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10 years ago
Well said Sproutarian Man! There are many successful raw vegans I just don't know a lot of them, I do know of them and I know that B.C. is clearly the best example. I met many people at HHI that said they were long term vegans and doing well. And yes the raw vegan diet(and lets make this clear, raw vegan means about 75% raw)is very difficult for most! that is for sure. Especially the sick, wh
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
Powerlifter, I think you should take a good look at yourself to try and understand why it is that you have to make everyone believe in your idea's on a site that is not inline with them? This should be your biggest revelation. I have spoken with you about things that I know complete and utter facts and you discount them as you are the almighty? When you are not sure about something you should
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
powerlifter Wrote:
The liver can hold stores of vitamin B12 for years, so as always
> deficiencies take time to develop.
This is another study that you have read that is not scientifically backed. I know for a fact that the liver does not store up B-12 for use by the body! It is only made up of B12. There is no evidence that s
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
powerlifter Wrote:
> rzman10001 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> If you don't know many healthy vegans then why are
> you constantly recommending this diet to people
> ?.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
powerlifter Wrote:
> However the vegan diet wasn't adequate for health
> for many reasons.
There is no
> campaign
> I will critique any philisophy that doesn't hold
> up to commense sense and scientific scrutiny.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
powerlifter Wrote:
> 80/10/10 is just a risky fad diet that nobody can
> make work succesfully long term.
> Its probably one of the most nutritionally
> incomplete and imbalanced diets i have had the
> pleasure of trying and researching.
I have to agree with ya there powerlifer. I think the lower fat is
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
The Sproutarian Man Wrote:
> Does Doug ever address the problems people are
> facing with the diet and try to tailor the diet
> more to people's needs, or does he assume that one
> diet fits all?
> I imagine it would be a tough diet to stick with.
> Do many people suffer cravings and/or hunger on
> this d
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
I have to agree with ya there powerlifer. I think the lower fat is a big benifit and the sugar keeps them happy lol. But if it makes them happy then, well like the song says. "It can't be that bad" Dam you Cheryl Crow lol.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
USER111 Wrote:
> Here my opinion in a nutshell.
> The human race started out as fruit based eating.
> Fruits were plentiful and big and
> luscious.Somewhere along the line they started
> eating animals and started cooking. As our bodies
> have the ability to adapt and evolve it started
> that proce
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
BJ Wrote:
> Rzman10001, some people have fantastic digestion
> and are able to eat 8 bananas and function
> normally, so maybe it's ok for Panchito to eat
> that many. Hopefully he is also eating quite a lot
> of greens with the bananas and fruit.
> Panchito, how long have you been on the raw /
> strict di
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
Raw veggies of coarse in quantity. For certain people too much fruits will actually weaken the immune system.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
powerlifer Wrote:
> Carrots are fine in there full form and are as
> good as any other root vegetable from a health
> point of view.
> Juicing glasses upon glasses of carrot juice daily
> id argue is not healthy, due to the reasons
> Panchito suggests above.
I think this statement is as soun
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
I will try to put this link here, I thought is was very interesting and useful to read. The power of the mind as seen and been experienced through the eyes of Dr. Brian Clement.
Okay good, it worked! I love technology, sometimes LOL.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
Panchito Wrote:
> Thanks.
> Don't remember exactly but maybe I ate 8.
> I eat bananas just about every day (+12 or so)
You didn't mention if they were organic either? And they should be RIPE! NOT GREEN AT ALL, NO NOT EVEN A LITTLE! I wont even buy the green ones for fear that they do not ripen well, yes I am
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
Loved the book and met him one day at HHI and spoke with him for a while! Very nice man.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
I agree but a person can work toward this. It appears you believe that just because they have failed they cannot do it. It might take years of going slow and rebuilding the system. It's not easy and really it takes a lot of passion and self awareness to pull off. It's clearly not for most people but I would not say that it can't be done. Most people that try this type of diet almost always d
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
Yeah, I never bought into this but am guilty of using it to much in the past. It was so easy to get when a person needed a quick veggie lunch. All the health food stores sold it!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
Can't we just rely on the fermentation in the gut for this? I think it is more important to make sure our digestion is strong to eat the right foods and then rely on the gut fermenting these nutrients. Unfortunately most of us are far from having strong digestion and have evolved into people that can't even survive on a raw food diet because of so much junk for so many years and generations. Y
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
powerlifter Wrote:
> An interesting thing ive found from many raw
> vegans blood work that ive seen is that many have
> elevated triglycerides, which is interesting
> considering many of these individuals don't
> consume much or any overt fats. The elevated
> triglycerides is likely from the excessive
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
20. Re: Candida!
You clearly don't have any experience in this area so I will not comment further. I should have learned from our last conversation.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
21. Re: Candida!
Stool samples are not accurate, expensive and don't tell if it is systemic. You should not tell people that standard blood tests work because they do not! not even close like I stated! A stool sample is way better than the blood work though as it will show many other factors important to healing. Unfortunately it is hit or miss. Sometimes the yeast will not leave the colon with the sample bu
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
22. Re: Candida!
You say "Also the spit test is not an accurate method of determining if you have candida overgrowth or not." Well then what is? this is the issue. You should have said what is then? The only other test that is of any use at all is a "Live Blood Analysis" The spit test has worked for every one I have seen use it and it is free. It should be followed up by a LBA if one is n
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
cynthia Wrote:
> I saw an ad yesterday about infrared sauna - they
> are all on sale right now - 2 000 $ for a 2
> persons sauna - all wood
> They look nice, come in kit and are easy to
> assemble at home.
> I have tried the usual wet sauna a while ago and I
> wonder if infrared offers the same bene
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 10 years ago
24. Candida!
I was checking out some info. on Candida and realize that there are thousands of sites out there but I thought that I would post this one as it is easy to just scroll down and read what you want. Also the description of how yeast functions is pretty good for the new to the subject. I don't get around the internet much so maybe there are better but this is pretty good imo.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 11 years ago
25. Wisdom Teeth?
Does anyone have good information on weather or not Wisdom Teeth should be removed or not. You know like a good info. source, holistic like, couldn't find one on the web.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 11 years ago
26. Re: Steve Jobs!
Thanks John Rose
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 11 years ago
27. Re: Avocados...
banana who, you should absolutely write them how else will they know if you are unhappy with there products. More people should write company's when they are dissatisfied, especially when it comes to our food sources.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 11 years ago
28. Re: Avocados...
I think a lot of it has to do with weather and unknown seasonal changes in the tree or the environment, that's just agriculture for ya. Things are probably getting worse globally also. Another issue is they are picked UNRIPE! and this is not good. Ultimately, in my fantasy's everyone would grow at least some of their own organic produce in their yard. Support your local farmers and stop buyin
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 11 years ago
29. Steve Jobs!
Any one have a good un-bias article about his natural therapy. Thought I remembered one here but could not find anything. Did a search on the web but to much junk to read through. Thanks in advance
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 11 years ago
Some foods/drinks are acidic but alkalize the body like you mentioned. Some are acid forming, it doesn't really matter what they are to start with it is what they produce in the body. As far as I can tell fermented foodstuff is generally alkalizing so don't worry about leaching calcium. Eating acid producing foods is normal for all humans as long as you are healthy your body will accommodate.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) |