Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: June 30, 2009 09:20AM I have tried to get other people who are suffering from UC onto this forum. But no one wants to? Why not? I really believe that this can help people with UC. Why is it that people do not like raw foods? ![]() Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: June 30, 2009 10:30AM I can think of a few reasons, as there are certainly more than one;
* Addicted to cooked food. That MSG & other flavorings can be as addictive as cocaine, in my opinion. * Too lazy to try anything new * Prejudice - they have a preconceived opinion and/or unfavorable feeling towards raw food. I see it all the time, in friends & family. I am know as the "health nut" who eats all that crazy food. Funny thing is, I am pretty much the only individual in my circle of family/friends that doesn't take meds of any kind, even over the counter stuff...and I'm looked upon as the crazy one. Go figure... Even kids that I know as young as 6 are on allergy meds/other. I've pretty much given up on trying to "convert" anyone to my way of thinking. For me, it's not worth the hassle & ridicule that I endure when trying to talk to folks about it. I will only comment on it if they ask me or show a genuine interest. Over the years I have learned to weed out who is being serious about changing their eating habits and who is just trying to make a fool out of me "eating that crazy wacky food.." Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: June 30, 2009 10:43AM I think for other UC sufferers it can be scary, when your loosing blood, can barely eat solids.. your scared to do anything.
Think you have to get to the point where you have tried anything and are open minded to trying something new.. When people say " is that all your having"..im like..yeah..and its fantastic..a lot cheaper than keeping myself in steroids!! Worry about you and your healing.. thats the best example you can be for other sufferers! Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: June 30, 2009 12:12PM I agree with all the above replies. First, people are programmed to believe that whatever the Doctors say is "Gospel" and will not venture out to seek other information or try anything different than what the DOCTORS tell them. Secondly, it take effort. It is easier to listen to the doctor, take pills, and feel miserable, than to put forth a little effort to make active changes in the lifestyle or diet. Lastly, just as the poster said above - no matter how miserable and sick people feel, they are addicted to the foods that are gradually killing them. It's no different than watching a patient with COPD or asthma who continues to smoke, even though it is obviously and visibly killing them. The addiction is powerful and the resistance to change and taking personal ACTION is non-existent. Our medical society today has successfully drugged, brain-washed, and stupified the general population into believing lies and killing themselves while the doctors and drug companies profit financially from our demise. It's sick. It is also why the government and FDA is always seeking ways to crush, discourage, and discredit ANY form of "natural, homeopathic, or alternative" forms of medicine, supplements, or lifestyle.... BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY WORK.
Don't get me wrong. I am a nurse and completely believe in the proper and appropriate use of conventional medicine when necessary. But I'm sure you understand my point. Hang in there and PROVE THEM ALL WRONG !!! =) ***************************** "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." —Thomas Jefferson Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Utopian Life
Date: June 30, 2009 12:15PM I think laziness and a general lack of responsibility for one's health. People commonly look for a pill to solve their problems/symptoms, as opposed to finding true health. Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: June 30, 2009 02:20PM I agree with the above, but I would add that for some mentalities, the threat of illness and premature death isn't enough to counteract fear of change, even if it promises health and happiness. I know, it sounds crazy. Never underestimate the human's capacity for insecurity. And don't bang your head against a wall trying to convert people to raw who aren't interested. That's a huge waste of your life force, dear. The ones that are ready to take control and make a major change, they'll come along with you easily. It won't be a struggle. That's how you'll know. Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
EZ rider
Date: June 30, 2009 02:43PM I think its that people resist change. Its hard to give up donuts and other junk food. So they put their attention on taste and forget about their health. Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: June 30, 2009 02:53PM I believe the majority of people are totally influenced by that small patch of cells at the base of their tongues....the taste buds.And arent concerned or have knowledge of the billions of other cells in their bodies.
Vinny Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/30/2009 02:55PM by eaglefly. Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: June 30, 2009 03:19PM I don't think it's because they don't like raw foods.
I think people don't even know they're eating bad. Plus healthy eating isn't something you can push on anyone. Food is a very emotional subject. People get really defensive when it comes to this subject. They don't want to believe they aren't feeding themselves of their family horribly. I wish i could have helped my best friends mom who was dying of cancer. I wish I could have made her green smoothies instead of the garbage that the dang hospital was feeding her. A lot of otter pops, jello and other insanely gross stuff. I felt so helpless. I did try to give her some of my homemade sauerkraut to help with her digestion. Since she was german I thought she'd like that. ![]() Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
EZ rider
Date: June 30, 2009 04:35PM I was surprised when I watched "Farrah's Story" that she didn't change her diet. The people around her encouraged her to eat meat and cooked pies. I don't think they wanted to harm Farrah but that they just didn't understand that what a person eats can effect health. I was sorry to hear the news report of her recent passing. Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: June 30, 2009 04:45PM EZ..my thoughts exactly. ![]() Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
The Fruit Faery
Date: June 30, 2009 05:08PM For many change is too huge a challenge.
Many would rather die than change. There is a lot of power invested in illness. ffx Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: June 30, 2009 07:38PM The real reason is because they don't realize how good the food is. Most processed/cooked produce doesn't taste very good unless it has tons of flavor added to it like chinese food. So they mistakenly think that healthy food equals bad tasting. They also don't realize how easy it is to eat healthy. This is why people need someone guiding their health other than doctors, if they're not going to do it themselves. Simple Raw Recipes & Health Tips Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: June 30, 2009 09:31PM I know the reason most of my friends don't want to try it: they can't imagine being disciplined enough to stop eating all those cooked foods they're used to. It's simply not something they'd even consider. Sharrhan: ![]() [www.facebook.com] Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: June 30, 2009 09:34PM be a great example of good health and someone will come on board ![]() ![]() ...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist ![]() Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: July 01, 2009 06:46AM People react that way to almost anything alternative. Our media has done a really good job of convincing everyone that all of these alternative books are written by nut jobs and snake oil sales men. Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
lisa m
Date: July 01, 2009 12:23PM I know, it's so sad. Yesterday I went to find a new raw foods cafe that had opened up (big excitement cos it would be the only one in this country apart from a few in London) only to find it had closed down already ![]() Everywhere I see Juice Bars opening up only to close a few months down the line. And Juicer Katz, re the meds, I KNOW! I'm exactly the same! I look at all my nieces and nephews, practically fed calpol since birth, and I despair. Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: July 01, 2009 03:05PM I tell you its the taste buds.
The great majority of folks arent going to want to go into a restaurant and want to pay for cold vegetables.No way. They want hot gooey cheesy meaty stuff.Period. I have seen at least two raw eateries vanish in my area here in Pa. Vinny Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/01/2009 03:11PM by eaglefly. Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: July 01, 2009 08:30PM I would just say that people are addicted to food.
And are to lazy to make diet changes. Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: July 02, 2009 12:02AM Unfortunately, I'd say I have to agree with what is
written by others above: people are emotionally resistant to healthy living. Resistant to change; resistant to the unfamiliar; resistant to that which would make them happy/ healthy. And even if you are eating RAW, you probably have many of the same problems (i.e., emotional attachments) as other people who are addicted to unhealthy foods; which are just manifested in other ways. Psychological problems are all traceable to mental health issues and/or deficiencies of self-esteem. Recommended reading: The Fantasy Bond by Roy Firestone The Disowned Self by Nathiel Branden Steve [www.meetup.com] [www.rawgosia.com] Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: July 08, 2009 07:39PM Well I guess this defiantly answers my question. People just don’t like raw foods.
qazwsx12 wrote- Frankly I'd rather have surgery than eat raw foods my whole life. ![]() Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
The Fruit Faery
Date: July 08, 2009 10:12PM Hellokitty Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Well I guess this defiantly answers my question. > People just don’t like raw foods. > > qazwsx12 wrote- Frankly I'd rather have surgery > than eat raw foods my whole life. Whats not to like about fruit, veggies, nuts and seeds? Most people incorporate a little raw food into their diets. I don't think that people dislike raw foods. Just a bit resistant to living on them! ffx Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: July 08, 2009 10:25PM I think most people DO like raw foods. They are just not doing enough of a mental inventory to treat that path.
-David Z. Mason WWW.RawFoodFarm.com Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: July 09, 2009 08:14AM Yeah....I agree with most here. People are WAY too brainwashed to think that the food they eat could POSSIBLY make a difference in their health..and theyre too scared to listen to someone else than their doctors...or rather....educate themselves and take responsibility for their OWN health. They want to say *woe is me*...I have this or that condition or disease....instead of realizing THEY CONTROL THEIR OWN HEALTH AND WELL BEING!!! A friend of mine was recently diagnosed with Hidradenitis.....tho shes been dealing with it for years, and she won't give me the time of day when I talk to her about diet. I've even reccomended simply taking a supplement...some super green foods like vitamineralgreen, and cutting out the diet soda she always drinks...but she wont listen! She wont even argue....she just lets it go in one ear and out the other with no comment. Its interesting tho...because then the other day she sends me a text message asking me what to take to help with nausea and a good source of non-dairy calcium. I guess at least SOME information is leaching out finally.....now that shes told shes dying if her new medication doesnt work. Anyways....I feel really bad for her (and some other friends with chronic conditions) because I KNOW these dietary changes would help....even if only partial changes....its incredibly frustrating, and it makes me furious that we live in a society so dumbed down by the media/drug companies/doctors and conservative idiots who do nothing but parrot each other and ignore the truth!
The best thing we can do is live by example....be that pinnacle of health and Joy....and share our LOVE and PEACE with the world.... Namaste Shekinah Love Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: July 09, 2009 01:17PM I completely overcame my colitis on a raw food diet, and immediately went to colitis forums to tell me the good news...and no one listened.
They lamblasted me for saying that I was cured, assuring me that I might well have a relapse. They told me that a raw food diet was unhealthy, and they needed protein. I countered their arguements, and they still wouldn't listen. I even put up a page on my site: [www.raw-food-health.net] and tried to link them to that. No luck. I think that people, as much as it sadens me, so identify with their disease, and so identify with their status as the victim of a disease, that they refuse the possibility that they could be creating their problem through diet. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2009 01:21PM by RusticBohemian. Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: July 09, 2009 03:54PM Generally I think its a shame....that society largely hasnt yet got the message that we are indeed what we eat,and memories of having to eat your yucky broccoli before getting up from the table give raw foods a bad wrap.
Then theres all the programming of doctors,who studied "health" for 8 yrs or so. Hey,they put in all those yrs in school. So why not trust everything they say. I SURE WISH I COULD SEE A TV COMMERCIAL PROMOTING BROCCOLI OR ANY OTHER REAL FOOD AS A TREATMENT FOR "DISEASES",AND NOT A PILL. Vinny Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2009 03:58PM by eaglefly. Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: July 09, 2009 04:02PM I guess qazwsx12 at healingwell.com will get surgery then. Im going to try this though. ![]() Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: July 09, 2009 10:15PM some people don't try raw foods
because they think that broccoli has claws and will start tearing out their gums teeth and whatnot if they start eating such green creatures others believe that eating an apple will cause herniated discs others believe that pears have voodoo qualities that will cause them to go blind some think that its not cool to eat parsley and romaine because it has been known to cause mental imbalances i've also heard that in certain cultures, they feel that watermelon will cause one to become rabid and start frothing at the mouth like CUJO then what? we, the few, the raw, the terrible are here our time has come to use our gigantic green king kong feet to trample on high rising structures of ignorance and arcane beliefs and reclaim our status as insane animals of the wilderness ![]() and Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: July 10, 2009 12:10AM LOL! la_veronique that was hilarious!!! I second the notion ![]() ![]() Re: Why wont people try raw foods?
Posted by:
Date: July 10, 2009 02:16PM la_veronique,
That was AWESOME! If you start a cult, I'm joining! Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.