Good4u dehydrator
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Date: March 24, 2009 12:57PM Hey Folks...Ive been searching ebay for an excalibur dehydrator and came across the good4u. Ive decided Im gonna get one, but I cant decide if I should get the 6 or 10 tray. Its a 40 dollar difference....and Im not sure Id actually use all ten trays that often....
Does anyone here have any experience with it? And what did you think? Did you often use all the trays? John Re: Good4u dehydrator
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Date: March 24, 2009 03:02PM John,
I have a 4-tray Excalibur that I seldom use, but when I do use it, I use all 4 trays. If you are going through the trouble to make something dehydrated, that is, something that will "keep" for a long while, you may as well make a large batch. It's just me that's raw, so I have never thought, "darn, I wish I'd gotten a 10-tray dehydrator!" I think a 6-tray should be sufficient for one person's needs, and perhaps even excessive depending on what one is preparing and how much dehydrated food one is going to be consuming over the long haul. If there are other raw foodists in your household, or if you are going to use it for drying things besides prepared foods; fruits, tomatoes, herbs, the 10-tray may be more useful. There is scarce information on the Good4You dehydrator, but it seems comparable in layout to an Excalibur. What I'd consider lastly in making this decision if I were you is how much energy I want to waste running a 10-tray dehydrator that isn't filled to capacity, you know? If you can be sure you will always use at least 8 trays, then the larger one makes sense. Good luck. Re: Good4u dehydrator
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Anonymous User
Date: March 24, 2009 06:04PM I have a 6-tray Good47You and I like it very much. I used to have a 5-tray Excalibur (and for various reason I don't anymore) and I liked it as well, but I'm glad I have the Good4You now and I will tell you why: I never liked the crappy door on the Excaliburs. Its kinda cheap and easily falls off and it always annoyed me. Plus the Good4Yous are slimmer than the Excaliburs and therefor an easier fit on the kitchen counter.
The only thing I have to say thats a plus on the Excalibur side is that if you want to warm something up, you can remove all the trays, put in whatever it is you want to warm up inside, put the door on, and voila, you have a raw "oven." You can't do that with the Good4You simply because there is no door (one of the reasons I bought it). All the trays "lock" in together to make a door, so if you remove all the trays, you have no door and no way to keep the heat in. This doesn't bother me at all because if I want to heat something up, I'm gonna put it on the store (I'm an all-or-nothing kinda girl), so I don't miss that function. However if you DO like to warm things up to 100-105 degrees, than the Excalibur might be a better fit. Or at least something to consider. Re: Good4u dehydrator
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Date: March 24, 2009 06:49PM Yeah I heard about the tray/door thing. I contacted the good4u company...theyre coming out with spacers in a couple months to take care of that problem. Im still having a hard time deciding on a 10 tray or 6 tray tho... Re: Good4u dehydrator
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: March 24, 2009 07:30PM I picked up a Good4U from TheRawDiet and it is awesome. I love it.
The Excalibur is the best dehydrator in the world! It is commercial quality and will last forever. A friend of mine has had her Excalibur for 25 years and it still works perfectly good. The Good4U is designed almost exactly the same as the Excalibur. It does a great job and will do everything the Excalibur will do, for about $100 less. Since it is fairly new on the market, we don't know if it will still work perfectly in 25 years from now like the Excalibur, but I think it will. If you want the best, go with Excalibur. If you want to save a little money, Good4U is in a close second place. Both of them are better than all the other brands. You will be happy with either one. Hope this helps! Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.