What's the weather like right now where you live?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: March 05, 2013 01:48AM Chicago's waiting for a big storm: almost a foot! Not exactly a blizzard but we've gotten the bulk of our snow in the last month! The temp was in the lower 30s--felt pretty chilly. What about you? Re: What's the weather like right now where you live?
Posted by:
Date: March 05, 2013 02:40AM banana who Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- ... The temp was in the lower 30s--felt pretty chilly. It's been dipping into the lower 40s here in Sun City Center, FL...and that feels pretty chilly to me. But one good thing about Florida is it'll always be Hot Tamale......WY Re: What's the weather like right now where you live?
Posted by:
Date: March 05, 2013 04:00AM 36 Degrees and Clear. Waiting for a big snowstorm on Wednesday, but I hope it's a non-event and we get rain instead. Western central VA. Re: What's the weather like right now where you live?
Posted by:
Date: March 05, 2013 04:01AM Still winter in Pittsburgh. Re: What's the weather like right now where you live?
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: March 05, 2013 04:39AM Houston made it up to 79 Degrees today and I noticed that the Pine Trees already started to bloom their yellow buds last Saturday. I even ate about a dozen Loquats from a tree in my neighborhood, although it was the only tree out of several hundred in my area where the fruit was ripe enough to eat. I saved all of those seeds and I'm going to throw them in a pot on my balcony and see if they will grow like the Loquat Tree that I planted from a seed almost 10 years ago, which is about 6 foot tall. This year is the first year that it has born fruit and there are about 4 dozen Loquats on it, but they're still green like all of the other trees, which really makes me wonder why this one lone tree is the only tree whose fruit has ripened. I’ve also noticed over the years that there are usually only a handful of Trees that produce an exceptionally yummy fruit and this lone tree happens to be one of them. Indeed, there are about 4 months out of the year where Houston has exceptional weather and this is the beginning of the 2 in the spring.
Peace and Love..........John ![]() Re: What's the weather like right now where you live?
Posted by:
Date: March 05, 2013 06:06AM mid 20s at night, low 40s during the day, partly sunny, hoping not much more snow. Re: What's the weather like right now where you live?
Posted by:
Date: March 06, 2013 12:50PM So what happened with your snowstorm, banana who? Is it still snowing there in Chicago?
We got a foot of snow overnight and it's going to snow until tonight sometime, so we'll be getting a couple feet, I guess. That's a lot for Virginia - usually we just get a lot of ice. I'm lucky to have power and internet right now, but that could go at any time. Unfortunately, we don't have any heat at my house because we're having a furnace problem for the last week, but it's 32, so it's OK. We don't have the heat on at night anyway. I'm worried about the trees falling on the house because they're loaded with snow and swaying in the wind - it's beautiful. The worst part will be shoveling the driveway tomorrow morning. Re: What's the weather like right now where you live?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: March 06, 2013 08:55PM We got almost a foot of snow. I had a ball riding my bike in it yesterday...it was that very light type of snow that is powdery so it's easy to shovel and easy to ride a bike in. Very pretty out there today and warm (low 30s feels good right now). I am shocked that VA can get so much snow, though. You're right to be concerned about power olutages. Do you have a fireplace? How could you not put on the heat, in other words? Re: What's the weather like right now where you live?
Posted by:
Date: March 07, 2013 12:59AM We have a gas fireplace, but it's in another part of the house and you only feel heat if you're sitting right in front of it. The furnace guy is coming Friday to figure out what's wrong with it. The snow stopped for now, but we're supposed to get more overnight. I just hope it melts fast so we can get out of the driveway tomorrow. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.