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16 years ago
RE: probiotics--> I use MetaGenics UltraFlora DF (dairy free) at it is really awesome. It definitely helps. UFDF has the highest concentration of live organisms you can get, but you have to go thru a supplier i.e. a naturopathic dr or someone (I'm not sure if you can order online).
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
Wow. I am overwhelmed with the responses and support. Thank you so much guys, you have given me much to work with and look over. yay!
Have read David Klein's book though i thought it heavy on fruits which didn't really work for me, though I agree with some of the principals of natural hygeine. Def agree with doing the green juices - those work best for me esp. to calm down that sweet tooth a
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
Thanks for the comments.
I was able to go off the meds for a year via juice fasting and eating 80 - 90% raw ... unfortunately I had a bad flare recently and am back on the meds (probably due to poor eating habits as well as stress), though I am committed to getting myself healthy as naturally as possible.
Harmony, I requested a copy of that book and looking forward to reading it. Sometimes I
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
OH and I should mention that I am on various pharmaceuticals at the moment and not sure how those would react with fasting.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
I've read conflicting advice on fasting and juice fasting for people with ulcerative colitis. Does anyone know if juice fasting is too cleansing is considered 'too harsh' for a tender colon?
Thanks . . .
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
Thanks guys.
I actually have David Klein's book and that is how I got on this path to begin with a few years ago... I guess I am just wondering if people think that UC is 'curable' b/c I am a bit confused about it right now after all that has happened. I am not invested in acting like a victim whether the disease is curable or not - all there is to do is manage myself and my health. So the qu
Forum: Other Health Related 16 years ago
Is there anyone on here with experience being raw or other diets (macro?) with U.C.? I'm interested in your stories.
While in remission, natural hygeine / 80% seems to work really well for me, but I am coming out of a flare and the drs have me eating a low-residue diet (low fiber) - not what I want or think is good in the long run but it's too stressful on my system right now.
For a while I r
Forum: Other Health Related 17 years ago
Hi all.
Doing OK. this weekend I ate a lot of not good things and I'm feeling like a cold coming on today. I took my constitutional remedy and went for a long bike ride ... so we'll see.
Also, I now have a blog if you want to check it out at
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 17 years ago
Like a lot of people finding out about raw food was a big wake up call for me as well. When I was 16 I had my gallbladder removed and a year later I was 'diagnosed' with ulcerative colitis and told I would be on meds the rest of my life.
Now, 8 years later I am clean of all drugs and healed. I left behind allopathic medicine and started listening to my body. It was a slow process, but necessary
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 17 years ago
The article I posted earlier is the study done by Dr. Barnard, as mentioned by khale also.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 17 years ago
More recent picture, taken in December'06 (?) I dont have a camera! We are new rawies. I have been vegan for over a year and he is 98%vegan.
Forum: Meeting Place 17 years ago
Here are some pictures of me and my hunny (in case you were curious)
this one is funny -->
cutie -->
and this is Chef Nate fixing up some sandwiches for a Benefit Dinner we did in December. We met coordinating a previous veggie dinner in September. Our mutual passion for food is a strength for us and a big part of our future plans ...
oh yeah this is when he had dreads .. I made t
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 17 years ago
Hi Mr. Chlorophyll
It's so cool that your daughter got you interested and now your'e on here and going for the RAW journey! It would be a dream come true to have that connection with my father. Good for you both!! The love in the space is truly palpable.!!
I can't get over it!
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 17 years ago
Hi EarthAngel et al.
Sooo things are going well with RAW... I think I've stabilized at 80%-90% for the past two weeks and I'm having fun with it. I'm actually to the point where I can't eat a whole cooked meal without feeling gross - so I think that is a good sign that my body is telling me what it wants. It really hit home for me seeking a raw chef to cater! We would do it ourselves b
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 17 years ago
I'm posting this press release and the link to - there is more info and some good videos on there too.
It's not raw, but it's vegan and it might be easier to transition to vegan first and then to raw if you have good results as vegan ... of course you can be high-raw vegan, that wouldn't hurt!
Low-Fat V
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 17 years ago
For my family of two we try to stay around $80/wk but often go over .. esp when it is time to purchase oils. The kicker is superfoods if you eat them b/c you have to order them, around here anyway in Central NY state. The really nice thing is that here we have bunches of organic farms and farmers markets and CSAs and Asian markets {even sell durian there!}, also there a few places to get bulk
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 17 years ago
mmm costa rica must be a nice place to live raw. so jealous!
Forum: Meeting Place 17 years ago
Garret -
Yeah, haven't been on here in a while. I'm in Utica, about two hours north of you ... actually the guy who introduced me to raw foods lives/lived in Binghamton NY ... you still on this forum??
Forum: Meeting Place 17 years ago
Hey everyone -
I did not drop off the face of the planet, just off the raw bandwagon. David Wolfe got me any my hunny back on it now. We are reading his book the Sunfood Diet Success System. I highly reccomend it as it is totally wholistic and powerful stuff. I esp. like the chapter on Food and Karma.
I'll update you when I have a chance. Right now I am at work putting the June magazine togeh
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 17 years ago
fuzzysox - I live upstate not in the city ... it's not like NYC at all. the good thing is I live in a rural city ... I mean there are organic vegetable farms and farmer's markets all over the place... and also lots of hunters, hicks, meat eating immigrants ... I don't know. that's a snapshot. I'm still looking though! I finally found another Animal Rights activist!
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 17 years ago
I know i'm late as I've not been on the forum in about a week.
But yeah!!
She left me a bunch of messages while I dropped off the face of the earth ...
thank you for sharing your generous supportive wonderful energy!!
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 17 years ago
Hey there earthangel with a face full of greens
I know I haven't been around! arrgg I guess I've kind of dissapeared from raw food ... been eating whatever as long as vegan ... last week went on a major pnt butter binge and have been eating grains. SO i feel kind of lost and confused. Physically I've been feeling OK not much different than when I was eating raw for a few weeks there. I just fe
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 17 years ago
haven't met a single raw fooder here in Central New york either ... my bf is all I got. keep looking one day you might 'convert' someone or at least by leading by example, create a more supportive environment! It's only been a few days, so keep it up!! You'll feel better soon.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 17 years ago
nori rolls def!! I love nori!
OH yeah, I started working at the Zen Fitness spa two days a week. They are paying me in yoga classes and personal coaching. so that is great b/c I wouldn't normally have money for that stuff anyway!
I've been very creative today.We did a lot of spring cleaning and I've been doing little art projects to spruce up the house.
that's all today.
earthangel thanks for
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 17 years ago
26. easy mustard
Just thought I'd post this. My hubby loves to make it from scratch
raw apple cider
whole mustard seed
ground mustard seed
black pepper and sea salt
mix these things to taste (it WILL be spicy) in a sealable jar. You let it sit out so it ferments a bit. Also put a punctured clove of garlic in it to infuse it.
mm spicy
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation 17 years ago
I've noticed that many people on this site eat very simply with 80/10/10, so this one might now be for you. If you like to try new things though this might be for you!
Adapted from the Complete Book of Raw Food:
I made a smaller batch than here, but this gives you the idea
2 cups almond pulp
1.5 cups shredded coconut, ground to fine powder
3 tbsp honey
6 tsp flaxseed meal
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation 17 years ago
Ok so I ended up doing a juice fast most of the day yesterday after eating lots of cooked food Friday. Then I had the raw sushi to break the fast.
Also had the most amazing coconut lime tart I will post it on the recipes section.
Also had a succesful experiment of making seasoned sprouted peanuts. I had raw pnuts but I don't like how they taste so I spouted them, seasoned them with chilipowder
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 17 years ago
francois -
the same thing happened to me about going into the hospital after being raw. I had been frutarian/raw for about a month or two and was having a healing crisis -- it was very bad though and I had a high fever and a pelvic infection so my doctor admitted me to the ER and they put me on glucose drip and antibiotics . When I told them what I'd been eating they all looked at me like I h
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience 17 years ago
noff -
great energy. I totally get what you mean by being repulsed. I live with two roomies who seems to subsist on dairy, white flour, and refined sugar. Yuck!! Fruits are so much more amazing - good thing is I'm influenceing them. so just make an amazing salad and bring it to work and you turn heads. I have a coworker who is meateater and ogles my lunch everyday and says "damn, you make
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience |