Results 1 - 30 of 2865
13 years ago
thanks, i hope your mom gets better...
Funeral was fairly tough, i got extremely angry when a distant family member, who never even contacted my mother while she was sick, either the first time, or this time, came up and started talking about how much she loved my mom, then asked me and my siblings, less than a minute after placing my moms remains in the ground, if she could take a picture of
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 13 years ago
mmmmmmm, sounds good i love found squash, in my hometown I made a number of similar discoveries in the past, pumpkins too... I think it was from people throwing their Jack O' Lanterns out,lol.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 13 years ago
mmmmmmm, sounds good i love found squash, in my hometown I made a number of similar discoveries in the past, pumpkins too... I think it was from people throwing their Jack O' Lanterns out,lol.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 13 years ago
ya know, im a blendtec user and im sorry I cant really answer your question, as I have only used it for normal hummus once, and nutritional smoothies for my mom, i used my juicer for the hummus most of the time, just cause I liked the texture it had much better, i didnt like how smooth my blendtec got it... weird huh? the opposite problem it seems like,lol... i guess id just suggest for hummus, t
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 13 years ago
Nanners, and anybody else that has, or even thinks of mixing bleach with ammonia, do you know what Mustard gas is? cause thats what you get when you mix the two, it causes a lot of damage to your lungs and brain... so please be careful.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 13 years ago
thanks everybody, sorry ive not been on till now to see your kind responses, we have had a lot to do over here lately, thankyou all for your kind words and support, i'll be back soon if i can.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 13 years ago
7. moms dead
tumor burst the blood vessel in her lung, she bled out and died in my arms before the paramedics got here, they still worked on her for over 20 minutes, but there was nothing they could do.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 13 years ago
hehe, doesnt get cold enough for there to be snow very often, and then, its usually no more than a few inches max, sometimes we get a bit more, but not enough to be an issue for most fairly hardy plants... mmmmm broccoli, I love broccoli sprouts too, but they are pretty darn expensive, broccoli seeds are not cheap,lol... good luck with your plants, I'll let ya know how my kale does
Forum: Sprouting and Organic Gardening 13 years ago
what are you blending thats getting foam? im not getting much foam in my blender unless I blend for to long...
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 13 years ago
hah, I dont make it into crackers out of guilt for wasting,lol... I make the crackers because I really enjoy them, and they help get rid of cravings for salty snack foods.
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 13 years ago
Girl with autism wanders off, which happens often, she is later found, perfectly fine, awhile later, government officials take her and end up drugging her up... warning, this article will probably really upset you, it made me cry, something very similar happened to my friends little sister up in canada when we where younger too, it was pretty traumatic for her and the family, and she wasnt ev
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 13 years ago
13. Re: heya
I read some similar things to, although none of what I read seemed to apply to my moms case, cause it wasnt temporarily, she has been using this water for awhile now, since shortly after you originally suggested it a long time ago, I was skeptical at the time, but thought it would be worth trying out anyway...if it wasnt for selling all that bread, i wouldnt have had the money to,lol... but that
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 13 years ago
Coco, Kelowna, because i have a few really good friends who moved there, so thought it would at least be a decent starting point if i decided to try out canada...
Nanners, yeah its a car, truck actually,lol... and what in the heck is a Lemurian? Ive lived practically within spitting distance of mt shasta for most of my life and never heard of them... oh ah, has nothing to do with mt shasta, fo
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 13 years ago
Really? mt shasta... like on the mountain, or just within sight of it? its not that easy to get on without a good 4x4...heh...
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 13 years ago
17. Re: heya
I have a couple different ones, I have the Nature Kleen, which is a cold spark ozonator, and my most expensive one, beta 2, by plasmafire, a cold corona ozonator, and I feed it only pure oxygen from a machine hospice care people gave us that produces pure oxygen from surrounding air, filters out everything else... my mom uses the oxygen every now and then to help her breathing, and I u
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 13 years ago
Gold beach, California.
Bell Flower, California.
Crescent City, California.
Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Crescent City again.
Yuba City, California.
Places im considering moving next, in no particular order.
Santa cruz, california
Portland, Oregon
Corvallis, Oregon
Beaverton, Oregon
Somewhere in Texas...lol (rather strong job market, very cheap rent.)
Kelowna, British Colombia, Canada.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 13 years ago
have you ever heard of the saying "Salt the earth" its a saying, cause salt will keep the vast majority of plant species from growing... if its dilute enough and your plants are well established, it may not harm them much, but salt builds up in soil, so I wouldnt suggest testing your luck and doing it again... or if you are convinced it can be helpful, start a few various pots, plant t
Forum: Sprouting and Organic Gardening 13 years ago
21. Re: heya
The majority of sites I read promoting it as a cure for lung cancer, have stated that both drinking ozonated water, and breathing in ozone, is needed to cure the cancer... and a lot of the testimonials I have read, specifically state that they both drank and inhaled it, and I have read literally thousands across the internet, although many seemed to be re-posts, all the regulars at the library co
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 13 years ago
22. Re: heya
Hey powerlifer, yes I checked into the ozone theory in depth, and even the original proponents of it are completely against its use inhaled now days, as evidence has shown that it severely damages lung tissue.
Thanks Tam.
thanks Vinny.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 13 years ago
23. Re: heya
Thanks Jodi, thanks Chris... btw the herbal mix you helped me get together, has helped a considerable amount with my health, thanks! my mom, unfortunately, is not doing better, its more or less a waiting game at this point, nothing is working, she could possibly live years though, or die in her sleep tonight... they arent sure...tumor is pressing up against an artery, could break it at any time a
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 13 years ago
time consuming for the dehydrator, took me an extra 10-15 minutes to make a whole dehydrator batch of the kale crackers... although I do it in a kind of weird way, I kind of make a kale "Dough" using the pulp nutritional yeast, little bit of salt, and sometimes a hint of lemon juice or little bit of roasted garlic paste for taste, just a little though... oh, and a little grape seed oil
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 13 years ago
26. Re: heya
Heres the invisible shoes, I actually have one of each type, the old type made out of the vibram cherry material, and this new type, I find the new type fits a bit better, makes the running a bit easier... its a bit more expensive though than the vibram, but they are having a big introductory sale right now for the new types. Edit: they are both pretty cheap compared to the competition btw.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 13 years ago
there are of course some vitamins and minerals leftover in pulp, but the majority should be in the juice... I have liked to use the pulp to make dehydrator crackers in the past, that was yummy, especially with kale.
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 13 years ago
28. heya
im back had a massive computer problem awhile ago, took me quite awhile to fix it as I was low on cash, so I was mostly just looked for used parts for cheap or free, eventually found what I needed, rebuilt the computer, by then though I had lost most interest in the interweb, been spending most of my time taking care of and hanging out with my mom, and visiting my sister who is in a mental instit
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 13 years ago
Holy crap, I grew these in copious amounts (they grow like weeds!) for over a decade be4 my dad decided on a whim to remove most of the flower beds while I was gone... I wish I had known... ive probably given away millions of seeds... they are so pretty!!!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 13 years ago
what? none of those animals usually eat each other unless they are starving except sharks...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) |