re: oxygen and cancer
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Date: January 21, 2018 03:30PM Even when a vehicle (which is a pure mechanical thing )is not running properly, we don't just pour in more gas. There are many parts to consider.
Cancer cells have lost their intelligence, they attach each other. The body needs a cleansing and gradual rebuilding process for them to regain their natural state. Oxygen and water are key elements in the normal and natural functioning of the cells. Brian Clements is correct. [hippocratesinst.org] Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/21/2018 03:31PM by RawPracticalist. Re: oxygen and cancer
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Date: January 21, 2018 03:42PM
Believe what you wish but no evidence exists to support Brian's claims and Nothing that you have said above supports Brian's claims. Re: oxygen and cancer
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Date: January 21, 2018 05:10PM It would take me all day to unpack the babbling pseudoscience packed into Brian's excerpt that you posted above.
He talks about medieval, then does the same thing by implying that we need to ingest oxygen to increase our oxygen. "Humans receive no residual oxygen" Hes A dangerous quack who demonizes fruit then eats fruit and other foods containing fructose and glucose. And talks about fructose making us fat when people's eating fruit are lean. He's lost in his mind. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/21/2018 05:14PM by fresh. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.