Results 1 - 30 of 436
11 years ago
What is the best alkaline water filter system that won't break the bank?
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 11 years ago
Do any of you have personal experience with gabriel cousins and or the Tree of Life Center? I would like to learn more about him and his center... anything you care to share would be much appreciated!!!
love laugha and dream
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 11 years ago
I am interested in learning more about this opportunity.
please email me at luvyuu@gmail.com
love laugh and dream
Forum: Classifieds for individuals 11 years ago
The Man did eye readings... nail bed readings and ear readings... I don't know exactly how he diagnosis... but i didn't tell him a thing about me and he nailed the things i already knew about... so i have some reason to believe he knows what he is talking about... yeas i do feel often that i am sufficating... and not just in the breathing... I'm not absorbing nutrients well or digesting th
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 11 years ago
I eat 85 % raw foods... veggies... no fruit.. no sugar... though i have added just recently black cherry juice to help the kidneys... low fat... though i use a small amount of EVOO on my salads and nutritional yeast... I run 5 days a week... no smoke... no drugs... wine maybe once a year when my uncle the wine guy visits but that's it...
Love laugh and dream
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 11 years ago
Hello all... went to a natural doc yesterday who reads eyes, nails and ears... he told me my organs are not getting any oxygen, therefor they are all struggling for survival with special notice to my heart, lungs liver kidney's pancreas ... he said the root cause is because of my Immune system which is not working... he wants to put me on a rather expensive protocol of herbs... but i was wonde
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
7. phosphorus
Anyone here have high phosphorus levels and care to share how you manage it on a raw foods diet?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
luvyuu@gmail.com I would like the particulars as well if you are still looking for a roomie...
luv laugh and dream
Forum: Classifieds for individuals 12 years ago
9. Baking Soda
What are the pros and cons to taking baking soda internally on a regular basis?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
11. Re: The Secret
I like affirmations... because it helps me keep my thought on the positive when they try to be ultra negative... plus if you say them enough they become your new reality... I think there is a lot of Good to them!!!
Love laugh and dream
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
12. Re: Kombucha
When I was making Kombucha i used decaf green tea and it was very successful... after the initial ferment strain it onto some fresh ginger and a small amount of apple juice... and let sit for a few more days... it's delicious... or you can use candied ginger too... yummy!!!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
Thank you!
Banana who... I just want to explain why I do Raw Foods and I thought some already presented articles would be the best way... my intention is to inform her about my lifestyle choices not to advise her on hers...
Love Laugh and dream
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
Trying to find an article or 2 for a friend who is a SAD eater... I'm not always so good at explaining so I thought i would find an article for her... any suggestions???
love laugh and dream
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
watch this movie if you haven't already...
I'm with Prana... not shocking about the diseases this stuff brings...
what's shocking to me is that they didn't see it coming... or if they
did they don't care... that to me is bothersome
love laugh and dream
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
what is the most important lesson to learn from a tree?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
Shea Butter... I get mine at the African festival in Chicago... it's as pure as it comes lest I actually had a Shea nut.
luv laugh and dream
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
Yeah and I just read that there are few laws that govern how the factory farm animals should be treated...
one of them was for the transport of them ... there is a 28hour law... which means the drivers have to stop every 28 hours and let the animals out of the truck... TWENTY EIGHT HOURS... and most truckers don't do it... say there going somewhere that's only 30-32 hours they figure it's
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 12 years ago
Yeah... why spend the money on animal abortion when they can just put them in a gas chamber for much cheaper like they do with thousands of other strays where it can take them up to... I think it was 30-40 minutes to suffer before they die!!!!!!!
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 12 years ago
Putumayo Presents: Brasileiro - Chico Cesar "Mama Africa"
Adele Someone like you
Blue Light Christ Conciousness
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 12 years ago
Ok I think I have calmed down a little......
I just wonder how these people live with themselves doing these jobs day after day I can't imagine how they must really feal inside...
I feel like I want to do something to help people be more aware of this torture but what? People get very defensive about it if they even hear what I'm saying. How do you bring TRUE awareness to this gruesome s
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 12 years ago
Ya know I knew the torture of animals was bad... I didn't know it was this bad... I tried to watch it... couldn't make it through... I am now so angry my heart hurts... I don't understand... and I think for awhile people are going to wonder why i am glaring at them for eating their tortured meals... I know not everyone knows just how bad it is... but Damn!!!!! they should know... everyon
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 12 years ago
LOL Banana who... I think I know the difference between mellow and fatigue... Mellow means i wanna calm chill day... fatigue means i can't have anything BUT a calm chill day.... I didn't have any greens today... lettuce... my list of can haves is getting smaller and smaller here... so you understand my frustration... Do i just keep taking everything out until i am a breatharian... never reall
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
and here I thought eating lots of greens was good for me... arg...... i eat healthier then anyone i know and i feel like crap... maybe if i eat crap I'll feel healthier... though of course i know this isn't right... i'm just frustrated of being so darned tired and weak all the time!!!!!!!!!
luf laugh and dream
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
A little salt lemon or lime and EVOO mixed with some other veggies...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
mostly Collards and Chard Occassionally a small amount of brocolli greens very Occassionally beet greens.
luv laugh and dream
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
Does anyone else experience fatigue after eating greens or have an explanation for why this may be happening???
luv laugh and dream
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
28. Re: Kombucha
Ok... well I've had it and made it and know what it tastes like but what about the medicinal properties??? I've read it will heal all that ales you and I also read that some people have gotten very sick from it and one person even died from it. Anyone have any thoughts or experience with this?
Love laugh and dream
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
29. Kombucha
I would like to hear theins and outs of Kombucha... what you think of it... what is your experience is with it??? Is it the end all be all of health or is it the spawn of the devil??? Or is it just a simple bubbly drink with nothing good or bad to say?
Luv laugh and dream
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
Have you read this???
Dear Monsanto
What is wrong with you??? You have been posessed by the evil feed the world poison demon!!! I'm sorry if you take offense to my honesty but I only say it because I CARE!!!
May you be exorcised from this evil that rides in you in the name of free eaters every where who just want to eat a simple apple without worring if it will bring the doctor o
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) |