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17 years ago
boo. well, dinner 1 went well. nice and raw and yummy. but i was full by dinner 2. and ate anyway...bad idea...and ended up eating sunchips (also a bad idea)... so now i feel bloaty and gross. figures. why would i ever schedule 2 dinners??? ugh, stupid. i think tomorrow needs to be my first 100% day. because the "transitioning" thing is sort of stagnating. so that's my goal. 10
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
congrats for 100%!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so excited for you, great job!!! already shedding a skin very exciting! being raw (and i'm not even 100%) makes me feel so much better about myself and what i eat. i wake up feeling like i belong in my body. GREAT feeling!!! your hummus sounds delicious. and btw, i totally understand the keeping the fat down and increasing veggies. as for me, i'm trying to
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
yayyy well, lunch went really well. cute sandwich place...had an awesome garden salad. red peppers, cucumbers, variety of lettuce, carrots, tomatoes! yum! i didn't actually eat a whole lot of it though...because i'm a sloppy eater so i don't eat a whole lot with guys wade was really nice...verrrry polite. doors were opened, he always walked on the street side of the sidewalk. then he walked
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
thanks, earthangel and jgunn. you're so right. i'm really trying to do away with all the negativity in my life, you know? like, i don't want to have negative feelings towards anybody,so i'm going to just leave the olive branch out there... and I would prefer for people to not have negative emotions towards me, but after a point, that's their deal. if she wants to hate me or whatever, that's sad.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
listen to you!!!! this is so exciting! your post is one of the most positive ones i've seen. just look at it. *THAT* is exactly why i'm becoming raw. you're such an encouragement. and yummmm hummus! zucchini is so versatile...when i get home, i really want to get one of those slicey things that makes like small long slices of zucchini (like pasta) and then cut up a tomato and some basil...i
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
for the record, i'm so glad i found this place. y'all are wonderful. and very very right. it's living together is really many people warned us not to live together, but we were like, noooo we won't fight, we're best friends! hahaha...bad idea. i think the raw thing may be an added thing...because when we eat, she's just kind like,'s that salad? we both gained weight...but her
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
hey! wow, you really do sound like you are doing an amazing job... i know what you mean about wanting to find like-minded people, and how that can be hard. i'm just at school (definitely not as severe as japan!), but i've been really struggling to find my niche, i guess. where are the people who like to go to bookstores at all hours of the night instead of going to bars? i feel like it's h
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
i can eat flax crackers???? ahhhh i'm going to have to do that. thanks for the tip! well. the past couple days have been rough. my roomie and i are arguing, a whole lot. we lived together this year, and its been horrible. back home, we used to do everything together, but now i'm really involved in a lot of things and she' not...and she doesn't want new friends. and i like having new friends. o
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
mmmm, i want to go to the beach. sun sun sun please. you'll be 100% again soon and it will be amazing. do you notice a big difference in how you feel when you're 90% and when you're 100%?
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
haha oh earthangel , unrequited love is somewhat amusing, but mostly sad. the story of my life at least you were close friends with the love of your life...the love of my life isn't even my friend i'll have to fix that before I marry him kidding, sort of today has been good so far. i'm starting to feel sooo much healthier. i feel like i'm slimming down...and i am so content just eating r
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
oh man, long day not bad... had a salad around 2...then a bunch of strawberries and grapes later..and some coffee...then an apple but then i went to a semi-formal and was sort of hungry...and i had like, 2 choc chip cookies. and a 4 crackers. and 3 corn chips. so bleh. at least it wasn't a meal this time. tomorrow. 100%.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
thanks y'all. you both are really encouraging. i feel like raw foods is really encouraging because the focus is being healthy, not simply weight loss. i'm really excited that so many people here can relate to food trouble, and also that there is so much success in turning to raw foods as new, better way of living. i wasn't very hungry today. I had a salad (basically lettuce, dressing, and PES
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
so today. well, it's only 10 o'clock here. i've had 2 pretty hefty coffees (i had an 8 am this morning...and i don't function very well at 8 am!) oh well, going to eat an orange when i'm hungry. eating when hungry. EATING WHEN HUNGRY. ok.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
That, for me, is annoying. I hate to eat something then have to hide away like a stinky old dog in a corner til it stops upsetting my tummy. mia, that was hilarious. i seriously wanted to laugh out loud (but i'm at the library!). i know just the feeling. I have always had digestive belly just grumbles and grumbles and growls and i get gassy soooo easily. i think i'm allergic to
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
as far as my ED goes...i've been really weight conscious since i was like, 11...because i was just a little bit chubby. being weight conscious turned into an obsession ad by my freshman year of high school, i was anorexic. i dropped about 25 pounds, but then my mom became really aware that i wasn't eating and she really monitored my eating... around sophomore year, i had gained weight back (of co
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
hey mia! i'm fairly new to raw food and so i'm also new to your journal. but i just want to say that you are doing an AMAZING JOB!!!! you seem to have awesome suggestions. i definitely plan on mimicking some of your eating habits!!! everyone raves about tahini. i need to get some. also, a couple posts ago you said "I mean, how many people can eat ALL THEY WANT and lose this much weigh
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
hey i'm reeeeeally new to raw...and i had a screw up over the weekend. it was really disappointing. but when we slip up, it's not a failure as long as we get back up and try again. and we both are. so yay! i know what you mean about the not being as hungry on raw thing...i'm not either. i find this strange. i have been eating anyway b/c i used to have issues with food as well and i don't w
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
oh wow, first of all - earthangel, you are amazing. and i was really excited that i got mentioned as being a nice newbie but meow, first of all, angel was right, don't worry about the pb. it's funny how you can just eat something without meaning to/wanting to and then afterwards you're just like, dangit! or atleast i am. that's how i was after eating frozen yogurt. oh well. step by step.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
i had a sore throat yesterday! ugh, i feel like i have so much to learn. i didn't even know that was a detox symptom. at least detox means something is working! yay! i know what you mean about the word vegan. not that there is anything wrong with being vegan!! i just don't know that i'll ever consider myself one, even if i do really become one. kind of a label thing, but more of just a title t
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
oh, cheer up benet!!! it sounds like you're feeling really bummed right now...geez, being emotional is no fun. and while you're on period??? ugh. i've been emotional too recently (roomie troubles, surprise surprise)...and i feel really big and sluggy and like i'm going to be big forever. the thing to remember though is that we're working to get past where we are right now. and we're going to g
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
oh goodness. i've only bought one thing of nutella ever-and i seriously ate like half of the jar in a night! i had to throw it out (like take it out to the dumpster!!!) because i knew i wouldn't stop!!!! goodness. i love that stuff. bah. i'm kind of grumpy. i feel flabby. like my just feels flabby. i don't know why? maybe i'm losing fat but it takes a while to adjust and so it jus
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
what a beautiful day, i went to my first class at 9:30....and went to lunch afterwards at like 11. I went to the dining hall and got baby carrots, salsa, raisins, and a spoonful of nutella (i used to be so addicted to that stuff...just having a little was sooo yummy). anyway, i got all of this in a to-go box and then i went and ate it in one of the gardens. it was absolutely lovely. i ended
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
i'm so glad you found your cat! that would be so scary...thinking you had lost her and being afraid she had ran into one of the many 4-lane highways. ah! scary. you sound like you're doing a phenomenal job! how long have you been raw? i'm a total newbie, but my favorite thing so far is just not needing to care about what i eat. if I'm hungry, I eat until I'm full...and when I'm full, i don't f
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
oh wow. you make LA sound so amazing. i'm on the east coast in mid-sized city that doesn't really seem to have that much to offer for raw restaurants or organic produce...i'm thinking about possibly going to grad school in california hearing about it makes me excited noff, i hope you are having a great day and that you're feeling raw and renewed!!!
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
oh YEAH. i feel absolutely baller right now...and that's a good thing. my dorm had a 'cookout' tonight which consisted of take out chinese food and pizza. and at first i wasn't going to go at all, but my roommate talked me into it. I actually went and DID NOT eat it. I ended up going to the dining hall and getting some carrots, cucumbers, 2 bananas, and some salsa. I ate the carrots dipped in
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
noff and earthangel...thanks so much. this forum is awesome - it's so great to have support, especially since my friends aren't that into it. ok. you're both totally right. Today is a new day. I know that being raw is exactly what i need right now. I know that God has given me a way to overcome my addiction to food and to stop feeling guilty, and that way is raw. God's grace is sufficient -tha
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
hey raw teens i'm 18...and trying to get to the point i can be a raw example. no where near there yet. but...babysteps, right
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
ugh, not a good day. started out ok...had a salad for brunch, but then had a chocolate truffle, then ended up going to dinner alone...and so then i was eating my salad really quick, and this girl from one of my classes came up and was like, Hey! Can we sit with you? and I knew she was just trying to be nice, so i said yeah, and then i ended up eating a cookie, some pasta primavera, and some ic
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
oops. beans are legumes, aren't they?
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
mmm, hummus is so yummy. earth angel, how do you make it? noff, you sound AMAZING! you're going to yoga...and you're doing a great job...and you're taking people to the farmer's market!!!! you are my new idol i'm so impressed. congrats on doing an amazing job. and i'm so excited about your package! let me know how the book is...and what the book is. i need to be more educated on my new l
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
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