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Topic locked!
Posted by: Mislu ()
Date: April 08, 2011 10:23PM

I had commented on a thread in another blog. To my amazement the moderator said I was 'necroposting'. That is commenting on a dead thread only for the purpose of bumping the topic to active. He then immediately locked it. I haven't found the rules of that particular blog space yet, but its really put a hamper on ever wanting to comment on anything again.

How does anyone know what motivates someone to make a comment on a thread? I would think that something obvious like 'bump' would be called a bump or a necroposting. Is simply agreeing with something fall into this defintion?

I guess there is a fine line between allowing free commentary, and misbehavior, off topics, or forbidden topics for particular threads. But as you can imagine that particular blog is not very active. The power is that it cuts down on 'fluff' and misconduct. The downside for me is that it doesn't feel very welcoming or forgiving for those that aren't so famililar with the particular moderator. It does have a 'rants' section, but believe me I don't feel comfortable stating anything there. I might eventually, but probably a private message. So, thank you for listening here!

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Re: Topic locked!
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: April 08, 2011 10:27PM

So the moderator wants people to feel unwelcome? "No soup for you!" Nice.

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Re: Topic locked!
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: April 09, 2011 12:33AM

It's unfortunate that some people think that because they have read a topic and feel it is exhausted, they think everyone should know everything they know and feel the same way. It happens here, recently weren't we all admonished for talking about subjects that someone thought were not worth discussing? some of us may be new to the idea or have something to contribute.
Then you get the poster who ask a question and is told to search the archives. If they then comment in an old thread they find there, are they at fault? I don't think so. But then, I am not a moderator so there you go.

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Re: Topic locked!
Posted by: Curator ()
Date: April 09, 2011 12:57AM

a lot of mods are quick to jump on that sort of band wagon, it can get a bit annoying,lol...... luckily that really doesnt happen here.

Oh, mirror in the sky
What is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?

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Re: Topic locked!
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: April 09, 2011 06:08AM

what the heck is wrong on commenting on a previous post that was a while ago?

what is wrong in bumping it to the top?

as far as the word necroposting

there is just something inherently WRONG in that word

whadda creepy word

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Re: Topic locked!
Posted by: Mislu ()
Date: April 09, 2011 01:02PM

Wow, thank you everyone for your thoughts on this. Yes, the term is creepy. I actually did a search, to find out what exactly was meant by it. I thought what are you getting at buster?!

I am not sure if the age of a thread, and my recent post had anything to do with it. I guess this moderator just really wants people to say something unique in posting, and not just state how they feel about something. Some evidence. I will have to look closer, but I have seen other locked threads, and statement of why. Usually its repeat information, most of them are in the debate section. Locked to eliminate circular and endless discussion.

I think its just another style of board. It also requires a very heavy hand in managing and reviewing posts. I get the feeling that this style only works with very limited number of posts, and the available time of the moderator. Overtime I imagine that a particular moderator will just quickly make a choice about such matters with less and less time and consideration. I also think the person is a egomaniac, or I am starting to get that impression. Where choices are made depending on how familiar he is with a poster, and how closely the point of view is with his own. There is a strong cultic element to that board. I get the feeling that much of the discussion actually takes place in person, with favors to those he has had direct contact with. Its also a closed forum, you cannot 'lurk' you have to log in to read anything. Its a spiritual board. But the more I think about it, the more I think 'cult' with a capital c, and wondering if I really should be associated with it at all. Its nice to be able to have you all review my thoughts about it.

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Re: Topic locked!
Posted by: Mislu ()
Date: April 09, 2011 01:24PM

I just looked up the rules, and read most of it. Its very, very lengthy. Here is the rule about posting on dead threads.

"Necroposting-topics whose last post is older than six months are considered "dead" threads. Members will refrain from posting in dead threads. If a dead thread pertains to a subject or a question a member wishes to ask and the old thread does not answer it, members are encouraged to start a new, fresh thread."

I am not sure why a topic that is 'old' is a bad one. I wish I had taken a closer look at the rules. There is also a strange 'unwritten rule', you have to email the moderator to ask what that is! I don't know if that is serious or a joke. There are also three particular organizations which you cannot be coaffliated with to post at that board. Its like if you were following an RVAF diet which was not advocated here, and you posted here and on other boards which had conflicting ideals with living foods.

oddly enough the rules keep repeating that these are not meant to stiffle free expression. I think something is off when the rules state that multiple times.

Then there is the topic of 'flaming' and 'baiting'. That is posting something with the purpose of tempting another person to break a rule, or saying something intended to cause angry responses, and post something offensive, which is against the rules. Opening a few threads and sampling I saw a number of those which were not responded to. I also saw a few locked links with 'necroposting' which didn't appear to violate the rules. So, whatever...

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Re: Topic locked!
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: April 09, 2011 01:31PM

That's stupid.
There are sites where duplicate threads are merged, now that makes sense.
Even better, I participated in a forum where creating new threads was totally discouraged. There were threads going on about popular topics and if someone wasn't sure where to post something there was a question thread where you could ask. If there wasn't a thread already with the topic you wanted to post about you could ask in the question thread and other members would say yes, they were interested in it, or no it would fit better in an existing thread. That was the best, most organized forum I ever saw. If you wanted to find something you looked in that thread, there were no duplicates from years ago to sort through and no threads were "dead". If a topic wasn't popular it eventually dropped off the bottom of the list. Best forum set up ever. I wish they were ALL like that.

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Re: Topic locked!
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: April 09, 2011 02:35PM

That's weird, to make one start a new thread about an idea from an old one, and wasteful of, I don't know, bytes? Also, yes, necroposting is creepy term and someone should protest its use on grounds of Latin abuse!

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Re: Topic locked!
Posted by: Corathegreen ()
Date: April 09, 2011 04:47PM

la_veronique Wrote:
> what the heck is wrong on commenting on a previous
> post that was a while ago?
> what is wrong in bumping it to the top?
> as far as the word necroposting
> there is just something inherently WRONG in that
> word
> whadda creepy word

My thoughts exactly. lol I bump old threads on forums all the time, I don't understand why it would matter if it was old. You search something, you want to talk about it, you bump it. Most mods ENCOURAGE that vs starting a new topic. Weird place man.

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Re: Topic locked!
Posted by: Mislu ()
Date: April 09, 2011 09:24PM

I like the sound of that forum. I think that if something is old, and they don't want it it should drop off the list as you say. I have no problem with an auto delete feature if the mods don't want old topics brought up.

I like the comment about the waste of bytes, and latin abuse. Funny! however I am pretty sure that they did not come up with the term.

I totally agree, whatever floats their boats. I guess they want to keep things 'fresh'? Maybe some certain psychological setting they want to create? Its difficult to say.

I am totally afraid to ask about the unwritten rule thing. I bet there is some weird mind game. Somewhere else it probably says anyone who asks about the unwritten rule gets banished...or perhaps asking about the unwritten rule is the unwritten rule. Yes, its weird. I may not spend much time if any there from this point on. I guess that might be the point, to keep people on their toes and only post if you manage to keep the rules. It also says something about keeping up with rules...something.

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