Results 121 - 150 of 2756
9 years ago
121. Re: lou corona
Yes, I think a good diet can help a lot. It's related to osteoporosis, you have seen how some older people get hunchbacked--it's because they have lost a lot of bone. They are eating horribly and not exercising, etc. I work with a guy who is 65 and he has a severe case. But he looks like he does not care at all about taking care of himself.
If you do those things right, you will probab
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
My former next door neighbors were a very proper, late 80s older woman from high society Boston and her middle-aged daughter who looked geriatric. It was very clear that the mother had almost complete control over the daughter.
The daughter appeared to be mentally challenged, with lethargic, limited movements and somewhat impaired speech as if it took great effort to speak. Yet she drove, she
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
this one says it was porridge, exercise, and "staying away from men. They’re just more trouble than they’re worth."
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
rab Wrote:
> virus and parasite are two different things.
> Viruses, if you ask me, don't exist. They have
> never been isolated and belong to theory, just
> like electrons, for example.
electrons have been filmed, they are totally real
so have viruses. these came from the stool of an individual with gastroenteritis
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
126. Re: lou corona
SueZ Wrote:
> I don't care what they do either unless they are
> using their youthful appearance as evidence their
> diet and lifestyle is responsible,
That's the problem. It's deceptive to give credit
to the diet when they are doing these other things.
> > There is another guy who is decades younger who
> > also seems
> > to be going that rou
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
127. Re: lou corona
if you mean the sensation of a quantum leap in alertness, energy, joy, everything running smoothly, better strength/endurance, less sleep needed, skin, no false appetite,etc, etc then there's no doubt. (check out some of chris califano's musings)
I am zinging all over the place. I wake up immediately alert and feeling fresh. I need very little sleep.
Regarding cravings--at this point in m
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
128. Re: lou corona
SueZ Wrote:
> No, he hasn't had work done on
> > his face. It is au naturel. Yes, his skin is
> > glistening and dewey, beaming. Mine gets like
> that
> > when I consume fresh coconut daily and high raw
> > like him.
> How can you be sure he hasn't had any work done on
> his face
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
129. Re: lou corona
Tai, Luigi did a study showing lowest health-care costs when the BMI is 18.
But for a relatively heathy person who is eating a super diet, I would not worry about being 2 units above that. 20 is better than 16.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Yes. EWG put up a site showing the impact of different food choices in terms of equivalent miles driven by car for 4 oz servings. Of course meats and cheeses were the worst.
I hoped that the costs per calorie would be more revealing, but distressingly, produce turns out to be pretty expensive. Since it is mostly water by weight, it has a big impact compared to milk, beans, grains, nuts, or see
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
131. Re: lou corona
oops, cannula
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
blonde with dark roots
light blonde
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
133. Re: lou corona
Legumes: the most important dietary predictor of survival in older people of different ethnicities.
It's not that they have nutrients that other foods lack. It's that are an alternative to fruit and fat. And truthfully I do not think they are magic, probably the best thing about them is that they are "not meat."
>either 2 weeks wasn't long enough or foods eaten were not idea
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
134. Re: lou corona
Just a couple of weeks. There is no "on/off" switch for me, only percentages.
If I believed that such a thing--maximum benefits only available at 100% in an overtly way-- were possible I would do it.
Testimonials can be inspiring but the credibility lies with studies which do not currently exist.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
135. Re: lou corona
I do not feel that I need a colonic after legumes. They are so great!
I use modest quantities.
10-15% usually.
They are still plants, they are cheap, and they offer up a lot of nutrition. But yes, they need to be cooked.
I totally respect that many people herr wish to avoid them. But I see no reason to avoid them for myself.
They provide a compromise between too much fruit a
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Hot off the presses March 2015.
Sister chromatid exchange (SCE) is a widely used sensitive cytogenetic biomarker of exposure to genotoxic and cancerogenic agents. Results of human monitoring studies and cytogenetic damage have revealed that biological effects of genotoxic exposures are influenced by confounding factors related to life-style.
Anyway, the protective effects were
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
The only way you know for sure is if you hire a third party to test it.
Some viruses can get their mojo back after 1 month of extreme conditions. Others are still active over long-term conditions.
A lot has to do with whether or not it can protect itself with a silica coating.
I do not know the specifics of this particular virus, though.
But since it does not sound like
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
I mentioned it, too, a couple of weeks ago. In every video he has a different color of hair. I don't know if he is blonde, brunette, redhead, all of the above, some of the above, or none of the above. I couldn't decide!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
24 or so refs showing raw f+v protective for stomach cancer are below, just up until 2007 or so when I stopped looking for them. I don't think fermented foods now and then will be harmful if you eat lots of raw f+v
Jedrychowski W.,Contribution of Epidemiology in Poland for better understanding of the natural history of diseases in gastrointestinal tract, J Physiol Pharmacol. 2003 Dec;54 Suppl
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Yes, I think there is some correlation. But I think you can still enjoy your fermented foods if a. you have them only occasionally and b. the bulk of your calories are from fresh, unprocessed foods.
I doubt those Asian people who got cancers were doing high raw with the rest of their calories.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Tai, it's an interesting question because viruses are technically not alive. They are just protein sheaths with DNA or RNA. I don't think that dehydrating without heat is enough to denature their proteins or otherwise destroy their integrity. There is a living creature called the tardigrade with a brain, a GI tract, legs, etc. that can withstand all kinds of ridiculously torturous environments. S
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Here's one in Alabama. No idea if it is any good.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
143. Re: lou corona
I don't believe our body's ability to produce enzymes declines significantly due to our food choices. It's just another thing that declines in general as we get older. There is no evidence that people who are long term tube feeders have more digestive enzymes for example.
I think fermented foods are great. I'd do 1/2 cup a day or so. I can't say what is optimal.
I drink tap water. I
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
It's a good question and the amounts per kg of either the oil or the fruit are similar: 200-400 mg/kg.
A good way to estimate the phenolic content is bitterness--
bitter=more phenolics.
But now consider the calorie costs
1 kg olives vs 1 kg olive oil.
olives: 1450 kcal
olive oil: 8840 kcal
Olives deliver approx. 6x more phenolics per calorie than olive oil.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
It's the phenolics, not the oil. Nuts are healthier than olive oil, olives are healthier than olive oil.
Guasch-Ferre M, Bullo M, Martinez-Gonzalez MA, et al: Frequency of nut consumption and mortality risk in the PREDIMED nutrition intervention trial. BMC Med 2013;11:164.
Vogel RA, Corretti MC, Plotnick GD, The postprandial effect of components of the Mediterranean diet on endothelial fun
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
I am afraid of those for two reasons, 1. they reputedly taste awful, and 2. they are too expensive.
The castelvetranos are reported to taste exactly like a very fine EVOO. Probably because of the lye.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Looks like I picked a bad time to quit sniffing algae.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
148. lou corona
he looks more like his age here.
Face is suspiciously smooth compared to neck. Eyes look a little cloudy. I can see that he has some loss of bony mass at the eye sockets and chin/jaw.
Even so, I have to say his vitality impresses me. He does not have that characteristic stiffness that sets compared to most people his age.
I am trying to find specifics about his diet. He is not all raw
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
149. castelvetrano olives
Does anybody eat these? They are processed, but not with heat. They are soaked in lye to remove the bitterness, then rinsed, then soaked in brine.
I am looking for ways to reduce my consumption of olive oil or eliminate it completely. This type of olive, blended, might be a way to accomplish it.
It still tastes like olive oil from what people say.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Length would be the biggest determinant of fat content. Might be reduced by 50% as a ballpark estimate. This was the best I could find in a quick search:
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) |