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Results 151 - 180 of 1666
6 years ago
I do both with my chia seeds. For pudding, I use them whole. But as a thickener for my salad dressings, I grind them.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
6 years ago
The California politicians are all criminals. What’s doing on with CalPERS? They’re broke!
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
QuoteQanonJan 21 2018 11:06:20 Q !UW.yye1fxo 47 Will SESSIONS drop the hammer? 1 of 22. #Memo shifts narrative. #Memo reinstates SESSIONS' authority re: Russia/ALL. #Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels. #Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+insurance]. #Memo factually demonstrates 'knowingly false intel' provided
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
QuoteRawPracticalist I think Brian should have said that x percent of his food is cooked food. He should have explained why it is not good to be 100 percent raw. Well, at least why 100% raw is not good for him. For others (including myself) it works well.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
6 years ago
To me, just from watching this one video, Garth seem like an idiot!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
6 years ago
With regard to item 4 above, see what William Cooper wrote in his 1991 “Behold the Pale Horse”:
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
Thank you John Rose for sharing this. I like American Intelligence Media.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
I have a feeling that things are going to get rough for Obama
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
Morning Joe was a congressman in whose office was found a dead young female intern.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
In March 2016 Carter Page Was an FBI Employee – In October 2016 FBI Told FISA Court He’s a Spy…
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
Interesting post by Julian Assange on Twitter
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
Arnold Schwarzenegger's Former Adviser Arrested In Statewide Human Trafficking Crackdown
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
To get an idea of what Rep Adam Schiff is about, read the following Twitter thread: Who is Adam Schiff?
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
rhb, if the FISA memo is such a dud, why did Rep Nancy Pelosi and Rep Adam Schiff try to hard to block its release? Also, these two made claims that this document would having information that would reveal information that would make it hard for the intelligence community to do its job effectively. I read the entire document, and I could not see any such information that would impair the intellig
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
A California Democrat political activist, who schmoozes with Rep Adam Schiff, Gov Jerry Brown, and chair of the California Democratic Party Eric C. Bauman, involved in some sketchy activities Allegations in Death of Sex Worker Plague Influential West Hollywood Political Insider
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
In California, from the LA Times: Human trafficking crackdown nets more than 500 arrests statewide
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
Jennifer, this twitter thread might shine some light on some of the players in the trafficking and corruption tied to human rights abuse. This thread explains the powers given by the "Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption" and the people who are dealing with human rights abusers. The Topic: An examination of the 12/21/1
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
QuoteriverhousebillI saw Obama was outside of the standard mold his own party tried to shoot him down Quote Hillary- Obama not fit to run country, And Bills racist comment Super preditors, those two more racist than Cheeto I think!. Speaking of racism, here's one of our favorite politician with KKK member Senator Robert Byrd: Secretary Clinton Comments on the Passing of Robert Byrd
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
From Stormwatcher: January Update to Sealed Indictments: 4,311 new from 12/26/17 thru 1/26/18 13,605 new sealed indictments entered from 10/30/17 thru 1/26/18 Link to back-up files: How many are normal? 1,077 per 2009 report:
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
rhb, have you heard of the Jimmy Dore Show, on YouTube? Jimmy Dore is a progressive Bernie supporter who pokes fun at the corporatist Democrats in office now. I bet if you watch a few episodes you may enjoy it.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
Quoteriverhousebill So Prana, and Jennifer better navigation on my part and keep your Joy level up! Hear, hear!!
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
QuoteriverhousebillBut you may have a point to why you posted that, still waiting? I don't think there is any problem with a person being either gay or transgendered. But why the pretense? Why have a fake family, that is, if both Barrack and Michelle are male, who's children are Malia and Sasha? There is a whole youtube movement on hollywood crypto (hidden) transgendered stars. Not like Bru
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
Yesterday Qanon said Obama has retained legal counsel. Could it be for this : Obama protected Hezbollah drug ring to save Iran nukes deal
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
I'm sorry, but the process of cleaning up the Uranium One crimes has already started. Grand jury indicts Maryland executive in Uranium One deal: report Former President of Maryland-Based Transportation Company Indicted on 11 Counts Related to Foreign Bribery, Fraud and Money Laundering Scheme
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
Quoteriverhousebill Prana, You are free to believe what you want but check out the post on snopes about where this all started about a mass federal arrest Hiilary indicted which. And jennifer dont blame snopes because they are not the sorce of the facts. Of course you are free to believe what you want,like me, But stay open give this a read Hillary Clinton to Be Indicted on Federal Racket
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
QuoteNuNativs How pray tell, does Rose get the bullying/insulting pass? And hey John/Spock, there is NOTHING wrong with emotion. Try dropping the anger for a spell and try and let your heart soften a little... John doesn't get a pass. He has had a few vacations from the board, if I felt he was abusing another member.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
The Obama Administration’s ‘Brazen Plot To Exonerate Hillary Clinton’ Starting To Leak Out, According To Former Fed Prosecutor
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
6 years ago
RHB, Here's another conspiracy that your list omits: Obama Cloning Connection to Ancient Egypt? Summary: President Obama and theories of cloning and stem cell research linking him to ancient Egypt are explored. Is Obama a clone of Akhenaten? Freeman Fly looks at Michelle Obama, Queen Tiye, secret societies, and the mysteries that endure for many around the president in this Buzzsaw interview
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
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