How do you pay?
Posted by:
Wheatgrass Yogi
Date: July 05, 2009 06:56AM I've been using my Debit Card here recently and find it
most convenient. It's quick...there's nothing to sign or filthy cash to handle. How do you pay for your local Produce?...Debit...Credit...Cash...Check. There are still a few people here who pay by Check. Now that really slows up the checkout line....WY P.S. I'm going out on a limb, and guess most of you use a Credit Card. I still use a Credit Card when shopping online. Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Date: July 05, 2009 11:38AM filthy money?
hey WY , give me some of that filthy CASH money i don't mind LOL !! ![]() Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Wheatgrass Yogi
Date: July 05, 2009 12:18PM la_veronique Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > hey WY , give me some of that filthy CASH money That's cute La_V. It really is filthy. Some of the checkout clerks at Wal-Mart wear rubber gloves, and they (the gloves) get a dirty Green from the paper money. The customers there are pretty dirty too.....WY Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Date: July 05, 2009 01:40PM i dont use a credit card. i use my debit all the time ![]() well actually sorry i do have a credit card but it is the mastercard type i prepay money on then use for stuff like ordering books, etc online ![]() ...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist ![]() Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/05/2009 01:42PM by Jgunn. Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Date: July 05, 2009 04:34PM I use my debit card 99% of the time. Once in a great while I use cash, especially if I just played street music and have a lot of cash in my wallet. I only use credit online, and my online transactions are very rare. Sharrhan: ![]() [www.facebook.com] Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Date: July 05, 2009 09:57PM Cash in all cases except online and to buy gas from the usual station. Don't worry, WY, I wash my dexterous maid-of-all-work hands with Doc Bronner's rose oil soap immediately upon getting home and don't touch my face before then : )
In this economy, I am consciously limiting my potential to have my identity stolen. Feeling very Philip Wylie over here these days. . . . Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Date: July 05, 2009 10:41PM Debit.
Never use cash anymore. And I will never again get into a hole with credit. Debit forever. Its the only way to go. Vinny Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Date: July 05, 2009 10:55PM Usually cash because I don't want my beloved co-op to pay all those fees. Or debit. Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Date: July 06, 2009 12:47AM Mostly debit card or cash at my local organic food store. There is usually not a line at the times that I go, so it is a fast process. Foe online shopping, I usually use paypal. Debit card at the fuel pump; I have two different banks, & the one back goes thru a convoluted extra fee charge at the pumps, which they credit back to my account a few days later.
I don't like this, it makes for a messy bank balance to keep track of, so I don't use that card at the pumps. They were supposed to remedy that situation this year, but I got tired of waiting for them to do so. Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Date: July 06, 2009 01:46AM Ah, those pesky little hidden fees. So glad my bank is an ethnic credit union--they pull no punches. Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Wheatgrass Yogi
Date: July 06, 2009 02:32AM Tamukha Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Ah, those pesky little hidden fees. So glad my > bank is an ethnic credit union--they pull no > punches. I use Bank of America...credit card, debit card, checking account, and brokerage account....everything online. They're the Best.....WY Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Wheatgrass Yogi
Date: July 06, 2009 02:39AM It's been fun for me to read your response(s) to
'How do you pay?' You're a good group of people. I Was wrong about the use of Credit Cards. I had thought many of you would charge your purchases, then pay it off when the bill came due....WY Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Date: July 06, 2009 02:40PM There is nothing like the peace of mind of paying on debit,cause its "real" money,with no backlash that surprises you at the end of the month. Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Date: July 06, 2009 03:45PM Yogi, im not sure but i think once i started getting really serious about my health , i also started getting really serious about where my money was going lol ![]() i remember one year i think it was 2000-01, i added up all my bank service charges, interest payments on credit, interest on loans etc. and it was somewheres in the ballpark of 3000$ ... good grief all that money going up in smoke woulda been a nice vacation somewhere ! so i ditched the credit cards ![]() ![]() ...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist ![]() Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: July 06, 2009 06:48PM i'm aiming for cash these days too. no tracing what i buy and where and no fees to feed the bank machine. i'm an old fashioned gal anyhow. Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Wheatgrass Yogi
Date: July 12, 2009 01:27AM I've been using the heck out of my Debit Card. Even for
small purchases like 2 dollars and something. The Cashiers like it too. I can envision living my life without cash. Some of you shop at Farmer's Markets where only cash is accepted, but I don't....WY Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Date: July 12, 2009 01:21PM We take checks at the farmers market where I live. Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: July 12, 2009 08:19PM I plan to use my debit card as little as possible from now on, I got screwed when I thought I had more money in my account than I did. I ended up getting charged a half dozen seperate fees of $35 for overdrawing. One fee was for the purchase of a $4 bus ticket. Then I got charged another fee for being overdrawn for over a week.
It's shown in studies that when people use cash instead of credit they are generally smarter about the way they spend money. Cash for me, most of the time, from now on. Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Date: July 13, 2009 03:54PM Well,a debit account IS cash.
You just need to know how much is in it each time you purchase ![]() Vinny Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: July 17, 2009 11:03PM easier to know how much cash is in my actual wallet! ![]() i am thrilled to report that i borrowed some dough from a family member to finally pay off two credit cards (one of which has recently acquired an enormous interest rate!) that i have owed on since using them to move provinces when i really needed to (so grateful for having had it then but been paying for it ever since!). now i can see my way to being debt free very soon, w a workable loan repayment schedule that doesn't include interest, yippee! Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Wheatgrass Yogi
Date: July 18, 2009 02:48AM coco Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > easier to know how much cash is in my actual > wallet! ![]() If you bank online, keeping up with your Checking Account balance is easy too. That was an interesting story about your two credit cards. I'm considering using my Debit Card for everything, and giving up Cash and Credit altogether....WY Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 02:54PM Yes,with online banking it is SO easy to check your debit balance,and all purchases show up almost immediately online.
It cant be beat. No more balancing a checkbook at all. Thats how it is here in USA. It might be a different story in other parts of the world. I agree cash is the easiest way of all,but its so risky carrying any appreciable amount of cash.If you lose it....its gone.If you lose your debit card,just get a new one with no loss of $. Vinny Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/18/2009 02:57PM by eaglefly. Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: July 18, 2009 11:19PM my big ole plan of the moment though is to only carry around the cash that i can spend each month free and clear, it's not very much at all while i am paying off debt so every time i open my wallet i am faced with the exact amount and not just using that convenient little card that i can pretend isn't real money! i have alotted a certain amount for groceries each month which goes into an envelop in the kitchen and is divided up so i take out only a weekly amount for when we drive to the store (one town over, geez). i can take out money from there if going to a local fruit and veg stand but it is deducted from the whole (that's cheaper anyhow). i pay all bills as soon as i receive money every month so all that is left is grocery and spending cash anyhow. it's working so well right now, if i can see how many real dollar bills i have to spend i am far more likely not to piddle them away on small stuff.
can you believe that with this plan, if i stick to it faithfully, i will be debt FREE by the end of 2010? i am in awe. i really am. but wish me luck! unexpected expenses will extend that date if i am not able to avoid them i'm afraid. my fingers and toes are crossed and wallet firmly closed! Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Date: July 19, 2009 05:44AM The farmers market doesnt take credit or debit... Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Wheatgrass Yogi
Date: July 19, 2009 08:07AM coco Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > can you believe that with this plan, if i stick to > it faithfully, i will be debt FREE by the end of > 2010? I'd say that you need to find a rich husband or boyfriend. Still though, you could have and use a Debit card. I'm becoming very alert as to how people pay these days at my local Publix. Cash is still the preferred way, followed by Credit card, then Debit. No one has paid by Check since I started this little survey....WY Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: July 19, 2009 12:28PM *shaking head*
i'd rather have debt up to my ears than "need" a rich man to make my life work. that is a pretty bad solution imo. Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Date: July 19, 2009 06:28PM coco,
"i'd rather have debt up to my ears than "need" a rich man to make my life work. that is a pretty bad solution imo." Agreed! But I hope WY was joking about suggesting that we must become "kept women" to be financially solvent! I am using something akin to your system and find that it's so simple, it's like, duh! It also gives me sense of enormous aggrandizement: wow, I have absolute power over the physical distribution of my money after all--it's a great feeling. I wish you luck in remaking your financial circumstances, and trust you will succeed : ) Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Wheatgrass Yogi
Date: July 20, 2009 12:21AM Tamukha Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > .......But I hope WY was joking about suggesting > that we must become "kept women" to be financially > solvent! Don't take everything I say as being Serious. Part of my purpose at these Forums is to entertain (which sometimes falls flat). But wouldn't you like to have a man who adored and respected you for your 'no compromise' stance on being 100% Raw Vegan? I know I admire such women. These men 'shower' their women with presents and financial reward.....WY Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: July 20, 2009 12:43AM it's dreamy to think that someone might whisk me off to a worryless existance of no debt and financial abundance but i feel like that cinderella complex is not for me. i got myself into this situation and by all rights it belongs to me, i own it and it's up to me to deal with it. i CAN get myself out of debt, i feel very empowered about this. it's about being frugal, thrifty, exercising my self control and willpower and finding creative solutions to life's challenges. i think that helps create an even better, more fabulous me and it sure teaches my kids something valuable. where would i be if someone came along and took all of that away from me? i might feel grateful but i might also forever be a victim of my own weakness. it wouldn't change anything, not really. besides, i sort of like feeling as though i take care of my man as well as he takes care of me. balance is good in all things.
ah well, glad to hear you were kind of joking about it anyhow. Re: How do you pay?
Posted by:
Date: July 20, 2009 02:12AM WY,
You paint a theoretical pretty picture of a man who may adore and respect me for my commitment to Raw so much as to shower me with gifts to prove it. But the Song of Solomon is just a book in the Bible, and I'm almost sure there are no raw man billionaires! No, raw men are kind and honest but poor. Though being an object of veneration might be a nice vacation from time to time, coco is right that an equitable relationship is a very fulfilling proposition for everday life ; ) Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.