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14 years ago
Looks like the Mail did a story on this too. What's interesting is the poll that shows 68% think the state should intervene if parents put their children on an extreme diet. The feedback comments are interesting too... "I'm glad the kids are now better. It's complete lunacy that ANYONE could think that this way of eating is balanced and healthy. - Sharon, Cardiff, UK, 24/6/2008
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Monkey memory :-) I'm quite pleased with my progress this week. Been eating small amounts of fruit each day and have cut right down on fats. I don't think it's in the 10% range yet I think that should be easier to achieve when I'm eating more fruit. I seem to have caught a cold, but I don't really mind because it seems to supress the hay fever! I suppose the pollen can't get through all the
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
newtorawfooddiet I've only just started my transtion to raw vegan, so no tips for you just yet. However, I have started to eat small amounts of fruit each day (specifically two apples and one banana) and I've not noticed any 'reactions' yet. I have reduced my fat intake, so maybe that is helping. I'm not craving sugary foods and maybe that's because I'm getting my sugar fix from the fru
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
pakd4fun - I presume the cancer tests were negative then? If I thought I had cancer, I hope I would turn to nutrition instead of doctors, but saying this is much easier than doing it. I would probably cave in. If that is what you did then RESPECT. I have a friend with cancer who has been given only months or weeks to live by the doctors. He has been treated with chemotherapy etc. Part of
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
rawdanceruk: Breakfast is usually oats with water and a chopped apple. Lunch is usually a salad (lettuce, tomato, carrots, sweet pepper, celery) together with cooked rice, quinoa, or buckwheat. I sometimes add some cooked beans or raw fish for protein. Dinner is usually a cooked vegan meal like chips with veggie burgers and steamed veggies, or gluen free pasta with (commercial) bolognais
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
I guess I need to run a test and see what happens when I eat more fruit. So my plan is to reduce my fat intake (to 10% if possible) and then to gradually increase my fruit intake whilst reducing my cooked grains. If I do have candida, and the Douglas Graham's ideas about fat / insulin are right, I should be onto a winner right? Does anyone have any suggestions about how I should do this
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
> You only have to be careful with what fruit you eat if you eat more than 10% calories from fat It's an extremenl bold claim (also made in the 811 book right?) Do you know of any references to scientific literatur that backs this up?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Hi Tamukha, this is interesting. I have explored this subject at length in the past and treated myself using an anti-candida program. I'd sort of forgotten about this. I'm really not sure whether I had candida or not. I did improve somewhat on the program though - in particular I had athletes foot and this has now gone. So maybe. One of the books I bought on this subject has a kind of se
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
I've never heard of metformin. I will look that one up! I've seen doctors recently about intolerances etc but all they say is to exclude. Sugar intolerance is supposed to be very rare. I have also been tested for diabetes recently and I'm ok (so far). I can tolerate fruit, but I'm not sure where the limit is or if there is a limit even. I don't usually eat a great deal of fruit. Your sister
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
I am sugar intolerant and addicted to sugar. I would love to go raw and I'm drawn to the 80/10/10 approach but I'm not sure if it's really going to help me. The sugar intolerance results in a 'reaction' lasting for maybe four days whenever I eat too much. Usually it is food containing refined sugars that cause the problem, but I think I may have had reactions to fruit sugars in the past. I'm n
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Have you seen the web-site called ? I suffer from deperession some times and I have noticed that it is related to my problems with sugar (addiction). Apparently if you are eating too much sugary food (or refined grains, or alcohol) it affects your natural serotonin levels which is linked to depression. According to the author of the web site - sugar addiction is a real physiological problem
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Are bananas an essential ingredient for raw vegans? Gary
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
I think we need a few clarifications here... green lemonade - is this something you make yorself from raw vegan ingredients (like a green smoothie) or a commerical product? What is in it? Any sugar (i.e. sucrose)? Is it raw? An avacado every day? You may want to cut down on this. dagoba chocolate bar? Not familiar with this. Can you give us the ingredients. The web-site suggests there ar
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Is there a website somewhere that just lists basic raw vegan foods and says which ones are good for raw vegans? Ideally these would be ranked so that the most useful foods are at the top. I'm not talking about recipies, and I'm not interested in super-foods. If there isn't one already - would it be useful if there was a wiki that listed all the raw vegan foods so that people could commen
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
For several years now I've had a problem with sugar... If eat a large enough portion I will have a reaction that consists of sore eyes, head ache, poor concentration / memory, irratability, and sometimes diarreah. It usually starts a couple of days after the sugar binge and lasts for maybe four or five days. So far, it seems that fruit sugar doesn't create the same problem but I don't eat huge
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
I had a geen smoothie yesterday containing lots of water cress. It didn't agree with me and I spent much of the day on the loo! (or so it seemed). Is water cress a poor choice? I suppose it could have been something else I ate that gave me the toilet trouble. Gary
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
In a week or two my wife should give birth. Maybe tommorow, who knows! I haven't yet made my mind up about how to feed it. Hopefully, it will take breast milk to begin with, but after that - I don't know, Suppose it was a raw vegan! I'm not sure my wife would agree, but I'm sure she will want it to eat as healthily as possible and she is usually supportive of my 'weird' dietary experiments
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
I've been reading the David Wolfe book called the Sunfood Diet Success System and there is a chapter that criticises the theory of evolution. He claims there are several flaws in the theory. One flaw is that there is apparently no (fossil) evidence of a species transitioning from one to another. Another is that carbon dating is inaccurate. There are others. He quotes from a couple of differ
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
16 years ago
Frances... I'm curious about the raw alcohol idea. I will look into that! Do you think there is a big difference health-wise between cooked and raw alcohol? Is it something that raw vegans drink long term, or is it something that should be confined to the transition phase? pakd4fun... So do you think it is more important to eliminate the addictive items first, rather than the unhealthies
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Interesting Avocadess. Could you summarise the key differences between these 4 books? Gary
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
These are the main food groups I plan to eliminate over the next year or so (as part of a nice gradual transition). I'm taking David Masons' advice and doing things slowly this time (great website David). I have ordered them so that I will eliminate the worst ones first. I'm curious to know if anyone agrees with my ordering. Are there any other major food groups that I should consider? Are
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
i'm suprised by the answers given to question 2 by David and sodoffsocks When I went 100% raw last year, I lost a lot of weight very quickly. I'm sure that if I was more aware of my calorie needs and that if I'd known more about the calorie content of raw foods I would have done a lot better. I basically fell off raw vegan after about 3 months because I had lost a lot of weight and everyone wa
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Is cooked food bad? My opinion is that there are much worse things you can eat. I think all food practices live on a scale, At the bad end of the scale you have junk food, sugary cakes/biscuits/puddings, cola / fizzy drinks, coffee, alcohol etc. Somewhere in the middle you have meat, processed and refined foods, packaged foods, preservatives and e-numbers, salt, fatty foods etc. A bit furt
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Hi KathyT Have you checked that you are getting all the nutrients you need by using or or Nutritiondata? It sounds like you are lacking something - maybe protein. Maybe you need to eat more greens like lettuce, spinach, kale etc. gary
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
I think that what Arugula meant was that when people think they have Detox Symptoms they are more often just the symptoms of insufficient calorie intake. 1 Calorie = 1 kcalorie 1 calorie = 1/1000 of a kcalorie see
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Hi autruche, I'm from Manchester originally, but now moving to Selby in Yorkshire. Not too far away I suppose. I'm a bit of a wannabee, at the moment. Probably less than 20% raw and I eat meat / fish infrequently, maybe once or twice a week. I plan to transition slowly but surely. Cheers, Gary
Forum: Meeting Place
17 years ago
Great story Brian. Very inspiring. I hope it works out this time. Gary
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Hi Sunshine, according to Doug Graham, eating excess fat causes the sugar in your bloodstream to 'back-up' and Candida over-growth occurs because the sugar does not get digested/obsorbed quickly enough. So it's not really the fat or the sugar that causes Candida over-growth, it is the combination of the two. I've been reading the new 80/10/10 book and it has really got me confused about Can
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
In the UK, the BBC showed a program last night called "The truth about food" in which they performed an experiment on Detox Some of the other subjects covered had more positive results, but the detox test came out negative. Gary
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
I think this thread is gradually veering away from my original question. What I originally asked for was for someone to volunteer to create a sticky FAQ type of thread (not this one) that would list the well-known raw-vegan food priciples and indicate which ones are generally accepted and which are disputed. I wasn't really looking for a discussion about the principles themselves, but for a di
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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