Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
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Date: July 19, 2014 09:23AM Yesterday I finally opened the coconut oil jar I bought some time earlier this year (I never used coconut oil before). Boy it is amazing and it smells incredibly delicious, just like young fresh coconut (it's made from young fresh coconuts). It is unrefined, unpasteurised, organic, virgin, cold-pressed and raw. It can also be eaten, but I used it externally. It is so mild and very effective. And a little of it goes a very long way. Last night when opening the jar I could just fall asleep into it ![]() My menu: July 18, 2014: - 5 kg watermelon - 2.2 kg watermelon - salad: 1 tomato, 1 garden cucumber, 1/2 red pepper (diced) - 2 bananas Energy: 2378 cals Calorie breakdown: 89.2% carbs / 6.7% proteins / 4.1% lipids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
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Date: July 20, 2014 11:08AM I love the raw vegan diet and lifestyle, full of abundance and not of restriction. Gone are the days when I thought I needed to restrain myself from fruit and I ate only one slice of watermelon per day. Now I feel free and happy and every day is a celebration ![]() My menu: July 19, 2014: - 3.2 kg watermelon - 5 kg watermelon Energy: 2460 cals Calorie breakdown: 89.2% carbs / 6.7% proteins / 4.1% lipids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
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Date: July 23, 2014 01:19PM Yesterday I started a new 10 day treatment, this time in a hospital and for half price (cheaper than in a private wellness center). It’s been great so far, long electric therapy procedures, ultrasound, short waves, plus exercises for flexibility, especially for the hip area, followed by cycling. Obviously, I feel amazing afterwards, the electric therapy is about 1 hour, the exercises are another hour.
Yesterday I had a break from watermelon as I didn’t know when I would be back home from therapy. But I really missed having watermelon, so today I bought a 7 kg one to dig in. Also in the past week I’ve been dealing with Candida in the intimate area. I’ve been having problems with Candida in the past too, and I always took medication, both orally and locally, like those medication eggs and creams. This time it wasn’t so bad, very little discomfort, and I decided to go without medication or gynecologist consult. Instead, I used my organic virgin coconut oil as I read it had anti-fungal properties. Indeed, it did wonders, after only one night of using it, everything was better. I’m not healed yet, but I will used it for another week or so, until I’m back to normal. I’ve been experiencing some early pregnancy signs (other than my period being late), but nothing is sure yet, all these signs can as well be PMS signs as I read (I’ve been reading about this a lot lately, trying to be prepared just in case). Yesterday I had ripe local plums and today I found some great ripe sweet local apricots, finally, as they were mostly half ripe half unripe so far. I also saw tons of ripe spotty very cheap bananas, but I decided to go with seasonal juicy summer fruits instead, as I’m sure I’ll have plenty of bananas in winter. Though I do have some frozen bananas ready for ice-cream, and I will buy some ripe bananas soon, also for ice-cream. My menu: July 20, 2014: - 5 kg watermelon - 3 Pink Lady apples - 2 raw carrots Energy: 1868 cals Calorie breakdown: 90.3% carbs / 5.8% proteins / 3.9% lipids July 21, 2014: - 6 kg watermelon - 500 g local plums - salad: 4 tomatoes, 2 garden cuucmbers, 2 red peppers, dill Energy: 2158 cals Calorie breakdown: 88.4% carbs / 7% proteins / 4.6% lipids July 22, 2014: - 1 kg local plums - summer squash spaghetti in lemon juice, with cauliflower tomato sauce (3 summer squash, spiralized; tomatoes, raw cauliflower, the core of the squash, dill), next to a salad of: regular tomatoes and 1 yellow/orange tomato (which was very sweet and ripe), garden cucumbers, red peppers, raw cauliflower, dill, with butter lettuce on the side (in total: 1 kg tomatoes, 500 g garden cucumbers, 2 red peppers, 200 g raw cauliflower, juice of 1/2 small lemon) Energy: 887.2 cals Calorie breakdown: 82.3% carbs / 10.2% proteins / 7.5% lipids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
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Date: July 26, 2014 10:50AM The work-out at the gym during this treatment is great, pretty intense (first day was just a 30 min warm-up, then it went up to 1 hour or more with different other exercises - but it does feel wonderful). Today and tomorrow I have a break, but I started my day today with the same work-out I do at the gym, and I felt great afterwards.
July 23, 2014: - 4 kg watermelon - summer squash spaghetti in lemon juice, with cauliflower yellow tomato dill sauce (3 summer squash, spiralized; yellow tomatoes, raw cauliflower, the core of the squash, dill), next to a salad of: regular tomatoes, garden cucumbers, red peppers, raw cauliflower, dill, with butter lettuce on the side (in total: 1 kg tomatoes, 500 g garden cucumbers, 2 red peppers, 200 g raw cauliflower, 200 g butter lettuce, juice of 1/2 small lemon) (I couldn’t eat the whole dinner, I just ate like half of the spaghetti and 1/4 of the salad) Energy: 1359 cals Calorie breakdown: 87.2% carbs / 7.9% proteins / 4.9% lipids July 24, 2014: – 10 local apricots - 1.5 kg watermelon – 27 local apricots - the rest of July 23 dinner, plus 4 yellow tomatoes, 3 regular tomatoes, 200 g butter lettuce and 2 garden cucumbers Energy: 1250 cals Calorie breakdown: 82.7% carbs / 10.4% proteins / 6.9% lipids July 25, 2014: – 1 kg local plums - 1.7 kg watermelon – 13 local apricots - summer squash spaghetti in lemon juice, with cauliflower tomato sauce (3 summer squash, spiralized; tomatoes, raw cauliflower, the core of the squash, dill), next to chopped tomatoes, garden cucumbers, red peppers, with butter lettuce on the side (in total: 1 kg tomatoes, 4 garden cucumbers, 2 red peppers, 200 g raw cauliflower, juice of 1 small lemon, fresh dill, 100 g butter lettuce) Energy: 1445 cals Calorie breakdown: 85.3% carbs / 8.6% proteins / 6.1% lipids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
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Date: July 27, 2014 11:56AM July 26, 2014:
- 2.5 kg watermelon - banana ice cream (700 g frozen bananas) - summer squash spaghetti in lemon juice, with cauliflower tomato sauce (4 summer squash, spiralized; tomatoes, raw cauliflower, the core of the squash, dill), next to tomatoes halves, sticks of garden cucumbers and red peppers, with butter lettuce on the side (in total: 1 kg tomatoes, 400 g garden cucumbers, 4 red peppers, 500 g raw cauliflower, 200 g butter lettuce, fresh dill, juice of 3 small lemons) (I only ate 2 boxes with spaghetti out of the 3, and only 3 red peppers) Energy: 1781 cals Calorie breakdown: 86.9% carbs / 8% proteins / 5.2% lipids Today I'm having the day off from exercise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
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Date: July 27, 2014 06:42PM As I said in another thread, I naturally switched from 90/5/5 ratio to more like closer to 80/10/10 as I felt the need for more salads/greens/veggies. Looking on Cronometer, I noticed that the levels of vitamins/minerals/proteins/Omega-3 are so much better. This makes me happy so I'll continue with the 80/10/10 ratio and include plenty of non-sweet fruits/veggies/greens in my diet.
Tomorrow I start a new exercising week. After completing the 10 day treatment, I intend to go on with the daily hour of exercise, as it makes me feel great and the exercises are very efficient, I already feel more flexible and have more resistance, even though the pain in my hip is killing me these days. Mixing exercise with music is even more enjoyable. I now finally really understood the importance of exercise on this lifestyle and I also feel the desire to exercise (which is strange for me, given ther fact that I am such a lazy person). July 27, 2014: - banana ice cream (900 g frozen bananas) - the rest of July 26 dinner with 200 g white cabbage salad (white cabbage, lemon juice), 9 tomatoes and 4 garden cucumbers Energy: 1200 cals Calorie breakdown: 87.7% carbs / 7.3% proteins / 5% lipids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
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Date: July 29, 2014 05:06PM July 28, 2014:
- 3.5 kg watermelon - 200 g white cabbage salad (white cabbage, lemon juice) - new recipe for cauliflower mash (raw cauliflower, zucchini, lemon juice) – it tasted amazing, like steamed cauliflower (it would be lovely with fresh dill, I didn’t have any dill left) - spaghetti (I used 3 local zucchini and 1 local summer squash) with cauliflower tomato sauce, next to tomatoes, sweet red peppers and garden cucumbers In total for this day: 3 zucchini, 1 summer squash, 600 g raw cauliflower, 1 kg tomatoes, 3 sweet red peppers, 2 large garden cucumbers. Energy: 1393 cals Calorie breakdown: 86% carbs / 8.7% proteins / 5.3% lipids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
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Date: July 30, 2014 12:06PM July 29, 2014:
- 3.5 kg watermelon - the rest of July 28 dinner (I added dill to the remaining spaghetti); 300 g white cabbage salad (white cabbage, lemon juice, dill) with cauliflower tomato dill sauce; chopped red sweet peppers, tomatoes and garden cucumbers In total: 12 tomatoes, 9 garden cucumbers, 3 red sweet peppers, 300 g cauliflower – I only ate 1/4 of the cabbage salad and half of the chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers. Energy: 1549 cals Calorie breakdown: 84.6% carbs / 9.6% proteins / 5.9% lipids My work-out has been pretty intense this week, with new excercises, which is just perfect. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
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Date: July 31, 2014 12:14PM July 30, 2014:
- 1 kg peaches (7 large ripe juicy sweet peaches) - 4 kg watermelon - the rest of July 29 cabbage salad with cauliflower tomato dill sauce; summer squash spaghetti with a sauce made of cauliflower, tomatoes, lemon juice, dill, cucumbers, sweet red peppers (the chopped ones from the other day) and 1 green-yellowish bell pepper; salad of red sweet peppers, tomatoes and garden cucumbers; cauliflower mash (cauliflower, lemon juice) with fresh dill In total: 5 tomatoes, 5 garden cucumbers, 3 red sweet peppers, 300 g cauliflower, 2 summer squash. Energy: 2135 cals Calorie breakdown: 85.3% carbs / 9.1% proteins / 5.6% lipids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/31/2014 12:15PM by Ela2013. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
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Date: August 01, 2014 03:00PM July 31, 2014:
- 2.5 kg watermelon - 2 kg watermelon - 200 g cabbage salad with cauliflower tomato dill sauce; summer squash spaghetti with cauliflower tomato dill sauce; in a bowl, 1 red sweet pepper, 3 tomatoes and 3 cucumbers In total: 300 g cauliflower, 2 summer squash, 7 tomatoes, 3 cucumbers, 1 sweet red pepper. Energy: 1675 cals Calorie breakdown: 86.6% carbs / 8.4% proteins / 5% lipids Today I finished a new treatment week - electrotherapy and exercises. Tomorrow I will do the exercises at home, on Sunday I take a break from exercises. On Monday I have my last day of treatment, so starting Tuesday I will do the exercises at home (Saturday included, Sunday off). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
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Date: August 02, 2014 10:30AM August 01, 2014:
- 4 pieces of honeydew melon (local) (just to taste, I don’t like it, my favourite is watermelon) - 2 kg watermelon - 3.5 kg watermelon - 1 cucumber and 100 g cabbage salad with cauliflower tomato dill sauce; summer squash spaghetti (2 summer squash) with red sauce (tomato sweet red pepper dill sauce: 3 tomatoes, 2 sweet red peppers, lemon juice); 150 g simple cabbage salad, no sauce (white cabbage, lemon juice); cauliflower mash (300 g cauliflower, the core of the summer squash, lemon juice) with fresh dill; salad of 6 tomatoes, 1 light yellow bell pepper and 4 cucumbers Energy: 2103 cals Calorie breakdown: 86.8% carbs / 8.2% proteins / 5% lipids Today I started my day with 1 hr of exercises (my usual work-out). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
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Date: August 04, 2014 01:13PM August 02, 2014:
- 5.5 kg watermelon - 1 kg local plums Energy: 2110 cals Calorie breakdown: 89.3% carbs / 6.4% proteins / 4.3% lipids August 03, 2014: - 3 kg watermelon - summer squash spaghetti with red sauce (tomato sweet red pepper squash lemon juice dill sauce); 150 g cabbage salad (white cabbage, lemon juice) with tomatoes and cucumbers; cauliflower tomato lemon juice dill puree. In total: 1 kg tomatoes, 1.5 squash, 5 cucumbers, 500 g cauliflower, 1 sweet red pepper. Energy: 1355 cals Calorie breakdown: 84.5% carbs / 9.6% proteins / 5.9% lipids My candida issue is better, I've been using shea butter in the past weeks and it worked amazingly (also unrefined, organic, raw). Today was the last day of treatment. Starting tomorrow I will go on with my daily work-out at home (Sunday is the day off). The next treatment will be in March 2015. My no-shampoo experiment is working wonderfully, it's been almost 5 months and my hair is doing so great without shampoo (just water everyday). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
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Date: August 05, 2014 10:20AM Today I started my day with my usual hour of exercises, to which I added weight exercises for arms. I like to have my exercises first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, this is the moment when I have a lot of energy and the exercises look appealing to me. Plus it’s not that hot yet in the morning. I don’t even drink a lot of water during exercises, just a few sips. I like to replenish the water lost by perspiration after my work-out by drinking at least 750 ml and then hydrating myself with fresh juicy watermelon.
August 04, 2014: - 3 kg watermelon - summer squash spaghetti with red sauce (tomato sweet red pepper squash lemon juice dill sauce); tomato cucumber salad; cauliflower tomato puree. In total: 1.5 kg tomatoes, 1.5 squash, 6 cucumbers, 500 g cauliflower, 1 sweet red pepper. Energy: 1427 cals Calorie breakdown: 84% carbs / 9.8% proteins / 6.2% lipids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/05/2014 10:30AM by Ela2013. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
Posted by:
Date: August 05, 2014 06:21PM August 05, 2014:
- 3.5 kg watermelon - 27 plums - cauliflower tomato puree with tomatoes, cucumbers, light yellow bell pepper. In total: 700 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 500 g cauliflower, 1 light yellow bell pepper. Energy: 1703 cals Calorie breakdown: 87% carbs / 7.8% proteins / 5.2% lipids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
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Date: August 06, 2014 07:57PM Today my dear friend Laura from church gave me some free fruit in the memory of her mother, who passed away 6 months ago. Laura knows what my daily diet consists of, so she was so wonderful to go to the market today and buy me 1 watermelon (around 5 kg), 1 honeydew melon and 6 bananas. She also knew that I don't have a good financial situation, so she combined all these reasons into this beautiful gift ![]() August 06, 2014: - 3.5 kg watermelon - cauliflower rice with tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, next to a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper. In total: 1.7 kg tomatoes, 5 cucumbers, 500 g cauliflower, 3 bell peppers. Energy: 1555 cals Calorie breakdown: 85.1% carbs / 9.1% proteins / 5.8% lipids The cauliflower rice was amazing, the whole combination was so tasty. And for some reason it tasted like grated cheese - must be all those tomatoes with cheese I ate as a child... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
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Date: August 07, 2014 07:51PM After all the fruit I got from my friend Laura yesterday, today I got a huge watermelon from my husband’s brother. I helped him over the years with lots of translations for free, so knowing my difficult financial situation, maybe he thought to compensate my help by giving me fruit. That’s very thoughtful of him. He has been buying watermelons for me in the past weeks, either buying them himself, or giving money to my husband to buy. So now it's like all this free fruit is coming to me all of a sudden ![]() August 07, 2014: - 4 kg local watermelon (the one from Laura) - 300 g local cantaloupe melon (with orange pulp) (the one from Laura - it is cantaloupe, not honeydew, I never know which one is which) - 19 plums Energy: 1555 cals Calorie breakdown: 89.1% carbs / 6.6% proteins / 4.3% lipids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
Posted by:
Date: August 08, 2014 07:50PM Today I had the most horrible watermelon experience. Yuck. Unfortunately, the latest watermelon bought by my husband was a total mess. He changed the place from which we were buying amazing watermelons, because he wanted to see how these ones were. I told him to never experience like this ever again and always buy from this same place where watermelons are great, the sellers know him already and they give him good watermelons. This one watermelon was mouldy on the tail and on the spot where the flower was, and all rotten inside (yeah, I did dare to open it after all the bad signs). It lacked that yellow spot which means that the watermelon was ripening on the field, so I guess this watermelon was picked too early and stored in a warehouse in improper conditions, not ripening naturally.
My husband bought it on Wednesday and I kept it in my room in a bag until today. In my room I have between 21 and 24 degrees C right now. Do you think that it could have moulded because I stored it for 2 days in my room? I don't know what to think.... So I started the watermelon bought by my husband's brother. This one wasn't that good, but I won't complain about a gift. It has kind of lots of white strings and was not melting in the mouth, it was kind of hard to chew, and in some parts it was kind of over ripe. But had to eat some, since I had no other watermelon (just 3/4 of the cantaloupe I got from Laura). You could call this one the "I will eat it when I am really hungry" watermelon. This is the problem with our watermelons here, they almost all look good on the outside, but not all of them are good inside, so you need to find that one seller that constantly has the best watermelons. Also today I got my period (at first I thought it was that bleeding during pregnancy when the embrion connected to the uterus, especially since I also had serious cramps like never before). But I guess it's just the period, which was supposed to come last month but it didn't (which made me think of a possible pregnancy). This could prove once again that I can't conceive naturally (we no longer use birth control, not in the past many years). It's also a relief in the way that being pregnant and then raising a child in this house (where my alcoholic mother-in-law lives) would not be a good idea at all, but a true nightmare. The period came a little while after finishing my morning exercises. I guess I won't be exercising until my period is over. What do you think? Do you exercise when having your period? I guess I will see how I feel tomorrow morning. Right now it's almost 11 pm and I'm having extremely huge painful cramps, like I can't do anything but just lay in bed. The only thing preventing me from exercising during my period would be this pain. I'm having more and more severe cramps now, I hope I can sleep tonight. The menstruation flow is weird this time, like thin brown strings and only little dark red spots from time to time, but only on the toilet paper, and nothing on the pad. I read about this, there are few explanations, but I won't go into it. These past 2 days I've been eating fruit only and now I have severe veggie cravings. So tomorrow I'll go back to my cauliflower, summer squash, cabbage, tomatoes et co. ![]() August 08, 2014: - 4 kg watermelon - 600 g local cantaloupe melon (with orange pulp) (the one from Laura) - 17 plums Energy: 1634 cals Calorie breakdown: 89% carbs / 6.7% proteins / 4.3% lipids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
Posted by:
Date: August 09, 2014 04:40PM August 09, 2014:
- 2 kg watermelon - 300 gr cantaloupe melon (and I finally finished the 1.4 kg cantaloupe from Laura - 1.2 kg without rind) - cauliflower rice with veggies: 300 gr cauliflower, to which I added 6 tomatoes, 6 cucumbers, 2 red bell peppers, 3 large leaves of white cabbage (everything chopped in the food processor - they turned out great, and faster than hand-chopped) Energy: 969.9 cals Calorie breakdown: 85.3% carbs / 9.2% proteins / 5.5% lipids I have an extremely hostile atmosphere at home right now, huge scandal towards me personally, so no mood for eating today. I'm seriously considering leaving this place and this town and going to my family for a while, and maybe returning to this town again some time in the future, but definitely never to this home. I'm thinking of leaving as early as first thing tomorrow morning, but nothing sure yet ![]() Btw, no exercise today, too much pain, I just stayed in bed (except when preparing this rice). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
Posted by:
Date: September 17, 2014 12:04PM I've been trying to post my menu, but it kept giving me error, so I stopped for a while.
I've been following my usual menus: - grapes - plums - cauliflower tomato puree with cucumbers and bell peppers - zucchini spaghetti with tomato sauce - raw vegan tomato soup with cucumber cubes and bell pepper cubes, and cauliflower rice / simple cauliflower mash on the side I've been enjoying this tomato soup for quite a while now, it's simply amazing: just raw fresh delicious tomatoes, without peel, blended in the food processor; they become a creamy tomato soup; then I add finely chopped cucumbers and finely chopped bell peppers. I've been detoxing a lot in the past weeks and I'm feeling better each day, light yet full of energy. I'm also sleeping so much better, like 12 hrs/night. Yesterday I bought a lot of small delicious tomatoes and now my room smells like yummy tomatoes. I missed posting here and I missed coming here, it's good to be back ![]() Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
Posted by:
Date: September 22, 2014 09:35AM My menu:
September 13, 2014 - September 21, 2014: - grapes - plums - tomato soup with bell pepper cubes and cucumber cubes - cauliflower mash with tomato sauce - zucchini spaghetti with cauliflower tomato zucchini sauce - cucumbers and coloured bell peppers Right now I'm back to craving cauliflower and zucchini spaghetti. And I'm back to having my veggie meal for dinner, as I like it better this way again. Still mild detox going on. The weather is so much colder, especially in the morning and evening, with just a bit of warm sun at noon. Here it gets dark at 7:30 pm now, but this makes it easier to go to sleep earlier. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
Posted by:
Date: September 24, 2014 12:46PM My menu:
September 22, 2014: - 1.5 kg plums - 1.5 kg plums - cauliflower mash with tomato sauce - zucchini spaghetti with tomato zucchini sauce - cucumbers and coloured bell peppers In total I used: 4 zucchini, half a head of cauliflower, 1.5 kg tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, 2 bell peppers. Energy: 1883 cals Calorie breakdown: 86.1% carbs / 7.5% proteins / 6.5% lipids Beside all the others, in particular the level of Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Iron, Zinc, Potassium is super good in this menu, as well as the Omega 3 / Omega 6 ratio. Now my menu schedule is as follows: - breakfast: fruits - lunch: fruits - dinner: veggie meal I like it best this way, the fruits give me so much energy during the day and they digest so quick, and in the evening I have my large veggie meal, when I have nothing else to do and I can relax more. Zucchini is an absolute treasure, especially for the Omega 3 content, and both zucchini and cauliflower are so high in water, like more than 92% water. September 23, 2014: - 1.5 kg grapes - 1.5 kg grapes - tomato soup with zucchini noodles, zucchini cubes, cucumber cubes, bell pepper cubes - cauliflower tomato puree - zucchini spaghetti with tomato zucchini sauce - cucumbers and coloured bell peppers In total I used: 3 zucchini, half a head of cauliflower, 1.7 kg tomatoes, 7 cucumbers, 2 bell peppers. Energy: 2574 cals Calorie breakdown: 90.9% carbs / 5.5% proteins / 3.5% lipids Amazing 65% Omega 3 level coming from those zucchini. Also 257% Potassium, 722% Vitamin K for the bones from zucchini and cauliflower, 1015% Vitamin C and 4918 liters of water only from this food alone. Here the weather got worse, 10 degrees C and a harsh cold wind reminding of winter freeze. Dark clouds and rainy. A bit of sun from time to time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
Posted by:
Date: September 24, 2014 06:40PM "Zucchini is an absolute treasure, especially for the Omega 3 content"
Zucchini has very, very little omega-3's... about 150mg ALA per 1 large zucchini. My advice is that I would seriously encourage you to eat more fat, 10% is ridiculously low and low-fat diets are a disaster for cognitive functioning, especially in the long-term. You likely aren't getting anywhere near the amount of ALA you need so that your body can convert that into EPA/DHA (crucial for the brain). Sprouted chia/flax/walnuts are very high sources of ALA and will allow you to be able to effectively convert ALA into EPA/DHA, assuming you're getting enough B-vitamins, calcium, zinc, and potentially other nutrients. Not trying to be harsh, just trying to help. You might say that you don't digest nuts and seeds well... are they sprouted? If not, that would be why. If you still can't digest them well, then it's likely a sign that your digestion is compromised and your body needs time to adjust. You could take digestive enzymes when you eat them. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
Posted by:
Date: September 25, 2014 11:53AM Thank you, Jtprindl, your advice is very good. I've been thinking lately about adding in some good fats, maybe walnuts, or maybe I should try hemp/chia/flax or even avocado (which I totally don't like). I never had sprouted walnuts, only soaked walnuts and sprouted sunflower seeds. And I loved them and digested them just fine. What I said about zucchini was just my personal enthusiasm when I saw on Chronometer that it does have some Omega 3. Obviously, not as much as healthy fat sources, I never thought zucchini could actually replace those fats. I will definitely think more about including some fats again, I am fully aware I do need those in my diet. I just need to decide when to eat them, probably the best time is with/in my evening veggie meal.
My menu: September 24, 2014: - 100 g grapes - 2.5 kg plums - zucchini spaghetti with tomato zucchini sauce - cauliflower mash with tomato sauce - cucumbers and coloured bell peppers - tomato soup with cucumber cubes and bell pepper cubes In total I used: 2 zucchini, 1 head of cauliflower (600 g), 1.7 kg tomatoes, 10 cucumbers, 3 bell peppers (2 yellow, 1 red). Energy: 1855 cals Calorie breakdown: 85.2% carbs / 8.2% proteins / 6.6% lipids I found again my main source of amazing tomatoes, a very nice old lady with the best tomatoes in the whole veggie market. After a break of 2 weeks, she came back with a new stash of delicious tomatoes. So lots of yummy tomato soups will follow. I found some amazing grapes in another fav supermarket, they are way cheaper and sweeter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2014 11:56AM by Ela2013. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
Posted by:
Date: September 26, 2014 10:19AM My menu:
September 25, 2014: - 500 g plums - 2.5 kg grapes - tomato soup with cucumber cubes and bell pepper cubes - zucchini spaghetti with tomato zucchini sauce - simple cauliflower mash - cucumbers and coloured bell peppers In total I used: 3 zucchini, half a head of cauliflower, 1.5 kg tomatoes, 6 cucumbers, 4 bell peppers (3 yellow, 1 red). Energy: 2517 cals Calorie breakdown: 90% carbs / 6% proteins / 4% lipids I'm in more intense detox now (skin rash, congested / runny / stuffed nose, headaches, lots of sneezing), but it's ok, I have the whole day to rest (except for the daily shopping to the market). In the past month I tried an experiment regarding changing the current environment I'm living in and replacing it with a better happier one. I'm not talking about moving out or something, but about building a new universe from within and turning something bad into a beautiful world. Using the power of positive thinking, of making a choice regarding your reaction to outer events. Like I read/heard so many times, you can change something just by happy thinking and positive reactions. I had my doubts at first, but I took it one day at a time and I finally managed to do it. I must admit it was very hard to have positive thoughts and reactions to very negative and offensive events, but I put the anger away and focused on happy thoughts. I shifted my attention to pleasant happy things like my raw vegan lifestyle and music. Whenever there was tension and anger in the house, I listened to music on my phone (using the headset so that I don't get interrupted) and I must say, with good music everything turns into a party. My own private party. I decided to never be angry or upset again, to always be happy, sing, have fun, find joy in the small things and totally ignore all the bad stuff. I won't be involved in negative things anymore. And it works, it really does. My life changed, I no longer mind whatever is happening outside my bedroom's door, I go outside and relax, do some shopping, listen to music, go to church and just enjoy life. So yes, changing your negative thoughts into positive ones, deciding to have happy reactions instead of angry bitter ones, this is the key to a happy life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
Posted by:
Date: September 27, 2014 11:09AM My menu:
September 26, 2014: - 1.7 kg grapes - zucchini spaghetti with tomato zucchini sauce - simple cauliflower mash - tomato cucumber bell pepper salad with tomato sauce In total I used: 4 zucchini, half a head of cauliflower, 2 kg tomatoes, 7 cucumbers, 3 bell peppers (1 yellow, 2 red). Energy: 1805 cals Calorie breakdown: 88% carbs / 7.2% proteins / 4.9% lipids Very intense detox last night (lots of sneezing / runny / stuffed nose, headache). At some point, my nose was so stuffed that I could hardly breathe, I was feeling very cold, but I couldn't sleep because I couldn't breathe properly. So I just stayed in bed with my back resting on a vertical pillow (which wasn't a sleeping position at all), I played some Solitaire on my phone (for some reason, on the phone it's very hard to win, but on the PC it's rather easy - I just found a website called "World of Solitaire", with like tons of types of this game, all free). Then I listened to music and in the morning I finally slept a bit. In total I slept around 5 hours, 2 past midnight and 3 in the early morning. Today I'm feeling very tired, not much appetite, very sleep-deprived, with headache and runny nose of course... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
Posted by:
Date: September 27, 2014 12:10PM Sadly, my mom recently commented on one of the ethical veganism pics I posted on my Facebook page. She said some unfair, untrue things:
- I should focus on the beautiful things in life, as animal cruelty is not an important issue, not relevant at all, people focus too much on the cruelty. If I need to fight for something, I should start with the problems of the humanity, as there are so many serious problems and sufferings on the Earth which definitely need immediate solving; - We are eating meat not because we are criminals, sadistics or people without feelings. This is how the creation works, the natural laws, we didn't made them up. From the earliest times people ate the animals they hunted or the fish they caught and they completed their diet with roots and fruits found in nature, then grown by them. Some animals eat other animals, it's part of their genetic code and it contributes to the balance of the species. Meat contains essential aminoacids that our body doesn't synthetise and doesn't find in plant foods. It's all about the balance between diet and lifestyle. We should not be dragged in the fight for a false cause, tought by some irresponsible people. We should focus on what is really worth fighting for; - The irresponsible people are the ones who launch all these ideas about animal cruelty and try to make the others feel guilty. The others are just trying to live a normal life, with care, but without being excessively focused on their food. Probably there are obscure economic interests at stake, to cause the excessive consumption of fruits and veggies which are so much sprayed and genetically modified and which are not supposed to be sold as they are devoid of nutrients. Bottom line, I'm a compulsive-obsessive eater of fruits and veggies, the others are just normal people, the vegan activists are out of their minds and animal cruelty is a totally irrelevant issue in today's world... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
Posted by:
Date: September 28, 2014 04:27PM My menu:
September 27, 2014: - 1.9 kg grapes - 1.7 kg grapes - zucchini spaghetti with tomato zucchini sauce - simple cauliflower mash - cucumber bell pepper salad with tomato sauce In total I used: 3 zucchini, half a head of cauliflower, 1 kg tomatoes, 5 cucumbers, 1 yellow bell pepper. Energy: 2768 cals Calorie breakdown: 92.1% carbs / 4.9% proteins / 3% lipids Very intense detox last night again: fever (almost 39 degrees C), headache, runny / stuffed nose, feeling very cold, my ears were stuffed so my hearing was rather low (it still is). I only slept 2-3 hrs this time, it was just impossible to sleep, though I was so tired and weak. I hope I can catch up with my sleep soon, once the detox is finally over. Meanwhile, I'm getting used to being and feeling like a zombie... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
Posted by:
Date: September 30, 2014 11:38AM My menu:
September 28, 2014: - 1.5 kg grapes - 1.4 kg grapes - zucchini spaghetti with tomato zucchini sauce - cauliflower tomato puree - cucumber bell pepper salad with tomato sauce In total I used: 3 zucchini, half a head of cauliflower, 1 kg tomatoes, 10 cucumbers, 4 bell peppers. Energy: 2414 cals Calorie breakdown: 91.4% carbs / 5.3% proteins / 3.3% lipids The detox went on and moved to the next level: sore throat, cough, eliminating lots of mucus. Body temperature was a little high then went back to almost normal. Still having headaches. This time I was properly prepared for another sleepless night, as I didn't want to just stay there in the dark again wishing I would be able to sleep. So I spent the night watching Youtube, especially Ralph Smart's wonderful videos (Infinite Waters - his channel on Youtube), thanks to a good friend, who shared with me an amazing powerful video of him (his most recent one). I thought that since I couldn't sleep I might as well do something useful and educate myself more. So, even if I didn't get any sleep, I finally had a great productive night. I did sleep like 4 hrs from 7 am to 11 am. I still feel like a zombie though. This is the video: [www.youtube.com] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
Posted by:
Date: September 30, 2014 11:39AM My menu:
September 29, 2014: - 1.9 kg grapes - zucchini spaghetti with tomato zucchini sauce - tomato cucumber bell pepper cauliflower stew (everything chopped in little pieces), with tomato sauce (very good and satisfying) In total I used: 2 zucchini, almost a whole head of cauliflower (600 g), 1.5 kg tomatoes, 10 cucumbers, 3 bell peppers. Energy: 1867 cals Calorie breakdown: 89% carbs / 6.7% proteins / 4.2% lipids The stew was so fresh, so good and satisfying, I had 2 large portions. Looks like my appetite is back for the most part. The detox is going great, no more fever, but still lot of mucus, nose rather stuffed / runny, some headaches here and there, still feeling weak and tired. Last night was so much better, I had a great 9 hr sleep from 2 am to 11 am. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: My Raw Vegan Lifestyle
Posted by:
Date: October 01, 2014 11:10AM My menu:
September 30, 2014: - 1 kg grapes - 1 kg grapes - zucchini spaghetti with tomato zucchini sauce - smooth cauliflower tomato puree - cucumber and bell pepper sticks In total I used: 3 zucchini, half a head of cauliflower, 1 kg tomatoes, 5 cucumbers, 3 bell peppers (2 red, 1 yellow). Energy: 1860 cals Calorie breakdown: 89.5% carbs / 6.5% proteins / 4% lipids The detox is almost over, I had another good 9 hr night sleep, from 1:30 am to 10:30 am. Not so many symptoms now, just eliminating more mucus, a little cough, a bit of runny/stuffed nose. Feeling more rested. I can't believe how fast it passed this time, the fastest ever so far. My good friend Christina from church got sick (cough, fever, sore throat, etc.) 2 weeks ago and yesterday she told me she was still sick, though not so severe now. She takes medication and has a standard diet. And I took no medication and I'm feeling almost normal after only 5 days. Yesterday I finally went to the veggie/fruit market again, even though I wasn't fully recovered. But it was very warm outside, very sunny and nice, so I thought it would do me good. And I definitely needed to go shopping because I was almost out of supplies. So I got lots of yummy tomatoes, lots of delicious sweet plums, some cucumbers, bell peppers, cauliflower, zucchini. I didn't want to buy zucchini at first, I thought I should take a break, but then I felt I would be missing my spaghetti in the evening, so I had to buy them after all. So yeah, maybe I'm addicted to spaghetti. Zucchini spaghetti ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.