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Results 5251 - 5280 of 5345
15 years ago
banana who
Wheatgrass Yogi: I haven't inspect the auger, but so far it appears to be not rubbing against anything, which I had read happened to other people. I suspect that those people were careless in how they put together the parts and perhaps the auger was a bit loose. In any case, I DID mean that I felt that the juice was a bit fibrous when I made that statement about sawdust, but this morning I made m
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
banana who
Green Smoothie: Great question! I had bought and read some raw food book and thought that being anything less than 100% raw would be a failure and not healthy. Now I have loosened from that self-created pressure because I thought about the people advocating this and what they all had in common were numerous, chronic health issues. I don't have these and so perhaps being 100% raw isn't necessar
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Mushrooms supposedy contain Vitamin D, from what I read. I am curious why fungi would be bad for us...anyone know? My philosophy is that if it isn't poisonous, we were meant to eat it.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Wheatgrass Yogi: LOL. Buzz kill...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
.99/lb. My piece only cost .40 but when I cut off a bit at home, it was black. On both ends. I'm taking it back in the morning. My grandma had sugar cane growing wild outside her home in Puerto Rico. She'd hack off a piece and give it to me and I'd chew the juice out of it. I have heard that they sell sugar cane juice in the Indian area of my city but I've never had it. Has anyone ever tried
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
I made juice again and found the machine to work splendidly. Sometimes it makes a whiny sound, as it extracts every last bit of liquid from fibrous veggies like celery. I assumed that the machine was jammed. I was wrong, as it then ejected the pulp after wringing it dry. What is nice is that I didn't feel hungry after having my juice combo, even though I put in some carrots and half a beet! I gue
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
banana who
I wasn't sure if perhaps it just dries them or not. I really like the taste of nuts and seeds when they have been toasted.
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
15 years ago
banana who
Cat, should I soak them first? I do want to eliminate the bitter taste that always seems present when I have bought sesame seeds in the past.
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
15 years ago
banana who
"You are dealing with two fast running sugars here..." LOL--sounds like a plan! But seriously, thanks for answering and yes, I meant that I would juice the carrots and blend with bananas in my non-Vita Mixer. I love the idea of the avocado!!! That would add fat, which would make the thing creamier, and kind of cut the effect of sugar. And avocados are cheapest this time of year! I wa
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
15 years ago
banana who
I have seen recipes from posters on here and I am curious about something: why do you choose to eat a low-fat raw diet? I thought that raw fat was actually good for the body. I can't remember who advocates for this: maybe David Wolfe or Victoria Boutenko, but I am not sure. I guess I feel that fat would be satisfying and especially as a dressing.
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
15 years ago
banana who
It's weird how people just refuse to even imagine a different sort of diet, isn't it? Last week I had the same type of situation. One of my partner's family members has a chronic health problem that "came back." I started mentioning about possibly trying to go gluten-free and she completely cut me off at the pass. Because I don't like being stifled, I persisted to at least get my though
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
I am thinking of combining those two ingredients (juice carrots first). Has anyone ever seen a recipe like this? Not that I need it in print in order to try it, but I am wondering if perhaps you are not "supposed" to mix them. I had thought that juiced stuff is compatible, but just curious....
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
15 years ago
banana who
I have found that when I eat fermented veggies, I feel all tingly inside. I am not high raw, either, so it may be helpful for us wannabes! I don't know if you know anything about fermentation, but all you need is a 2 qt. glass jar or a crock pot and purified water, along with whatever veggies you want to ferment. I have found that cabbage is very good because of its alkalinity. You add a couple o
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Greenlove- Wow, thanks for that link! Interesting- I have bought sesame seeds myself, along with purchasing tahini premade and the bitter aspect is usually present, so it's great to see that soaking the seeds will remove the after taste from them. Question- I just bought UNhulled seeds from Whole Foods bulk bin but the recipe doesn't specify which type they use. Any thoughts?
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
15 years ago
banana who
I liked David Wolfe's "Sunfood Diet System" because it's also a self-help book on a higher vibration. His "Eating for Beauty" is helpful in order to learn about various common raw foods and their nutritional value. Victoria Boutenko's book on "Ten Steps for Raw Fooders" (preferably the revised edition) helps to understand our addiction to cooked food, but also to add
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Hi all- I received my juicer two weeks ago, but only got around to trying it out for the first time on Tuesday. I felt I was coming down with a cold and was trying to stave it off. I made some carrot/beet/parsley/ginger juice. (Just for the record, I still got the cold, although I think the juice made it come to a head quicker.) I found that the machine was quiet, as had been reported by ot
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
banana who
Newhoove: I, too, bought a cheap rebounder from Wal-Mart ($15), but I have not set it up yet. It scared me because in the instructions they were adamant that you have to have more than one person open it because it's got these strong springs when folded and supposedly you could get very hurt if it snapped back. I am also concerned if it could snap back when a person was jumping on it. Does yo
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Not necessarily potlucks, but other similar activities, expos, etc.
Forum: Raw and Living Food Events
15 years ago
banana who
Mislu, I used to work in a health food store in the late '90s/early '00s and the FDA was starting to eff with us. For instance, red yeast rice extract was getting rave reviews from our customers. Their cholesterol numbers were going down dramatically for such a small investment. Sure enough, they demanded we take it off the shelves because statins had to be prescribed! Ephedra was also removed
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Mislu, I am a card-carrying conspiracy theorist, tin foiler...I will admit to it! The reason I say this (regarding food issues) is that in the last few years (since raw foods and the benefits of enzymes have gone pretty mainstream) there have been some well-publicized "outbreaks" involving green onions, spinach, and more nebulous ones where tomatoes and jalapenos were implicated and
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Okay, Jodi...I am just stumbling around this stuff. I need to learn more about growing stuff. My mom's got a green thumb, but I haven't had good results with most of my plants except for my aloe vera, LOL, which would probably survive a nuclear explosion...
Forum: Sprouting and Organic Gardening
15 years ago
banana who
Thanks,Jodi! Sounds like a bit of work but I just need to roll up my sleeves, I guess!
Forum: Sprouting and Organic Gardening
15 years ago
banana who
The almond thing is an atrocity. From what I understand, "they" have decided to cook almonds, ostensibly for our "safety." THE ONLY ALKALINE NUT! It has amygdalin, otherwise known as Vitamin B17 or laetrile. It is used to combat cancer! I guess it's too powerful and health-giving...I brought this up and someone from CA told me he had some raw almonds for sale. Trader Joe's lab
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
I have Ann Wigmore's book on wheatgrass and was gratified to learn that full light isn't needed for it to grow. However, I was curious if anyone sprouts wheatgrass in jars instead or, if they use trays, it is necessary to buy much soil and peat moss at first. Also, can we re-use the soil? I couldn't find that out in her book.
Forum: Sprouting and Organic Gardening
15 years ago
banana who
I live just outside Chicago, so it can get brutally cold this time of year. I understand that I would need to start it out early, so I am wondering if I should start planning. Let's see...I definitely want a lot of tomatoes, maybe bell peppers and hot sweet ones, maybe green beans, some type of interesting lettuce...The one thing I really want are tomatoes! But herbs, too, like basil, dill, mint.
Forum: Sprouting and Organic Gardening
15 years ago
banana who
Backagain: Let your body do its job! Draining mucus is a good thing. The last thing you'd want is to prevent that excess mucus from coming out! Why do you think so many people walk around with respiratory thingies for weeks on end? They took stuff to prevent toxins from leaving their bodies! My last cold was in Oct. Yeah, I was out of commission for days. And? The world went on as I lay on th
Forum: Other Health Related
15 years ago
banana who
Maryl: I quit coffee last week and went back on after 3 days. I gravitate towards sweets and also have experienced that chronic hunger thing (with a regular natural vegetarian diet, I should add). I ordered a juicer and plan to switch from caffeinated beverages to fresh juice and smoothies in the morn. One thing I have done before is to have a salad for breakfast! Have you ever done that? It's gr
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Mislu: Thank you very much for that info...I greatly appreciate it. I knew there were raw food sites to order items, but not communities...It didn't even occur to me. I agree with Frances, though, in regards to the idea of allowing dissent. While I understand the concept of a basic group identity, sometimes I have had the experience of such strict boundaries that the board begins to resemble some
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Pborst: Okay, LOL...I didn't think to look there for the info. Thanks!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Pborst: Could you steer me to those terms of service, please? Honestly! If I am violating this board's rules by being neither vegan nor high raw or purely raw, then I can respect that. I assumed that this was an open forum for anyone INTERESTED in the raw food lifestyle. I look good on paper. I have many raw food books. Have I followed their diet? Noope. I am thinking of upping my raw intake sign
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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