Vow of Service
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Date: March 11, 2009 04:17PM I wanted to post this because even though it's not actually food-related, I know that many of us, when we go raw, find ourselves seeking more spirituality. In the years since I went raw I always found myself unable to wholly identify with either Buddhism, Christianity, or Judaism - none of them quite "fit" the particular spirituality I felt as a raw foodist, so I toggled between the three, accepting what I liked about each and disregarding what I didn't.
Then just recently I remembered that 15 years ago I had learned about an ancient religion during the course of my studies in Iranian language and culture - called Zoroastrianism. I looked it up and it really resonated with me. It is considered the root of the major world religions - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It is simple and pure, a vow of service. Its basic tenet is good deeds, good words, and good thoughts. Here is an excerpt from a catechism from www.avesta.org "(4) My first (duty) on earth is to... distinguish profit from loss, sin from good works, goodness from evil, light from darkness... My third (duty) is to cultivate and till the soil... my fourth to treat all livestock justly... my fifth to spend a third of my days and nights in attending the seminary and consulting the wisdom of holy men, to spend a third of my days and nights in tilling the soil and in making it fruitful, and to spend (the remaining) third of my days and nights in eating, rest, and enjoyment." (9) I must have no doubt but that profit arises from good works, and loss from sin... and that there is only one religious way.... (This) one way (is that) of good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, (the way of) Heaven, of light and of purity, of the Infinite Creator... (There is also) the other way of evil thoughts, evil words, and evil deeds, (the way of) darkness, and of the finiteness, utter misery, death, and wickedness which belong to the accursed Destructive Spirit (Ahriman) who once was not in this creation, and again will not be in the creation of Ohrmazd, and who in the end will be destroyed." xoxo Sunshine Re: Vow of Service
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Date: March 11, 2009 05:03PM Welcome to our tribe, Sunshine! Re: Vow of Service
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Date: March 11, 2009 06:30PM Edmond Bordeaux Szekely who is considered by many to be the modern founder of the Essenes (well..the Essene re-emergence) makes many connections to Zoroastrianism! Re: Vow of Service
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Date: March 11, 2009 07:41PM I too have been struggleing with a somewhat awakening with a spiritualisim since I have become raw. In my younger days I was very christian and something happened that made me feel a need to move away from the standard church ways. Since I have become raw I am feeling challenged with a new awareness of things that are spiritual. I feel a need to question everything.
I am going to check into this Zoroastarianism, from what you have said so far it sounds interesting. I really am against "religion" because of how most are so confineing for people to be able to grow. Thanks for shareing your thoughts sunshine Pam Re: Vow of Service
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Date: March 11, 2009 09:41PM Sure. Great posts. The hope is that people realize that one of the best ways of moving beyond the limitations of self and ego is voluntary service...in whatever form the person can handle. ![]() -David Z. Mason WWW.RawFoodFarm.com Re: Vow of Service
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Date: March 12, 2009 04:35AM Yes...... a thousand times yes!!!!
The boomer generation in USA is particularly self-absorbed. My healthcare, my401k,my house, my car, my,my,etc. And yes I'm one of 'em. Even though I've been a Christian 15yrs, it wasn't until the last couple of yrs that I have started stretching myself to obey the command 'Looking out for other's interests', be willing to do menial work, it is more Blessed to give than receive, etc. This all started to dawn on me when I began fasting from SAD foods the last 3 Januarys. This year is even more intense as I started 95%raw on 1/1/09. While I still eat a cooked dish here & there I am determined to get to 100% because I feel healthier and more Spiritually connected to Jesus than any other time. The other regrettable thing that has happened is that some of us boomers have reared kids that are even more narcisstic & spoiled than we were. I pray this is the generation where it will change. Till Later....... Joe Love is patient, love is kind, it is not self-seeking, love ALWAYS protects,always endures. (1corinthians 13) God IS love!! (1john4) Jesus Christ...... The ONLY way to Heaven. I am the Way, the Truth & the Life..(John 14:6) Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.