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Candida question---help!
Posted by: Elakti ()
Date: May 18, 2008 01:58AM

Am re-embarking on my very lengthy journey to raw foods. Have been eating atrociously lately as well as trying to eat real food. But cannot overcome intense cravings for refined stuff, just cannot say no.

As part of my desperation, and I feel it is very good for me now, I am beginning a series of colonics. The hydrotherapist says I am in a good case of candida (many symptoms) and gave me herbal supps to kill it off and one of ingredients is sodium caprylate. I looked it up but couldn't understand the scientific stuff. I am wondering if anyone has had experience with such concoctions?

I also read in 811 that the fat is the culprit by keeping sugar held up in bloodstream, and that if one reduces the fat then candida will die off very quickly in fact. Any experience? Maybe in combination with colonics and wishing to avoid the sodium caprylate (should I?) I could be inspired enough to do what Graham says. I am closer to 911 than 811, heh heh.

I don't know if I can do so fatfree....I am unable to even get rid of the sugar fat starch viscious circle, which is a good indication I am feeding candida. I cannot get any test to find out for 100% sure. I Probably have it. If so, I want to get rid of it.

I'm hoping the colonics and bentonite cleanse will clean out toxins significantly enough to allow me to do what I raw again...(because I am seriously unable to say no to junk food). And this darn quesion of candida reared its ugly head and I don't know what to do.

I will talk to hydrotherapist on Mon about the supp., but would love any input on this board.

sorry for length of this.

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Re: Candida question---help!
Posted by: arugula ()
Date: May 18, 2008 02:16AM

Most women believe they have a yeast infection when they don't.


I would not place too much stock in any miracle cures or interventions.

But, you really should stop eating atrociously for other reasons. If stopping all at once is too daunting then aim for a gradual transition.

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Re: Candida question---help!
Posted by: Bryan ()
Date: May 18, 2008 04:30AM


You might try going low fat with the current cooked foods you eat, and then build up the raw foods after your symptoms disappear. A 10% fat vegan cooked diet ought to allow your body to heal its candida.

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Re: Candida question---help!
Posted by: Context ()
Date: May 18, 2008 06:23AM

dont do the colonics... and save your money. they arent necessary unless your on your death bed. They only force the body into a condition it isnt ready for.

That lining of mucoid plaque on the insides of your bowels is a layer of protection... designed to protect the bowel lining from the onslaught of acids and other foulness generated by the fungus decomposing the cooked foods in anaerobic conditions within the bowels.

When you go to a raw food diet, this layer will no longer be needed and will eventually be flushed from your system. The body is intelligent... some cleanses do help, but this one does not. Your better off to take a week off of work and juice fast... then to spend the money on colonics.

And yes the oils do cause problems with the candida... however this is related to your bowels, liver, and your low alkalinity pool. Your liver is most likely polluted, you can tell by the yellow color in your eyes. See when the bowels are lined with the mucoid plaque, the lymph cannot discharge as it should into the bowels... so all the poisons get taken care of by the liver. But eventually even the liver begins to get overwhelmed... so your blood and lymph get clogged up. Circulation goes down... and the candida which is actually helping you... just have more work.

Keep it simple... eat a couple ounces of nutts a day if you feel the need for something fatty... like a fast food craving. The rest of the time drink raw juice, and eat raw fruits and veggies. The enzymes will help to clean up the blood and lymph. Aswell if you can start on wheat grass juice, it is full of organic minerals that will help you to cleanse the body and increase the alkalinity pool. As you know soap is alkaline, and breaks down oil. The wheat grass will help do the same in your liver, which is probably full of stones right now. So then once your on the diet for atleast a month, your body will get the hint... let go of the stuff in your bowels, and begin rebalancing your body back to where nature intended it.

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Re: Candida question---help!
Posted by: Elakti ()
Date: May 18, 2008 03:21PM

Thanks everyone. Yes, I am fasting now only for 3 days and it has done so much good; will break today as I work tomorrow. Have dug out my juicer; plan to juice to help alkalinize, etc, did drink a few glasses these 3 days. I do need to alkalinize. Wheatgrass....I could try it.

I was stressing a bit over the candidacide and felt resistance. I am not going to take it. I re-read what Graham says about the candida, which is what Bryan also is saying. Reduce the fat, increase real food.

I resonate with what Graham says. Candida is always present and does a service but will overpopulate with too much sugar in blood which results from high fat in blood. He says candida is short lived and if the fat level is reduced the candida population does not have enough to eat any more and dies off to normal population. What a simple sounding solution!

After 3 days fast maybe there are a few less candida, that's a nice thought. Now, to eat well! And the whole question of symptoms of candida...eating that way -all that dead junky stuff--makes me feel so bad with all those symptoms, candida or no candida! I'm not even going to think about the critters anymore!

Thanks for responses, much appreciated.

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