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15 years ago
I'll admit that I haven't been on the raw wagon the last couple of weeks. I have been eating raw, but I've also been indulging in too many things I shouldn't. That and too much stress have me feeling the miserable effects. My IC whihch was previously under control is now causing me to be extremely miserable to the point I can barely walk. Same goes for migraines. It seems to be a neverending
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
I haven't jumped off the wagon, only been crazy busy for the last several weeks. I have another crazy week ahead. Between the hubby being out of town, work, kids starting school in a couple weeks, baby showers and wedding showers, I feel like I'll never get back to normal.
My diet hasn't been as raw as I'd like, but I'm trying - although I could be trying harder if I were really honest with
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
Ah, I love Grand Isle! Haven't been there in quite a while but used to go often as a child.
As for Lake Charles that's about 1.5 hours away from me. I'm just north of Alexandria. I've tried finding something around here raw food wise but haven't been able to. Even finding a good health food store is hard to do around here. I'll have to seriously consider taking the trip to Lake Charles an
Forum: Meeting Place 15 years ago
My parents showed up to surprise us with a visit on Saturday so I've been MIA for a couple of days, but loved the visit. I also think my hubby and I have been spending too much time apart lately with the job situation and am not happy right now. We're both stressed right now so we're taking it out on each other and that's not a good thing. Thankfully he'll be home early this week and we'll be
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
I was right - my job is safe after December. I was offered a permanent job with the current client when our contract ends, but it does come with a rather large pay cut. My family and I have discussed our options and have decided that staying put and dealing with the pay cut is what we want to do. We worked hard to get the house and land we currently have in the middle of nowhere and don't want
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
I'll definitely have to play around with that jicama this weekend - hmmm.
Today was a crazy day and hopefully my job is secure after December - although if I'm right I'll have to take quite a large pay cut. It'll be alright though, my family will just have to get back to the basics, which can be better in the long run. This also means that my medical bills have got to go so the raw thing is
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
Oh good, I've been trying to figure out what to do with that jicama.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
8. Jicama
I bought my first jicama the other day and was wondering what are some of the favorite recipes or just general ways to eat this vegggie? I'm excited to try it, but have no idea how.
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation 15 years ago
9. Re: Jicama
Sorry - meant to post this on the recipes section.
Forum: Other Health Related 15 years ago
10. Jicama
I bought my first jicama the other day and was wondering what are some of the favorite recipes or just general ways to eat this vegggie? I'm excited to try it, but have no idea how.
Forum: Other Health Related 15 years ago
Jodi - those raw fries sound great! I'll definitely give them a try
Sarah - it's good to hear someone else is struggling like I am. I know there are others, but it's good to actually hear from them too. I'm holding out hope and believing that I'll be able to get off of my meds. That's what's keeping me on this journey - the hope and belief that this is the best thing for my health, overal
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
Thanks Jodi - I should be spending more time outside too, but with all the work chaos I just can't seem to find the time - guess I need to make the time.
As for the weight, it's something I've struggled with all my life and while I haven't been eating raw strictly to lose weight, it'll definitely be a plus
Today was another stressful day thanks to work and tomorrow it's back out to the non
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
13. Cajun Raw????
Are there any other raw Louisiana Cajun's out there or am I doing this on my own?
I'm finding it hard to do since my family isn't raw - especially during certain times of the year with all the Cajun food that crosses my family's table. I know each culture has it's own food rituals, but with us South Louisiana Cajun's it seems to be amplified more than a lot of others.
I'd love to at least
Forum: Meeting Place 15 years ago
I'm not really experienced in this, but from what I've noticed in myself and from what I've read from others your body will tell you how much you need to eat and as the journey goes on you'll change the amounts depending on what your body needs.
Don't feel bad about the amount you're eating, unless it's mostly unhealthy foods. Even then, don't feel bad - just consider why, what a
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
Today was a much better day raw wise and even a better day all around, with the exception of a migraine which was relieved after about 2 hours, just a little twinge left now.
My menu today was (in no particular order):
1 nectarine, 1 banana, seeds & nuts, a handful of grapes
bowl of cheerios w/milk & 1 banana (I know - I'm working on it)
smoothie consisting of spinach, blueberries
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
I have to say that my entire outlook on the consumption of meat has definitely changed today - for the better. My family is not vegan, much less raw, and I've been on my own trying to figure this thing out. There is still meat in my freezer, although I truly don't want it there. I've always understood why people become vegetarian or vegan for the various reasons and I've understood, even thoug
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
17. Re: Nausea????
I've never seen potted peppermint plants, but will definitely look for them. Wait, now that I think about it I remember seeing the seeds when I bought the seeds for my herb garden but didn't buy them for some reason.
Normally when eating the SAD way sometimes a few crackers, perhaps some toast would help so I get the carbs, but never thought to try a banana. I'm having trouble imagining putt
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
18. Re: Nausea????
Not a problem that I know of, just not a fan of it by itself. I'd rather eat it in a dish. I've got some in my freezer and will probably pull it out if this doesn't pass soon. Although I'm still figuring out all of the food stressors for my current medical problems so it may be.
Where would one get fresh peppermint? A regular health food store? Those are hard to come by in my neck of the
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
19. Nausea????
Other than ginger, what is good for nausea? I'm seriously suffering at the moment and can't seem to get it to go away.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Thank you so much for the "re-welcome" Jodi. Glad to see I wasn't completely forgotten.
Today was a crazy day! I spent the entire day working in a non-climatized warehouse moving boxes full of documents, unloading boxes, re-loading boxes, organizing information in boxes, sorting boxes - all in the 100 degree heat.
This is the most activity I've done in a long time and even thoug
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
So my menu changed today and only consisted of 1 apple, 1 peach and some watermelon. I know it's not enough, but with the current flare I have going I just didn't feel like eating. These fruits arent' always IC friendly for all sufferers, but they've done pretty well for me in the past - I just hope they don't become a problem.
Tomorrow's a new day and I pray the strides I'm taking will ma
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
I should have changed the title of this the other day, but better late than never.
So far so good on the raw front. I started yesterday with a monster IC flare, but I didn't expect anything different. I've only been doing raw again for a few days so my body has a lot of catching up to do.
Work stress along with body stress this week is definitely giving me a run for my veggies so to speak
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
As I said before - I'm trying again!
I don't know what happened other than the stress of my medical issues and family got to be too much for me and I gave into temptation and took the easy way out. Now after several more months of misery health wise I know I've got to do this for my body this time - no questions asked.
My family supports me fully in my decision to go raw, but they don't
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
I'm back after a short (couple of months) break from raw foods and thought I'd chime in here since I seem to be living on watermelons lately.
There are wonderful locally grown watermelons that are being sold on nearly every streetcorner right now and they are AMAZING!
In fact I think I may float away from all the water in those watermelons. I can eat an entire large melon if I let myself.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Okay, so I'm back. I don't know why I haven't been here, just haven't been doing well with raw, or even cooked for that matter.
But I started over again today. I haven't done as well as I'd hoped, but I'm trying again.
I had some juice this morning - carrot, canteloupe, celery & cucumber. It wasn't as good as I'd hoped, but it wasn't all that bad. I also had some cooked junk food,
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
So I totally blew it today. I had an extremely stressful day at work - HORRIBLE even. The only thing that could have made it worse would have been to be fired, although at this point I'm ready to go somewhere else anyway. There's nothing worse than to work with people and you have absolutely no control over anything that goes on. I work in the client's office, but hold a very important positi
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
I was right, raw is much easier when my husband isn't home. I do miss him though
Today was a very productive day for me. The kids were at school and since it's my day off I stayed home and cleaned and just enjoyed the day.
I did however find that apples aren't good for me. About 45 minutes after eating half an apple my IC started flaring again. It's actually not feeling very good at
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
Okay, so I broke down and ate a bean burrito from Taco Bueno. I should have just stuck with the menu I posted earlier. I completly messed that up today, well not completely, but I didn't stick to it at all.
Today's menu actually consisted of:
- Mango, blueberry, coconut water smoothie
- Popcorn
- 4 animal cookies
- Bean burrito & rootbeer
Tomorrow's another day and I've gotten a
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
Thanks Sundancer, that makes me feel better.
I did mess up last night and eat some meat (yuck, I know) and definitely regretted it. Not only did I feel emotionally bad, but I felt physically bad too. My IC symptoms started flaring again and they'd been doing well the last few days.
I did do some yoga though that made me feel really good about myself. Of course it's been so long since
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 15 years ago
Today's a beautiful day! The sun is shining, there's a slight breeze, the flowers in my yard are all blooming and for some reason I'm sitting inside. Well, I was cleaning but I think I'll take advantage of the beauty that is today and go enjoy the sunshine.
My laundry detergent got put on hold. I couldn't find all the ingredients I needed at any of the stores in town so I had to order every
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience |