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10 years ago
Another reason not to dring cows milk.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 10 years ago
HOLY CRAP! Had had some serious dandruff today and inchy scalp. Later on while teaching some of the kids at school where freaked out while pointing at my scalp. They said I had worms coming out of my head! The look on there faces told me they were not joking. There is no light(dont want to turn it on) in the bathroom. So I will have to wait to get home to check for myself.
Yesterday I was il
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 10 years ago
I'm a 40 year-old male with CFS for over 20 years. I just started a plant based diet.
I went to the doctor about a year ago to get blood tests done because I thought I was really sick like cancer or something. My CFS had got really bad. My blood work said I was healthy. My doctor said I might have a sleeping disorder. She said I needed to go to a sleep specialist for that. I could do th
Forum: Other Health Related 10 years ago
What's your thoughts on eating dried fruit? I know some raw foodists think its unhealthy.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 10 years ago
March 7,2014
Ugh money problems. Or more like student loan problems. I'm trying to figure a way to make a little extra cash. If I could make $200 extra a month it would make things a lot easier. I got hit with some insane power bills last month.
Juicing apples and spinach seems to be the cheapest for korea. Almonds and oranges are expensive.
Last night I didn't eat much just an apple an
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 10 years ago
Anyone have some solid info on parasite cleanse? Is it real? And natural ways to get rid of them? I've had some symptoms such as acne and ichy anal area late at night. Please help.
Forum: Other Health Related 10 years ago
I just realized I don't like the title of this post. Maybe i should be Super Awesome journey or Raw food Super Awesome journey. I think of something.
Woke up feeling well this morning despite not sleeping through the night.
Man in the morning, lately, I have been mega @#$%& for like 15 minutes. Its soft light color and just a lot. Like holy "lots of @#$%&"!
During class yest
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 10 years ago
Hey Erin,
Thanks for responding. Well I'm in the begining stages. I've managaged to do 2 meals and snacks a day raw. During lunch I will eat all veg and sometimes some rice. ( I live in Korea, but I'm American.) Usually these are soups. No dairy, no cheese, no bread.
I'm here because of really bad acne and I'm tired when I shouldn't be.
That's awesome you are a raw chef. Sounds like an aw
Forum: Meeting Place 10 years ago
March 5, 2014
Word up. I'm at work and got some free time between. Screaming 2nd graders.
I've been zero meat/bread/pasta/cheese this week.
I've been experimenting with my juicer. (I don't have a blender). I made some really awsome spread by using left overs from the jucicer after my banana/almond/carrot smoothie. Taste like carrot cake! I'm sure its loaded with calories because its made wit
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 10 years ago
I'm looking to make friends with a positive, successful raw foodist. Age/Nationalaity ect. does not matter.
Forum: Meeting Place 10 years ago
I feeel your pain. I drank a carrot juice yesterday and felt like I was going to throw up. I think I drank it way to fast though.
Also I have been experiencing fatigue, on Friday I was to tired to get out of bed. But I'm feeling better today.
Forum: Meeting Place 10 years ago
Word up? I'm a 40 year-old American male just starting a plant based diet.
I recently bought a juicer. I soaked some almonds in water and tried to make some almond milk. It turned out alright. I use the juiceless almond left over for spread on my apples, which turned out to be really good!
What else can I make using almonds?
Forum: Meeting Place 10 years ago
13. Re: The Journey
Juiced some carrots with a bit of apple this morning. Ate an apple with some left over almond spread, which is surprisingly good. I was very full after eating that.
I'm still doing coffee and tea. Trying ween myself off coffee first.
* Cooked foods I still eat on a regular basis:
-rice about a handfull after cooked. (about every 3days)
-Non dairy based soups here in kore
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 10 years ago
14. Re: The Journey
The bad: Socializing/headaches/drowsiness/gas
The good: Happy for no reason. Sex drive
• I've had a few issues #1 is what to do when I go out with friends because none vegetarians. My social circle is limited because I don't live in America and don't speak the language.
• Drowsiness: Friday I had the day off work and it was about my 2nd day with my juicer. It's like I have just a slig
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 10 years ago
15. The Journey
First month:
I just started a to a plant based diet. I still do about 20% cooked vegetables and rice. I'm 40 and I've had chronic fatigue since high school an my adult acne started at age 28 or so. I'm an American so my diet was loaded with carbs and sugar. At around 30 I joined a health club and made an effort to exercise and change my diet. I tried eating more protein but I always would g
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
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