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Awesome Rawsome
Posted by: jayelle ()
Date: August 05, 2012 06:07PM

It's been 2 years since the last time I was raw. It's always the same thing that stops me. I go really well for a week to a month. Then I'm around something I used to LOVE to eat. Usually it is something incredibly unhealthy. I'll have just a little bit. Next thing I know I can't stand the thought of eating healthy. I just want the bad stuff and totally cave in. This is why I feel I have an addiction to certain foods. It's the same feeling I get with cigarettes.

My husband doesn't agree with veganism to a point. He is a total meat eater and loves it. However, he is also 100% supportive of me every time I go raw. He's even offered from time to time to go raw with me while at home (and will eat cooked foods for lunch at work or while out with friends). It didn't work last time because the kids (now ages 7 and 11) totally freaked out.

This time I'm going raw by myself. I'm not going to try and force it on the kids and I don't expect my husband to go raw with me. He is still supportive though and I love him for it.

I'm just really worried. Every time I go raw I cave on the foods I'm addicted to. I've decided to surround myself with a support system this time. It helped the first time I was raw and a few times after when I joined a meetup group. I did that this time, though the group I joined is small and just starting out. I've offered my home as a venue for potlucks and the owner of the group is really excited about it. I feel that with such a committment it'll help keep me on track. And if I fall off the wagon I'll have people to help pick me up, dust me off, and get me on track again.

Today I'm going to go to Sprouts (a health food store near my house) and buy veggies and fruits. We have some but not enough to live on. I have a bunch of raw nuts at home that I eat from time to time and I think I still have quite a few dates.

I have a few staples I'm going to make with the dehydrator. They're a bit nut heavy but work for when I'm craving something really filling or feel I need more protein. I'll post pics and recipes as I make them. I have other staples, like my luau fruit salad, that are more fruit heavy for when I'm craving something sweet. Cravings are a big issue for me so it should help.

I really want to make this work. I didn't know what healthy really was until I was raw the first time. Every time I'm raw for more than a week or two I feel so good! Full of energy, more alert, happier, no digestive issues, etc. The way my body reacts to raw foods tells me that it's what my body needs. I just don't know why I have so many issues with it. I know I've said it a lot but it really bugs me that I haven't been raw for years by now. To believe in something so strongly yet have difficulty committing to's really an issue with me.

Well, this is long and I can go on and on. It's time to wake up my husband (his turn to sleep in and my turn to wake with the kids). I'm going to then run to the store so I can get going on some of those oh so good foods.

Now where did I put my recipes?

Re: Awesome Rawsome
Posted by: chat ()
Date: August 05, 2012 06:39PM

You can put your recipes right here, I'm in the process of discovering raw and so looking forward to reading them!smiling smiley

As for the problem of giving in to unhealthy eating, I think it helps if you really stop and think why you are going raw. Write it down if you need to. And then see whether the reason for going raw is incompatible with eating unhealthy stuff. It's like giving up smoking. If you do it in order for your lungs to recover and stay healthy, then this is incompatible with smoking "a little bit".

>Banana ice-cream rocks!<

Re: Awesome Rawsome
Posted by: jayelle ()
Date: August 06, 2012 04:17AM

Thanks Chat. I did that the other day. I didn't write it down but I was listing off to a friend all the reasons I want to be raw. There are quite a few. It felt good to do and is why I decided I was going raw again.

I'm going to do a lot of uncooking tomorrow. I am going to go soak my nuts and seeds in a bit so they're ready for tomorrow. I'll make sure to post lots of pics and recipes!


Re: Awesome Rawsome
Posted by: jayelle ()
Date: August 06, 2012 04:07PM

I'm having an awesome smoothie this morning. It has 3 bananas, some strawberries, and 2 medjol ice. It's so yummy and a great way to start the day. Unfortunately I made too much! lol 2 tall cups of smoothie. lol

After this I'm going to work on those staples I mentioned. I took a picture of the smoothie infront of the soaking nuts and seeds. smiling smiley

Now I'm off to make some granola and pesto stuffed mushrooms. smiling smiley


Re: Awesome Rawsome
Posted by: jayelle ()
Date: August 06, 2012 07:21PM

I'm kind of hungry right now but not really wanting anything. In the past 45 minutes I've had an avocado, some kiwi, and a banana. Just sort of grazing right now.

I just checked on the food in the dehydrator. The granola is almost done. The mushrooms have about 2 more hours left. grinning smiley

Why is it that I just really don't want to eat veggies? All I want today is fruit. Maybe it's the sugar. My body craves it right now. I'm so tempted to have one of the sodas left from our BBQ on Saturday. But alas soda is one of my addictions so I'm staying away from it. I think I'll have some vanilla chai instead. smiling smiley If I really want sweet I may put honey in it.

I think I'm also going to have an apple. I know I should eat a meal but I'm really not in the mood to have anything big. Just small stuff. Go figure.

Re: Awesome Rawsome
Posted by: jayelle ()
Date: August 06, 2012 10:09PM

I finally finished the raw granola. I posted the recipe at [] I had originally found the recipe on

Here's the granola! I think I may have it as a part of dinner tonight with some blackberries mixed in.

Re: Awesome Rawsome
Posted by: jayelle ()
Date: August 07, 2012 04:09PM

So yesterday I survived my first day! I had some really yummy foods and I'm doing it again today! I think my neighbor is contemplating being raw. She's a good friend of mine and everything I made yesterday I brought some over to her to share. She loved it all and couldn't believe that healthy was so good for you.

And I'm very proud of myself. A friend called while on her way to visit and said, "I'm stopping at McDonnalds to pick up a soda. Do you want me to get you anything?" It was so easy to say, "No thank you luv." When she got here I was eating cherries while she had her soda.

Soda is one of the most difficult things for me to give up...or so I thought. I had reached a point where I was buying a 1 liter and drinking it almost every day. Another food I was addicted to. If I didn't have it I would start to crave it until I ran out to the store. That's how bad it was. Yet last night I didn't even feel the urge to have a sip of what my friend brought. So proud of me!

Right now I'm drinking my typical morning smoothie. I like having just fruit for breakfast because they're easy to digest. Everything I've read about digestion and being raw suggests this. My digestion sucks so I'm working on it. Of course I'm not sure I should be having banana (bananas take longer to digest and can cause a bit of a backup when eaten with other fruits), but I think it's ok since it's in a smoothie which makes it easier to digest anyway.

I put 4 dates in it this morning. I'm about to go work out (half hour after drinking the smoothie) and I want to see if the added dates will give me an energy boost like everyone says. I'll let you all know.

Out of all the times I've been raw and all the times I've exercized, oddly I've never done both at the same time. So this is a sort of experiment for me. Today is a weight day so we'll see how that works.

My plan for today is a simple one. Work out, then chirpractor, then chores, then working on my webcomic.

Hope you all have a beatiful day filled with love and health!

*hugs and blessings!*

Re: Awesome Rawsome
Posted by: jayelle ()
Date: August 07, 2012 08:52PM

I'm having an issue. I'm just not eating very much. I'm eating about the same amount as I was, but with raw I always thought you needed to eat more to make sure you have enough calories.

Also, all I seem to want to eat are fruits. I understand that fruitarian is another way to eat...but it's not for me. I'll eat my nuts, sure. But when it comes to veggies I'm just completely turned off.

I'm afraid that if I don't eat enough calories then I'm going to find myself turning into a fast food drive thru. I'm not in danger of that at the moment.

I believe in following my body's reactions and cravings. I wonder if this is my body's way of saying I need to do a juice fast? Not sure. I don't do well with fasts. By the end of the first day I'm so unbelievably hungry that I'll eat anything I can get my hands on.


Re: Awesome Rawsome
Posted by: jayelle ()
Date: August 08, 2012 12:10AM

I was in a really bad mood just a moment ago. Yelling at the kids for things that didn't require me to yell at them for. Just generally feeling really upset and acting very rude. I'm going to try eat a salad for dinner and get some veggies in me.

To cool off I decided to make the fruit salad I've been wanting to make. Good thing too because it looked like the canteloupe was about to go bad (maybe another day or two). At least I have one more staple for now.

Here is a pic. You can find the recipe in the recipe section under Luau Fruit Salad.

It's super yummy. Ofcourse it didn't help my mood that most of the grapes I bought for the salad and a lot of the strawberries had already been eaten. I can't complain too much. My children like fruit, so they eat it whenever I have it. Could be worse. lol

I'm feeling better. One thing I've learned is that if you're in a bad mood then distract yourself so you can change it.

Re: Awesome Rawsome
Posted by: jayelle ()
Date: August 08, 2012 04:02PM

I'm going to try and not post so much. lol I feel like I'm doing it constantly. That said....

I'm feeling great this morning! Today is my 3rd day totally raw! Woohoo!!! Right now I'm drinking a banana/spinach smoothie with 2 dates thrown in. It's sooooo yummy!

My emotions are all over the place. I'm sure my body is already getting rid of toxins which might explain why I was so angry yesterday. I'm not normally a person who gets so angry over something so little. It's also about to be "that time" so that's also partially to blame. lol

I'm feeling more confident about being raw. I had a moment yesterday where I almost bought some chocolate (as I said, it's about to be "that time"winking smiley and then I remembered that I was going to make raw chocolate today. I smiled and thought to myself that I don't need that crap in my body. I was so proud of myself to be able to walk passed the isle with the chocolate and not feel like I needed to get some.

I'm also feeling a bit euphoric this morning. Not sure what that's about but I'll take it. smiling smiley

Well, time to start my day. smiling smiley I hope you all have a wonderful and beautiful day!

*hugs and blessings*

Re: Awesome Rawsome
Posted by: jayelle ()
Date: August 09, 2012 02:15PM

I meant to post last night but didn't get the chance.

My husband's birthday was yesterday. He decided to boy us all ice cream to celebrate. I admit I had some of mine. I wish he didn't buy it. For him and the kids fine. For me, I would rather have made some raw banana ice cream. After my few spoonfuls I switched to eating cherries.

Cherries are my go to food when I'm really wanting something unhealthy. They have so much flavor to them and I find them fun to eat.

I didn't talk to my husband about it but I think I'm going to ask him not to buy me ice cream again without asking first. For the time being I don't want it.

In better news...had veggies yesterday. I made a collard wrap and it's so yummy. I put in it tomato, zucchini, carrots, a small amount of bell pepper, cucumber, broccoli, and an apple. I put it in the food processor until it was all chopped up. I had it in there for longer than I meant to but oh well. Then I put it all on two large collard leaves and topped with sprouts. I could only eat one of the wraps but it was so yummmy! I'm saving the other one for today. Let those flavors mingle a bit more. hehe

Also, since Monday I've lost 5 lbs. Woohoo!

Re: Awesome Rawsome
Posted by: jayelle ()
Date: August 12, 2012 03:43PM

Today is my 6th day raw. I'm feeling pretty good. smiling smiley I haven't been perfect at it, but I'm keeping with it and that's what matters.

Yesterday I worked at a music festival (I'm a face painter) and while it was way smaller than advertised and I didn't make as much money as I thought I would, I still had a pretty good time. I did eat some cooked food though.

I was doing really well and very proud of myself. I brought a small cooler filled with fruit and some of my staples and a veggie wrap. I ate my food that I brought and was proud of myself for not giving into the temptation of going over to one of the food trucks. I didn't want to eat something cooked, even if it was vegan.

Then I found out that the hot dog truck had veggie dogs. I don't know why but I went and got one. It tasted good but after I felt a little bloated. Probably the bread if I had to guess. It was the only cooked thing I ate, as I went right back to what I brought after that. lol

I'm glad I did eat the veggie dog in a way. It helped me to see that I am able to eat something cooked without going back to cooked. This morning I'm back to drinking my usual morning smoothie and will go to the store later to buy some more fruit. I'm just craving a nectarine and we're out. lol

Hope you all are doing well too!

Re: Awesome Rawsome
Posted by: jayelle ()
Date: August 13, 2012 04:03PM

I'm doing really well. Yesterday I went to a BBQ and brought tomato bowls (picture below). They went over really well. I made 16 and only 2 were left at the end of the BBQ. And none of my friends questioned my not eating the burgeres. These are people I don't spend much time with except for the person who was hosting. She knew I was raw, everyone else didn't. I love how the people here in San Diego don't even think twice when someone is a vegan. It's so common and natural.

In other news I'm down to 173 lbs. Just one more lb and I'll be the lightest I've been since I gained the weight. I've gotten down to 173 before but always went back up before going lower.

I'm a little concerned about my calorie intake. I feel like I'm getting enough but my mind is saying it's impossible. I don't want to go back to counting calories. I hate doing that. It turns eating into a complicated computation. I really don't like that.

Re: Awesome Rawsome
Posted by: chat ()
Date: August 13, 2012 04:23PM

I wouldn't be concerned about calories, unless it's a concern that you are getting too much of them (in which case you wouldn't lose weight!smiling smiley) Instead, I'd check the essential nutrients, whether say over a week you are getting enough vitamins, minerals, amino acids and so on. So that there is no deficiency in anything vital. As for calories, it is actually believed that lesser is good, so don't worry about themsmiling smiley

>Banana ice-cream rocks!<

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/13/2012 04:24PM by chat.

Re: Awesome Rawsome
Posted by: jayelle ()
Date: August 21, 2012 06:27PM

I thought I replied to you Chat. Sorry that I didn't.

I'm actually a little worried about calories but mostly worried that I'm not getting enough nutrients. I just am not hungry most of the time. But I know that eventually my body will sort it all out. I'm expecting to experience a lot of detox eventually.

The past few days have been overly hectic. We had to drive from San Diego, CA to Reno, NV and back. Family stuff. It is hard to be raw while on the road and we didn't have enough room in the car for the cooler. So I couldn't bring my own food with me.

I ate cooked at the restaurants we stopped at (thankfully my husband didn't want to stop at McDonnalds). I stayed vegetarian throughout the weekend. Now I'm back to raw. This morning I've already had one of my smoothies that I absolutely LOVE! Had some fruit for lunch and snacks. I'm planning on having veggies for dinner.

Also, I'm finally down to 171 lbs! I feel so good about that! I may not be doing this for weight loss but I do love that part of it. I used to be thin and healthy. I know I can get there again!

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