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15 years ago
the enchantress
I'm still here! Not 100% raw anymore but still lurking around these forums. I am dueling with the ortho/anorexia dragon...this is a relapse for me as well. I desire to be more raw, but I'm scared to put any more limitations on my diet, partly because I'm not sure if the motivation to be raw is coming from an ED'd place or a healthy one. All I know is I'm craving complex carbs like legumes and qui
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
15 years ago
the enchantress
Last year at this time I craved nothing but fruit. This year, it's been mostly veggies and bananas, like you EZ. Carb-y, comforting things. Though the local melons have still proved tempting!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the enchantress
I'd recommend Ani's book over RAWvolution because the former is simpler, ingredient- and prep-wise. Both use a lot of oil in their recipes, but Matt's is worse, plus he uses entirely too much nama shoyu (expensive and salty) and coconut water (again, expensive, not to mention fussy) for my taste. Also, a couple of the desserts call for 1/3 OF A CUP of cinnamon. 1/3 cup?!?! I used a tablespoon in
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
16 years ago
the enchantress
Bryan - I am eating other carbs in the form of fruit. Also, I am aware that I need to let go of the control, which is why I usually give in to the cravings. I guess I'm just needing reassurance that this is thank you for that . BUt when I get up at night, it's MUFFIN I'm craving, not watermelon!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the enchantress
For the last month or so, I have been craving carbohydrates like CRAZY from about 7pm onwards, especially muffins. I am not %100 raw, so I usually have about a cup of legumes a day, plus a cup or so of cooked quinoa sometimes - and the ubiquitous muffin (homemade, whole-grain, and vegan, mind you) - so I don't think I'm lacking in carbohydrates. I also have a real thing for raw almond butter, str
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the enchantress
I worked at Whole Foods for a while; apparently the pesticides they use for their conventional produce are "natural," and I'm pretty sure the non-GMO policy applies to everything. I know that they do have strict regulations and screening processes for all the products they carry.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the enchantress
Okay, I know this is hugely verring off the date subject, but I had to throw it in here: if you want a REALLY intense cleanse, try juicing beets with dandelion greens. WOW. You almost need to drink it in shots like wheatgrass .
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the enchantress
Taboulleh (the yummy salad made of tomatoes, parsley, mint, lemon juice, olive oil, and usually bulgur). There are many raw versions of it on the 'net, but you can just take any cooked recipe and replace the bulgur with sprouted quinoa. fresh and perfect for springtime!
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
16 years ago
the enchantress
If you REALLY want soup, I like miso soup. You can just heat the water until it's warm, then put it in the blender with some fresh garlic and ginger. Or just drink it hot . That, and - if you can muster up the energy when sick to bust out the juicer - make orange-carrot-ginger juice.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the enchantress
What are you eating? I find that when I eat mostly fruit I get very anxious and restless, and I don't sleep as well at night. Try eating more "grounding" foods, things like greens, root veggies, fats, and maybe sprouted grains if you're into them.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the enchantress
I like them too. I don't collect them, but they are pretty...well, pretty! My favorite are lychee pits . Speaking of pits, how in the world do you eat apricot/plum pits?!!! I've seen them sold in stores, but I never thought they were meant to be eaten as is until phantom mentioned it!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the enchantress
Dark leafy greens do it for me, especially dino kale.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the enchantress
16 years ago
the enchantress
Could you give me an example of how much food he recommends? Like, a typical "meal"? I just ordered the book, but I'm curious NOW! I feel physically good eating 80/10/10, but mentally I'm quite spaced-out, so I'm thinking maybe I just need to eat MORE.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the enchantress
"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding." - Kahlil Gibran
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
16 years ago
the enchantress
If you feel good eating them, by all means eat 'em! Like many others here, I prefer fresh food, but I do eat Lara Bars on occasion, and boy do they hit the spot sometimes! Listen to your the very worst you'll eat a bar and discover that that maybe wasn't what it was craving. Now you know, and you move on! (This is still something I'm working on!) As was said, it's not a freakin' Big Mac
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the enchantress
"First god tickles you with feathers, then he pelts you with stones." I forget who said this!
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
16 years ago
the enchantress
Leesah, you read my mind!!! I was just gonna post that one.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
16 years ago
the enchantress
Hey hey everyone, Just wondering how everyone on this thread is doing. Especially you, rawdanceruk. I've seen some of your recent posts on the general forum, and you sound so much more happy and balanced! If I'm correct on this, then congratulations! I remember when eating anything at all was difficult, so it's great that you seem to be enjoying food again. As for me, I personally feel that
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
the enchantress
I don't mind raw yams. Sweet potatoes are too starchy for my tastes, but I've seen some recipes that say to grate and then soak them in water for a while, to eliminate some of the starchiness. Regular potatoes, however, are just plain nasty to me when raw. Try beets...they're not really a starchy root, but they're very grounding and tasty if that's what you're looking for.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the enchantress
Soooo...what did everyone make for the Easter feast? I made a WICKED salad that is now my new favorite: kale, cilantro, parsley, sprouts, tomato, and mushrooms, with a dressing of miso, garlic, ginger, dates, lemon juice, and cayenne and topped with edible flowers. Sounds complex, but was actually very simple and grounding, and SO delicious. For dessert, I served Ani Phyo's carrot cake (but fo
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the enchantress
It took me a good year of mostly raw eating, plus about 6 months transition, to get to the stage where I felt best eating mostly fruit. I started out feeling like there was no WAY I could feel satisfied unless a meal included raw "crackers" or "bread" of some kind. Then I stopped wanting those and feeling like there was no WAY I'd quell my hunger unless I had a seed pate or av
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the enchantress
Maybe try replacing the sweet fruit with avocado, so just avo and greens, plus a pinch of salt or some herbs. I've never tried this so I don't know how it'd taste. Just an idea.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the enchantress
Thanks, Simple Living. That info does help a lot. From what everyone said in that thread, I don't think TOL would be right for me at all...I need my fruit!!! And all the religious stuff...not my thing at all. And OHI doesn't feel quite right either. Both places also seem too focused on one particular way of eating...I'm trying to become LESS rigid here! Thanks again for your help though.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the enchantress
Has anyone ever been to the Tree of Life center? What was your experience like? I want to go there to aid in my recovery from an eating you think they could help with that?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the enchantress
The taste is actually not affected. I like the flavour of spirulina, but judging from the positive feedback the applesauce got, nobody else seemed to notice a difference.
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
16 years ago
the enchantress
I know when I'm in the mood for something crunchy, a nice firm apple will usually do it for me. I do identify with the not knowing what will satisfy cravings, though...sometimes I'll eat my bowl of fruit, then still WANT I'll try a date...then a bit of almond butter...then some tea...then maybe a bit more almond butter...and still not know what it is I want. I think this is somethi
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the enchantress
Here's an idea: try making a pie with some sort of pudding-like (blended) filling and add a tbsp or two of spirulina to make it green! Use coconut, or any type of fruit, or both, and puree with the spirulina, then pour it into a pie crust. For Halloween, I blended some apples like that to make applesauce, then stirred in some peeled grapes ("eyeballs". It was a hit, even without a crust!
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
16 years ago
the enchantress
Lol...some raw foodist I am . I thought for sure they grew on trees...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the enchantress
I've only had that "pineapple burn" once in my life. Until then, I never knew what people were talking about when they mentioned it! I've been craving almost nothing but pineapple since Christmas, and I only wish that I lived in Hawaii (rather than Canada) so I could eat them right off the tree!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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