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Results 151 - 180 of 501
15 years ago
A lot of the sprouting devices suffer from two weaknesses: they often recycle the same water over your sprouts too many times until you're washing the sprouts with dirty water, and they often do not provide for sufficient air flow. As others suggested, I would consider the quality of the water you're adding to the system. If that isn't the source of concern, consider what the weakness of your
Forum: Sprouting and Organic Gardening
15 years ago
He he. The aphrodisiac line might earn me some odd looks if I pulled it in the office, which is one of the primary places I get questions about my food. :-)
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
I haven't had any colds since I started mostly raw, 18 months ago. I do sometimes still get a runny nose when I'm in a cold place, or sneeze if there's something in the air. That's about it.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Yeah, there are lots of cheaper options. One of the attractions of the expensive model is a filter on the air leaving the device, so that the compost can breathe, yet the kitchen doesn't smell like rotting fruit. I've never done composting indoors, and I'm not sure I would want to start unless I could be fairly sure that my home wouldn't be made to smell bad. I've given thought to vermicompost
Forum: Sprouting and Organic Gardening
15 years ago
Has anyone tried one of those expensive indoor composting machines? They're about $300-$400, and they claim to avoid all stink, and to fully compost your food scraps over the course of a couple of weeks. They stir, and may also warm the composting material. Obviously composting can be accomplished without such expensive implements, but they look really easy to operate. I have a yard and a success
Forum: Sprouting and Organic Gardening
15 years ago
I say a lot of different things, too. When I can, I try to emphasize how wonderful my food is, because then I don't need to justify my choices, which would only make me seem defensive and make my choices seem less attractive. "This morning I blended a coconut with a quart of blueberries. What a great breakfast!" "I think that a meal built on vegetables is both tastier and more
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
There are a lot of great raw vegan recipe books out there, but they mostly call for only raw vegan ingredients. If you're not looking to be very strict, you can sometimes make substitutions. For example, many raw recipes will call for nama shoyu, which is unpasteurized soy sauce. If you don't own any, you might use the soy sauce you do own instead. If you're a real foodie, many of the recipes
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
15 years ago
Most European counties, as I understand it, require labeling of genetically modified food, but the U.S. has no such requirement. That said, you're more likely to find GM ingredients in processed foods than in the produce department. The worst offenders are GM corn used to make corn syrup and GM soy used to make nearly everything. Now that they have begun to farm clone animals, it has been decided
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
My market uses the five digit numbers starting with 8 as the bin codes for herbs and spices. Since most genetically engineered foods are unlabeled in the United States, I'd be surprised to see the 8 prefix being used the way you describe.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
VeganLife Wrote: > Aren't beet greens and Swiss Chard the exact same > thing? (They have different values in the chart.) No, they're different. Beet greens, on the left, are rarely sold unless they're still attached to the beets. (At least, this is true where I live.) They taste a lot like beets, and when boiled they will stain water red. Swiss chard, or simply chard, comes in many d
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
I always wonder with these charts, and how they decide which foods are most alkalizing and acidifying. Most do realize that the pH level of the food itself is not the determining factor, but I don't know how they determine their values, and whether the values are to be trusted.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
It seems like this site must be going by weight of the fruit, given the way that dried and concentrated versions of each food always appear far more alkalizing.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
I think I've heard that the high-speed blenders move the contents so quickly, that something hard could take a glass chip out of the inside of the carafe.
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
Mine is a Waring XT, and I use it an average of once per day. I got it using the "points" on my Mastercard. They have an annoying online catalog of things you can buy with "points", none of which I would ever want. After several years of collecting "points", I gave up on the idea of getting the most for my "points", and was willing to accept any deal, as
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
Hi WY, This year the farm that where I have a CSA share did an experiment with the collard greens. They tried planting them further apart to see how they would do. They brought these amazingly huge collard leaves to the market that looked like you could fashion them into small boats. They said that they hadn't done anything different apart from increasing the spacing. I should have taken a pho
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
I'm a regular blood donor, and often increase my intake of greens in the few days leading up to a donation. (By a factor of two or three.) I feel that whoever gets my blood will be in a serious condition, and I want to do everything I can to make sure that my blood will give them the best help possible. Nearly everything about a person's current condition is in the blood. Can you imagine giving b
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
A lot of the more delicate tropical fruits don't transport well, so while I don't actually dislike them, the ones I find for sale in New York State are never very good and always too expensive. When I'm shopping I often skip by the display of exotic tropicals so quickly you might think I have something against them.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
When my father read "Mycelium Running" a few years ago, he convinced me that I should only eat organically grown mushrooms. Because they are really good at lifting toxins out of contaminated soil, you wouldn't want to actually eat the ones that might have been grown in contaminated soil.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
I make Matt Amsden's chili from Rawvolution. It's very good and chili-tasting too, and also doesn't call for beans. I may try them sometime.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Hmm... most of the weight of the fruit is water. If you think of the weight of one apple's worth of dried apple slices... they weigh next to nothing and still usually contain a significant amount of water. Banana chips are usually dried more thoroughly and weigh even less. If you really want to know the weight of water you're eating with the apple, I'd just weigh the apple, subtract the weigh
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Many beans can be great if you sprout them for a day or so, like chickpeas, or mung beans. I've repeatedly heard that raw kidney bean sprouts are poisonous, and that has made me nervous about other kinds of sprouted beans that I don't specifically know to be safe.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Chinese Medicine has a dogmatic rule against anyone eating food raw, not just people with coughs. I imagine that the rule dates from a time when people fertilized their fields with human manure, and the rule was based on real valid observation that people who ate the crops raw often did get sick. As far as the warming/cooling foods idea, I've heard from other sources that fruits tend to be coo
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
"The China Study" makes one of the most reasoned, scientific arguments I've ever seen for veganism. It doesn't get into raw food, but has chapter after chapter making statistical and logical connections from meat and dairy consumption to a wide variety of diseases which are major killers in the developed world (e.g. cancer, diabetes, heart disease). If you have relatives who are stil
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
I got started with one or two kits from sproutpeople too, one of which (I think) was the leafy sprout starter kit. The two you chose should be nice to start with because of the wide variety of seeds, and also because the two kits come with different sprouting devices. I find fall and winter to be the best time of year for sprouts too, because fresh local greens are harder to come by. I wouldn'
Forum: Sprouting and Organic Gardening
15 years ago
This is almost always a problem with pineapples that are picked unripe. They will never ripen properly. Pineapples that are picked for shipping long distances are generally picked unripe because the ripe pineapples will not travel well. I do what iLIVE does. I buy the ripest pineapples I can, then I eat them more slowly to avoid hurting my mouth.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Wow. That's weird looking. It doesn't look like it could be a relative of the apple, since it doesn't have the seed structure.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Hey coco, did you mean to include a photo or a link? Anyway, I think crabapples are very diverse! Apples, as a species, are unusual in that you can plant seeds of one variety, fertilized by the same variety, and still get a tree that grows a completely different kind of apple. Every apple seed that grows into a tree is a new roll of the dice. My understanding is that the crabapples are the one
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
When I started eating raw foods, it was going to be for just a weekend. I started eating more of the raw foods I was familiar with. I ate fruit for breakfast, I made nice raw salad dressings and ate huge high-calorie salads for lunch. I would recommend not trying to make things really complicated at first. Eat the raw foods that you know, and try a new kind of fruit or veggie. Farmers markets
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
My last flight was this summer. I brought a canning jar of fresh grapefruit juice which I finished in the security line. That left me with a bunch of bananas, four peaches, a couple apples, a container of raspberries, and a small bag of cherries. The security guy asked me if I was carrying food, I told him what I had. His only question was about the peaches, because canned peaches would have been
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
1) You can probably dry the seeds without using a dehydrator but it depends on the temperature and humidity where you are. Warm sun can help, as long as the squirrels don't run away with your seeds. A warm, dry place indoors might work too... do you have a furnace or boiler? Near that may be very warm and dry in the winter. Some people will use an oven on the lowest setting with the oven door ope
Forum: Sprouting and Organic Gardening
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